How To Identify Narcissistic Abuse? 5 Aftermaths Of This Abuse

How can abuse from a narcissist affect us? How can we know if the behavior of a narcissistic person is affecting us? Discover the consequences of abuse by a narcissist.

Narcissistic abuse

Personality disorders begin in adolescence or young adulthood. They are little recognized due to the difficulty in making the diagnosis, since those who suffer from it do not usually go to therapy. Therefore, some people may suffer from narcissistic abuse because they end up living with these people. But how can we detect it and what are the consequences?

What is psychological abuse from a narcissist like?

He narcissistic personality disorder It occurs between 0-6.2% of the population, more frequently in men than in women. People who suffer from this disorder may ‘abuse’ or ‘mistreat’ others because they have the following traits (usually five or more):

  • Has feelings of grandeur and arrogance (e.g., exaggerates his achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without corresponding successes).
  • He is absorbed in fantasies of success, power, brilliance, beauty or unlimited ideal love.
  • You believe that you are “special” and unique, and that only other special or high-status people (or institutions) can understand you or relate to you.
  • He has an excessive need for admiration.
  • Shows a feeling of entitlement (i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic fulfillment of your expectations).
  • Exploits interpersonal relationships (that is, takes advantage of others for his own purposes).
  • Lacks empathy: not willing to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
  • He often envies others or believes that they are envious of him.
  • Shows arrogant, superior behavior or attitudes.
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We can have a narcissistic father or mother, a brother or sister, or a partner, but also a co-worker or a boss. The impact that having a person with this disorder around can have is different depending on the relationship we have with them, since a narcissistic mother who has raised us is not the same as a co-worker in a company in which we have just joined. arrive as adults.

Aftermath of narcissistic abuse

What are the consequences of narcissistic abuse?

What is going to be common are going to be the symptoms that, as a victim of abuse by a narcissist, we are going to present. We start from the fact that we will suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, due to abuse, and with it the symptoms that characterize this disorder.

  1. Financial abuse (surveillance of your bank accounts, has secret expenses, purchases or investments without consulting you, lies and concealment about your income)
  2. excessive control (access to cell phone, computer, activities, location, friends and acquaintances), going so far as to isolate yourself without him/her asking you to, to avoid arguments or bad faces.
  3. humiliations criticism, insults, belittling, and invalidations, which generate in you a feeling of not being enough.
  4. Cancel your emotions or underestimate them saying that you exaggerate, or are dramatic, unbalanced, making you feel that you are not right.
  5. Emotional blackmail and pressure to achieve your goals so that you always end up giving in and you never do what you want or like, ending up not liking what you used to like and assuming its preferences.

On the other hand, he flatters you or gives you great gifts and surprises, especially in the first phase of the relationship. This double message, negative and positive, sinks you and takes you to the heavens, it is what keeps you confused and addicted to the relationship, coming to think that he is hurting you, but he loves you and the negative things he says to you, is because you good. And the person who abuses also has good days, he is not always in that role. However, that doesn’t mean he stops being an abuser.

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Probably, the people around you have a very different opinion than you about that person, because they find him charming, kind, affectionate, fun, in short, perfect. Which you can come to believe that you are really the one who is not well, or even the one who has a disorder, including the fact that you have a narcissistic disorder. If this is affecting you on a personal level, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist. Don’t let anyone surpass your limits.