How To Improve Your Mental Health? 9 Benefits Of Emotional And Mental Balance

How important is it to take care of our mental health? Do we dedicate enough time to taking care of ourselves emotionally or do we make excuses? Discover all the advantages of taking care of your mental health.

Why should we take care of our mental health?

Normally, most people dedicate part of their time to taking care of themselves physically and if they do not feel well, they go to the doctor to find a solution. However, many people do not go to the psychologist when they feel bad, nor do they take care of their health. mental health as it should.

Examples of this are: accumulating weight in the famous “backpack” with painful experiences that have not been well prepared, or enduring long periods of stress, or being a worried person who cannot stop thinking about things, etc. But what many people don’t know is that take care of mental health or emotional health It is of equal priority to our physical health. Discover the advantages of enjoying good mental health.

Definition of mental health

According to the WHO, the World Health Organization, the mental health It is defined as an integral and essential component of health that allows us to have a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being. Therefore, a person who has good mental health or emotional health is usually someone who knows their abilities, who knows how to cope with the normal stresses of life as well as work productively on a regular basis in order to contribute to society. .

Therefore, work in mental health Your own is an effective way to increase the well-being of both yourself and all the people around you. In this way, dedicating time to your emotional and mental balance is contributing to a better world.

Why is it important to have good mental health?

Have mental health It implies a series of advantages in your daily life. So much so that we can point out the following benefits of achieving mental well-being.

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1. Sharper memory

Having a clearer memory not only means being more efficient and productive in your work, but also being able to perform better in various aspects of your work. personal and emotional life Having a good state of mental health and enjoying a good memory will make you enjoy your work performance and your relationships with others more.

2. Clarity of thought

Being able to have things clear is vitally important to making good decisions. By taking care of your mental hygiene and enjoying a balance in your emotions and mental health You may be able to better visualize what you really want in your life and what you need to do to get there.

Benefits of taking care of your mental health

3. Greater self-esteem

Self-esteem is crucial to having a full and happy life. In these cases, the psychological health It allows us to see what we are capable of without losing sight of our flaws. By having good self-esteem, you can have all the tools at your disposal to achieve what you really want in your life.

4. Better sleep and increased energy

A bad emotional life It can affect our quality of sleep and therefore our energy. Many people feel tired and don’t know the reason behind it. In many cases, this is usually related to mental health. By improving emotional health, people feel more energetic and enjoy better sleep.

5. Greater resilience

Resilience is the ability to endure adversity. When enjoying a good mental health, people often end up developing better resilience and therefore tolerate frustrations and mistakes better. This ability that gives us a good emotional and mental balance is the key to achieving our goals in life.

6. Improves brain connections

To the take care of your mental health You are also increasing your ability to know more and more effectively. Therefore, working on mental health is also a good way to improve your intelligence.

7. Deeper relationships

When a person feels better for your mental health Their relationships improve in every way. The reason for this is that by being good with yourself you see the positive side of interactions and you know how to get the most out of all the conversations. For this reason, having emotional health is one of the keys to achieving better friendships and partners.

8. Self-knowledge

Knowing yourself may seem very easy, but the reality is that most of us do not pay attention to ourselves. When this happens we tend to be empty and dissatisfied with our lives since they do not fulfill what we would really like. For this reason, have mental health can help you find your own purpose in life.

9. More happiness

All these points translate into greater happiness in your daily life. Have a good mental health It implies that your emotional life is balanced and you know who you are and what you really want in life. All of this ends up being the secret formula to have a full and happy life.

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One of the best Health Tips What we can tell you is to take care of your mental health and your interior. Although many of us do not have it as a priority, starting to do it will make your life completely change for the better.

Why should we take care of our mental health?

Why don’t we take care of our mental health?

It is very possible that even though you know all the benefits of enjoy good mental health, even if you have some barriers that make you not take care of her. Mainly, people usually make the following excuses for not taking care of our emotional health.

  • I do not have money for that

This is the excuse par excellence. It is true that the psychologist requires an economic investment, but you are investing in health. The economic issue is a question of priorities and knowing how to choose well what you spend your money on. It is more worth having one good mental health to have a better car or apartment. Furthermore, most psychologists understand that psychotherapy involves a significant outlay of money and that is why the sessions are spaced out so that you do not have to drown.

  • I’m not so bad

You may not be very bad (it depends on what or who you compare yourself to) but help never hurts. If you don’t feel well and are going through a bad time, you don’t have to have it worse or make it longer than it could be if you went to treatment. Take care of your mental health It must be a priority. The reason for this is that the longer you wait, the more damage you will suffer along the way and the more consequences it will leave you.

  • I don’t need anyone, I can do it alone

It’s all very well to feel self-sufficient and want to solve your problems on your own, but sometimes a little push doesn’t hurt. If you see that you are stuck or do not have enough resources, the help of another person is necessary and sometimes friends or family cannot provide it to you because they are involved in the situation or problem or because they cannot be impartial.

  • That’s useless

It has been proven that therapeutic processes improve people’s quality of life. Therefore, they do work. While it is true that you may encounter someone who has had a bad experience or who feels that the therapy has not gone well, these treatments are usually productive and improve symptoms.

How to improve mental health?

There are a series of mental health tips that you can apply in your life to know how to feel good emotionally. According to psychologists, you can follow the following.

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1. Be aware of what you are experiencing and your emotional states

Everyday life makes us go on autopilot. We are more focused on doing things (that is, on valuing life from the rational side) instead of feeling things (that is, doing self-analysis and thinking about how we look when we do things). For take care of your mental health It is important that you get off that autopilot. Take stock of the day, evaluate what went well, what went wrong, the emotions you experienced that day and why you experienced them that way, let yourself feel and change what you think you have to change for the next day. .

2. Value your resources and generate new ones

Surely you have many resources to get ahead in adversity. Remember the resources you have and put them into practice. And if you see that you are missing, work on the aspects that can help you generate new ones. Work on your mental health It is a way to invest in a better future.

Keys to know how to take care of your mental health

3. Work on your backpack and prevent weight from accumulating

Negative experiences accumulate and become indigestible little by little if they are not prepared well and if you do not give yourself permission to feel. The first thing you have to do is work on those experiences with yourself. Allow yourself to remember what you experienced, talk to friends and family and “chew” everything that has happened until it no longer hurts as much. That job is to free weight from the backpack. In that way, at take care of your mental health when new painful situations happen, they will not be a great accumulation.

4. Ask for help when necessary and accept it

We all need help at some point in our lives. Accepting that it is like that is brave. Asking for help implies that you are in an active problem-solving position. Whether it be to family, friends or professionals, sometimes it is essential to be able to move forward without life suffocating you. And the next step is to commit to yourself to change and face those difficulties by accepting the help that is given to you.

5. Live life in a position of constant learning and with a positive mind

The worst thing you can do is think that you are already back because it is as if you were living life through a wall. You can always learn something new and you have to let those learnings enter your life. Therefore, try to soak up whatever comes and learn to live with optimism. That way you will better experience everything that happens and you won’t get so frustrated when there are impediments.

Take care and enjoy a good mental health It will always make you better in all aspects of your life. Remember that it is equally important to take care of your heart on a physical level as well as on a psychological level.