How To Know If Your Intuition Is Correct

The correct way to know if your intuition is correct is to check, over a longer or shorter period of time, if what you intuited has manifested itself in reality. To do this, it is not necessary to look for visual and/or rational evidence. Often, it will be enough to wait patiently for life to show us the final result of the intuitions we have.

However, there are small details that indicate that what we are feeling is a good intuition and is not another intrusive thought or anything else. In this PsychologyFor article, we give you seven tips to help you Know if your intuition is correct

Be patient

Although this does not always happen, on certain occasions, when follow the instructions that our intuition whispers to us, this manifests itself as true immediately in our reality. On other occasions, as we mentioned in the introduction, this intuition will not become evident so quickly.

In these cases, we simply must be patient and trust until life shows us the certainty of the intuition felt.

How to know if your intuition is correct - Be patient

It is an inner voice foreign to reasoning

To know if what you are feeling is true intuition and, therefore, correct, you must keep in mind that there are two voices inside you:

  1. The mental or rational voice: overrated in current Western societies by subjecting a large part of your vital functioning to their instructions. However, in most cases it is responsible for getting you entangled in negative and/or obsessive thoughts that get in the way.
  2. The voice of your intuition or voice of your conscience: a simple, clear, direct and practical voice, whose main function is to guide you correctly on your life path.

Although on many occasions, due to lack of experience, it can confuse you, the voice of intuition is alien to the predominant reasoning in human beings today. By following the mental voice we tend to overload ourselves with negative states such as anxiety, obfuscation, anger, depression, etc. On the contrary, if you follow the voice of conscience or intuition, everything happens in a much simpler, more beautiful and calmer way.

Offers simple and unexpected instructions

Unlike the mental voice that usually manifests itself in an obsessive and repetitive way, the voice of intuition manifests itself in a simple way and, normally, unexpected This is how, on many occasions, intuition suddenly tells us something and, if we want everything to continue as well as it was up to that moment, we must attend to and properly execute what it tells us.

Stay tuned

In reality, the voice of intuition is the inner voice of conscience that guides you in every minimal step taken on your path. Therefore, if you remain attentive to it you will be able to see how His presence is alive and manifests every second of our lives guiding every decision chosen, every step taken.

If you want to know more, you can also read the article on whether you can sense a person’s feelings with intuition.

How to know if your intuition is correct - Stay tuned

It manifests itself with peace in the heart

Regardless of the content of your instructions, even when they may be given regarding negative or unpleasant events, will always manifest with the intention of maintaining peace in your heart On the contrary, the mental voice usually disturbs you internally, unsettles you and generates anxiety on many of the occasions in which it manifests itself.

Unite, cheer and strengthen

The voice of intuition belongs to the voice of universal consciousness that manifests within every human being and living being. Its ultimate purpose is to facilitate a path of life in which it maintains and consolidates the union of all living beings. Other of its fundamental characteristics is that Following his instructions will cheer you up and strengthen you to continue on the right path.

Indicates the steps on your life path

In most cases, when you follow your intuition things are starting to make more sense and are more easily resolved. On the contrary, when you distrust these signals or cannot listen to them, your life journey becomes much longer and more tortuous.

Although there is currently an overvaluation of the ratio of the human being, reducing in many cases almost all of our life experience to its cognitive processing, in parallel, we also find a human concern to find an alternative path that gives us back the freedom lost to the anchor ourselves to so many rational conditionings.

In a much more real and intense way than you can imagine, following the indications of your intuition or inner consciousness can make your life and social relationships amazingly easier. In the following article we explain how to develop intuition.

How to know if your intuition is correct - Indicates the steps on your life path

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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