How To Improve Self-esteem In Adolescents? A Guide For Parents


Healthy self-esteem in adolescence is not only important… It matters a lot! Well, the way we see ourselves directly impacts our sense of identity, our goals, and our way of facing the world. Discovering how to foster healthy self-esteem in adolescents is an opportunity to connect, support and help them flourish.. Next, we will share some keys to achieve it.

Importance of self-esteem in adolescence

Adolescence is one of the stages of the human being in which a greater number of physical, emotional and social transformations occur. In this transit, the need to find your place in the world becomes urgent. For this reason, self-esteem plays a fundamental role that guides the development and well-being of young people..

Having a healthy self-esteem means having a positive perception of oneself, which becomes, in some way, the basis of identity. Reinforced self-worth empowers young people to face challenges with confidence, protect their principles, and forge healthy bonds.

On the other hand, low self-esteem can become an obstacle that limits your potential. Adolescents with low self-esteem may feel insecure, unable to express their opinions or set limits, therefore, they are more prone to anxiety, depression, and negative influence from their peers..

It is important to remember that self-esteem is not static, but rather fluctuates throughout life. Adolescents experience emotional ups and downs that can affect their perception of themselves. However, having a solid foundation of self-esteem allows them to navigate these challenges with greater resilience.

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Definitely, self-esteem is an essential element for the personal and emotional growth of adolescents. It is the key that allows you to open the doors to a future full of possibilities. Investing in their development is investing in their well-being and in the construction of a fuller and more resilient society.


Factors that affect the self-esteem of young people

Adolescence is marked by the development of identity and self-esteem. During this complex process, it is essential to take into account a variety of internal and external elements that can positively or negatively affect young people’s perception of themselves. Let’s get to know some of them below:

1. Self-concept

The image that the adolescent has of himself, his strengths, weaknesses and values, plays a fundamental role in his self-esteem. A positive self-concept, based on the recognition of your qualities and the acceptance of your imperfections, promotes healthy self-esteem..

2. Thoughts and emotions

The way a teenager thinks and processes their emotions has a significant impact on their self-esteem. Negative thought patterns, such as excessive self-criticism or rumination on negative experiences, can negatively affect your self-perception.

3. Resilience

The ability to face challenges and overcome obstacles is a key factor in developing healthy self-esteem. Resilient adolescents are able to learn from their mistakes and move on, while those with less resilience may be more affected by failures..

4. Family relationships

Support, love and unconditional acceptance from family are fundamental pillars for healthy self-esteem. A harmonious family environment, where open communication and the expression of emotions are encouraged, contributes to the development of a positive self-image.

5. Friendships

The peer group with which the adolescent interacts also has an impact on his or her self-esteem. Positive friendships, based on mutual respect and emotional support, can strengthen self-esteem. On the contrary, toxic or conflictive relationships can damage it.

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6. Social influences

Unrealistic beauty standards and excessive social expectations present in the media and social networks can negatively affect adolescents’ self-esteem, especially when it comes to their physical appearance.


Keys to improve self-esteem in adolescents

As parents, educators or significant adults, we can play a vital role in fostering a positive self-image in young people. Below, we present some keys to accompany adolescents on this path:

1. Avoid comparisons

Comparing him with other teenagers, whether with siblings, friends or classmates, can be very damaging to his self-esteem. Each human being is unique and experiences a personal growth process. Focus on celebrating their achievements and individual progress.

2. Encourage a growth mindset

Dr. Carol Dweck, renowned psychologist, proposes two types of mindsets: fixed and growth. Those with a fixed mindset believe their abilities are set in stone and become discouraged by failure. Instead, those with a growth mindset see obstacles as opportunities to learn and improve. She helps the teen develop this mindset, praising her effort and encouraging her to persevere in the face of challenges.

3. Accompany him to discover his passions

Every teenager has unique talents and abilities. Spend time exploring their interests, encourage them to try different activities, and support them in what they are passionate about.. Discovering your passions and shining in them can greatly strengthen your self-esteem.

4. Promotes their autonomy and responsibility

Give him the opportunity to make age-appropriate decisions, take responsibility, and experience the consequences of his actions. This will allow you to develop your independence, self-confidence and sense of personal responsibility, fundamental pillars for healthy self-esteem.

5. Expand your social circle

Positive relationships with friends and peers are essential for adolescents’ emotional well-being. Encourage him to participate in extracurricular activities, clubs or groups that allow him to meet new people with similar interests. Feeling part of a group that values ​​and supports you can contribute significantly to your self-esteem..

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6. Provide emotional support

It is essential that the young person feels cared for and understood. Take valuable time to talk to him, listen actively, and validate his feelings. Offer emotional support, especially during difficult or confusing times. Your unconditional presence will give him the security he needs to face life’s challenges.

7. Recognize their talents and achievements

Celebrate your achievements, no matter their magnitude. Recognize their efforts, talents and abilities. Praising him specifically and sincerely will help reinforce his positive self-image..

8. Encourage him to do physical activity

Regular physical exercise has a positive impact on the physical and mental health of adolescents. Encourage him to do activities that he likes and that make him feel good about himself. Physical exercise releases endorphins, which improve mood and increase self-esteem.

9. Listen actively

Effective communication is essential to building a solid and trusting relationship with him or her. Take time to talk without interruptions, listen carefully and without judging. Ask him open-ended questions that encourage him to express his thoughts and emotions. Validating his feelings and offering your perspective in a respectful way will help him feel understood and supported..

10. Inspire him to keep a gratitude journal

Being grateful for the good things in life can have a positive impact on self-esteem and emotional well-being. Encourage him to write in a gratitude journal, where he expresses the things he is grateful for, no matter how small. This practice will help you focus on the positive and appreciate the valuable aspects of your life.

Keep in mind that self-confidence is formed gradually throughout life. As a key figure in his life, you can be a great influence in developing a positive perception of himself, which will help him face the challenges of adolescence and build a satisfying and strong future.

I want to help a teenager have self-esteem