How To Know If You Are In Love: 8 Signs To Discover It

How to know if you are in love

Love is always a torrent of feelings and emotions to which we do not always know how to react. Therefore, knowing if we are beginning to have feelings for someone can be much more complicated than it seems.

In this article we will talk specifically about falling in love in the female sex and we will see some of the main keys to recognizing the signs of this psychological phenomenon. So… how do you know if you are in love? In the next lines we will discuss it in summary.

How to know if you are in love: signs of falling in love

Love produces effects in us that can be grouped into three categories: cognitive signals, physiological and emotional signals, and behavioral signals. All of them are described below, and are typical regardless of whether the person we are attracted to is a man or a woman.

However, keep in mind that None of these signs are enough to confirm that you are in love ; They serve, more than anything, as a guide, and the more they are fulfilled, the greater the possibility that love has actually emerged.

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1. You go into a state of alert every time you see that person

This is the typical sign that appears when we are in the initial stages of falling in love, but as time passes it disappears. This is a sign of falling in love that appears when you know relatively little about the other person

Of course, it is also perfectly possible to fall in love with someone you have known for a long time, which means that in these cases this signal does not appear and that does not mean that there is no love.

Know if I'm in love

2. You create occasions to be together

This is another typical sign, and it occurs in both men and women. Of course, in the case of women there is a stigma linked to gender roles that makes many of them feel uncomfortable when it comes to being more direct than men. That’s why, It is very common for them to create opportunities to indirectly approach to the person in whom they feel interest.

3. You create future plans

Another trick to know if you are in love is to notice if when that person is not there, they also occupy your thoughts. AND The way this is typically reflected is by fantasizing about future plans imagine a reality in which you form a solid and happy couple.

This exercise of imagination usually appears spontaneously, without premeditation, in people who are in love. For example, in dead hours when there is nothing to do, or even while doing a very routine job in which it is not necessary to pay much attention to what is beyond our body and we can direct our attention focus towards the inside of our mind.

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4. You are very worried that he may suffer

Love not only has elements related to hope and positive thoughts about what may happen in the future. There is also concern about what bad things could happen to the other person even if that is not something objectively very harmful to her.

For example, if the nerves before an exam make the person we have noticed feel anxious, the mere fact that this discomfort exists will make us feel bad, something that probably does not happen to the rest of the individuals. .

5. Conversations drag on effortlessly

When there are nerves and you don’t know that person very well, it is normal that it takes effort to start a conversation and the first minutes have passed, but once this step has been taken, the dialogue flows easily.

Yes indeed, This fact is not exclusive to falling in love ; It also happens when we like someone a lot, so it should be considered a necessary but insufficient sign that there is love. The only exception to this is when the other person is not at all interested in interacting with us, or when physical or psychological alterations come into play that affect the ability to communicate with people in general.

6. The idea appears that you can trust that person

This is another sign of love. When a strong emotional bond has been established, we go from trying to hide all our defects (something typical of the phase in which we try to seduce the other because we like them and we do not want to generate rejection) and transparency and honesty begin to be valued more

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7. Using free time to be together is something you see favorably

Even when we really like someone, we most often don’t like the idea of ​​them. always be with that person in our free time

On the other hand, when there is true love involved (or at least, a love as intense as that associated with relationships), the prospect of doing that seems good to us.

Of course, even in the most solid relationships, each member needs their space, so it is normal to want to be alone sometimes.

8. Many experiences remind you of that person

When we fall in love, we unconsciously create multiple thought paths that lead to the mental representation of that person That is, the concepts and ideas that we have inside our heads connect with each other, creating many neural routes that lead us to think about him or her.

That is why people in love have a predisposition to think about a certain someone all the time; Not only because they like to do it and revel in it, but because even without intending it, many day-to-day experiences make that person’s face, their name, etc. emerge in their consciousness. This occurs because the emotional charge associated with what we know and remember about that person is so strong that this type of mental content attracts many others.