How To Help Overcome A Conflict Between Siblings?

How to help overcome a conflict between siblings?

It’s not the end of the world: the brothers have conflicts. It would be strange if they didn’t have them. Fights, arguments and disagreements are a natural part of coexistence between siblings. However, when do these crashes become a problem that requires our intervention?

As parents, It is essential to know how to address these situations and help our children resolve their differences peacefully.. In this article, we will provide you with tools and strategies so you can guide your children through this process.

Why do my children fight?

If it seems like every day there is a new reason for a war at home, due to fights between your children, you will surely wonder how it is possible that the arguments do not end. Next, we will tell you some of the most common causes that generate conflicts between siblings:

Different ages and needs

Each child grows at his own pace. What is fun for one may bore the other. Furthermore, they need different things: attention, toys, independence…

For example, a small child can be very annoying to a teenager, and vice versa. Each one is living a different stage.


When a new little brother or sister arrives, the older one may feel displaced. And it is normal for him to want “his” place back from her.

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So, when one sibling receives attention or something the other wants, it is easy to feel envious of the parents.

Desire to be unique

We all like to feel special. Siblings can compete for attention, show who is better at something, or simply be different.

Furthermore, in some cases, competing with siblings is a way to mark that territory that they would like only for themselves.

Family dynamics

The way family members relate, including siblings, can greatly influence their conflicts.. In this sense, the fact that one sibling feels more loved than the other can influence, especially if there are differences in treatment due to age, special needs or personality.

On the other hand, if parents have problems in their relationship, their children may be affected. If they see their parents fighting a lot, they may copy those patterns with their siblings. In this sense, it is necessary that they resolve their conflicts in the most peaceful way possible, avoiding involving them in these situations.

Importance of resolving conflicts between siblings

Resolving conflicts between siblings goes far beyond simply getting them to stop fighting. It is a great opportunity for them to learn fundamental life-long skills.

When siblings learn to handle their disagreements constructively, they are strengthening their bond. They develop skills such as effective communication, empathy and cooperation, which will be useful in all their relationships. Furthermore, by feeling capable of solving their problems, they increase their self-esteem and self-confidence.

A family environment where siblings get along is calmer and more pleasant for everyone. When conflicts are resolved in a healthy way, a climate of harmony is created that favors the emotional well-being of the entire family. And not only that, Resolving conflicts also involves learning to listen, to put yourself in the other’s shoes, and to look for solutions that satisfy everyone.. In any area of ​​life, these skills are important.

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So teaching siblings to resolve their differences not only benefits their relationship, but prepares them to face the challenges they will encounter in the future. It is an investment in your personal and social development.

Strategies to overcome a conflict between siblings

Fights between siblings are part of family life. The important thing is how we handle these situations. Here we share some strategies:

Stay calm and neutral

When conflicts arise between your children, it is essential that you remain calm and neutral. Avoid taking sides, as this can make them feel more defensive and make it difficult to resolve the problem.

By maintaining an impartial stance, you show that you trust each other and are willing to listen to their points of view. This creates a safer environment for you to express your feelings and find a solution together.

Establish family rules

Involve your children in creating clear rules for coexistence. By involving them in this process, you are teaching them the importance of responsibility and mutual respect.

They can include rules such as not hitting, using kind words, asking permission before using something that does not belong to you, and actively listening to others’ opinions. They will find that the rules are easier to follow when they have helped create them themselves!

Promotes empathy and kindness

Empathy is a powerful tool for resolving conflicts. By teaching your children to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, you will be giving them the necessary tools to understand different perspectives. and find solutions that satisfy everyone.

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Promote empathy through role-playing games, stories, conversations about everyday situations and, of course, with your own example at home.

Teach by example how to resolve conflicts

Children learn more from what we see than from what we hear. Show them how to resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully. When a disagreement arises with your partner or another person, take the opportunity to demonstrate how to express your feelings without blaming, how to actively listen, and how to find solutions together.

Let them solve their problems

For small fights, let your children find a solution on their own. If the situation gets complicated, intervene calmly. Allow everyone to express their point of view, acknowledge their feelings, and help find solutions together.

The most important thing is to create an environment where siblings learn to resolve their differences peacefully and respectfully. This will strengthen your relationship and give you valuable lifelong skills.