How To Help An Alcoholic Person Not To Relapse?

How to help an alcoholic person not to relapse

The process of maintaining abstinence, that is, not consuming drugs, is complicated; For this reason, it is important not to let our guard down and continue working to avoid relapsing into consumption.

During therapy, given the difficulty and lability of the situation, it is essential to begin training and making the patient aware of the possible situations of risk of relapse that may be encountered along the way, so that they can deal with them effectively. For this purpose, there are specific programs to prevent relapse of substance use such as alcohol.

In the same way, it will also be important that the subject’s close environment such as family and friends collaborate, reinforce, support and motivate him to continue with the process and help him create a healthy environment, keeping him away from stimuli, places, situations and people who encourage them to consume and in this way be a support with whom they can communicate, express how they feel without being judged and support them if they need to ask for professional help.

In this article you will find a summary of the main characteristics of alcoholism and some help and techniques. strategies used by health professionals and by people around the addicted person that are used to help prevent relapses in alcohol consumption.

Characteristics of alcoholism

Alcoholism is one of the most common substance use disorders, classified in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic Manual of the Association of American Psychiatrists (DSM 5) as a pathology capable of seriously deteriorating the quality of life of the person. Statistically, it arises differently depending on the sex of the population, with a proportion of 12.2% in men versus 4.9% in women; We see how alcohol consumption disorder occurs more in men than in women, just as it happens with other addictions. There are also differences according to age, with 4.6% in subjects between 12 and 17 years old as opposed to subjects over 18 years old with 8.5%.

So that, The age of onset of the disorder is usually between 20 and 30 years, in the stage of youth and in which it is common to consume alcoholic beverages in leisure contexts.the first alcohol poisoning normally occurring before the age of 20.

Likewise, this condition also influences the possibility of developing another comorbid disorder, doubling the probability of the appearance of another psychiatric disorder, the most typical being bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depressive and anxiety disorders, and anxiety disorder. antisocial personality.

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Alcohol acts as a depressant of the central nervous system, affecting and injuring different brain areas such as the mammillary bodies, which are part of the limbic system and are mainly related to memory or the thalamus, an emotional and sensory integration organ that sends and receives information from the cerebral cortex. Thus, alcohol is the psychoactive substance that has the greatest impact on the personal and social life and health of affected individuals, increasing the risk of suicide and mortality.

For these reasons stated above, it will be essential to carry out effective treatment of the alcohol disorder, as well as to work and prepare the patient for possible situations of risk of relapse.

Ways to help a person not relapse into alcoholism

As with other addictive disorders, relapse into use is likely. For this reason, it will be important to work, prepare and give patients tools so that they can face different risk situations that increase the probability of relapse both during treatment and especially after therapy is completedwhen you no longer receive as much support, since the process of maintaining abstinence is just as complicated as detoxification.

In the same way, the support and work that is given to avoid relapses comes from the therapist, but it is also essential and beneficial that the patient’s environment such as family and friends are informed of the problem and collaborate in the treatment and maintenance of abstinence.

Training in relapse prevention from the professional field

In this way, it will be essential to begin working with the patient during the therapy sessions on possible situations of risk of relapse and possible consumption that may occur. For this reason There is a specific model for relapse prevention created by Marlatt and Gordon; This suggests that there are different variables that influence relapse, whether individual, physiological, situational or sociocultural.

These authors point out that explaining to the patient the difference between fall and relapse is an essential component of this training, since it generates confusion, but they are not the same at all. In the first case, in the fall, only isolated consumption occurs, that is, the patient has started drinking again in a specific and specific situation or moment. On the other hand, relapse does mean reacquiring the habit of consumption.

Similarly, Marlatt and Gordon distinguish three cognitive factors that influence the relapse process, which are: self-efficacy, which is one’s confidence in achieving one’s goals, expectations of consumption results, and attribution of causality.

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Thus, specific programs are proposed for the prevention of relapses, with components such as psychoeducation appearing, where the difference between a fall and a relapse is taught, by announcing that relapses are possible and that it does not represent the end of the rehabilitation process, they are not a failure; take into account and analyze the variables that can cause relapse; work on skills to deal with these risk situations, train to remain firm in not using and work on coping and lifestyle to promote abstinence.

Thus, It is important to talk to the subject about the possibility of relapses so that an action plan can be created to prevent them.. Likewise, you will be presented with all the possible stimuli and risk situations that you may encounter and especially take into account those that are most likely to appear; for example, certain people with whom you normally drank, places such as bars and friends’ houses where consumption was common, or objects and times of day or particular days that you associate with drinking.

Signs that a person suffers from alcoholism

Also different social events can influence, such as celebrating a birthday or going out to a party where finding alcohol is much more likely or the state in which the individual is if they are experiencing a stressful situation. Let’s not forget that alcohol use disorder can present other associated conditions or disorders that can also make maintenance difficult.

Likewise, if the patient is aware of the factors that can lead him to relapse, he can choose to avoid them, that is, allow himself to be exposed to them. For example, it will be better for him not to interact with the group of friends with whom he always used drugs for a while. or if you cannot avoid it, such as a festive season, try to be accompanied and have the support of a friend who does not associate with alcohol and thus reinforces non-consumption.

In the same way, we will recommend that you relate and interact with a healthy environment, that is, try to find new places or interact with people who do not drink alcohol, since the environment where you move will be decisive in maintaining abstinence. It may be beneficial to attend a support or help group where you can interact with other subjects who are in the same situation, reinforcing each other and avoiding stimuli that are harmful to the process. There are also bars where the sale of alcohol is not allowed, helping keep the environment healthy.

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Support from people around you

As we have already explained, obtaining support from the people around you, especially from those closest to the person who has developed the addiction, will be essential, since these helpers will act as support and reinforcement in situations where addiction may occur. difficulties and that remain beyond the clinical context. We can understand these family and friends as the “scaffolding” on which the new lifestyle and set of healthy habits will be established when you have left the therapy sessions or treatment program due to admission to a health center.

In this way, it is important that these people maintain a constant flow of communication with the health professionals who have treated or are treating the person, so that they have the guidelines and advice that adapt to the needs of the addict and at the same time have information from reliable sources.

As assistants to the person who is overcoming alcoholism, they will find in us a confidant with whom they can express what they feel, what difficulties they are having… and without feeling the pressure of prejudices and constant moral evaluations. We will try to motivate her to continue with the process and we will recognize her progress; Every small progress and day without consuming is essential.

Likewise, we will try to be understanding and a good reference. We will take into account that person’s circumstances and We will try not to engage in behavior that could precipitate relapse. such as drinking in front of him, and we will not force him to do things for which he is not prepared, such as attending a party where there will surely be alcohol.

So apart from being a support and an important element of support, since as we said it is essential that the patient’s environment cooperates, we will also be aware of possible changes, channels or signs that could make us think that he is at risk of relapse for We can therefore recommend that you go and ask for help as soon as possible from a professional, to avoid consumption or if a fall has occurred that does not end up relapsing.