How To Live More Peacefully

How to live more peacefully

Today, there are many people who find themselves in states of physical and mental exhaustion, with anguish and depression, stressed or frustrated or confused and insecure. All of this is a consequence of the social system in which we live, in which superficial needs are created in exchange for subjecting us to dehumanized lives with accelerated rhythms and little time to dedicate ourselves to the really important things. In this context, living in peace is difficult and often contrary to pre-established social demands.

How to live happily and peacefully? Can you live in peace without so many worries? What habits can help you live in peace and relaxed? What characteristics does a calm person have? We will have answers below. In this PsychologyFor article we offer you 10 recommendations on how to live more peacefully which will allow us to recover inner joy, peace and true prosperity.

Listen to our intuition

We find ourselves in a society in which reasoning, consumption and superficial pleasures are overvalued. All of this leads us, in most cases, to have our mind continually activated, to need to consume continuously and to seek to fill our internal restlessness, the result of living this way, with fleeting pleasures.

We live this way because we are deeply disconnected from our interior. Due to this, there are many situations of anguish, stress, anxiety, depression, aggressiveness, contained anger, frustration, etc. It is normal for you to wonder how to calm down, how to relax or how to control your nerves.

The first step to recover inner peace and be able to live peacefully is listen to our inner voice, our intuition. Although it is something foreign to our daily functioning, reconnecting with our inner voice will allow us to self-regulate our rhythms and needs in a much more effective way and, with this, live much calmer and more relaxed.

Be positive and reject negativity

Two parts work inside us:

  • A positive one that encourages us to walk our path calmly, accentuates the good side of the people and situations we experience, encourages us to relate cordially with others and with ourselves, etc.
  • Another negative that, based on fear and protecting ourselves from it, pushes us to negative thoughts, emotions and behaviors that cause harm to ourselves, others or the world.

Being positive means live in joy, goodness, beauty, etc. and all this is possible when, as we indicated in the previous section, we listen to our inner voice, the voice of our heart, which is connected to the entire universe, to all life. From here, one can live calmly, in peace, following their internal dictates that, based on a universal conscience, will lead us at all times to act respectfully with everybody. This is the true way to be calm and at peace and live peacefully in any situation regardless of what is happening outside of us.

There are many benefits of being calm. Living in this way contributes to oneself and, more globally, to the entire society:

  • Calm and thoughtful demeanor
  • Constructive and action-oriented thoughts
  • Positive emotions that feed the spirit
  • cordial relations
  • Sobriety
  • Positive results of our actions

Discern and prioritize

In order to live calmly, positively and connected to our inner voice as the fundamental guide of our path, it is essential to discern which actions, thoughts and emotions feed a state of tranquility or, on the contrary, a state of confusion, decay, anguish and stress.

As we mentioned, we live in a world that excessively promotes values ​​far removed from the authentic and archetypal way of life of the human being, a calm, serene, respectful and peaceful life. In our society, many of the actions we perform daily exhaust us physically and psychologically, resulting in many of the thoughts and emotions we have being negative and, therefore, far from a true state of tranquility and internal peace.

For all this, it becomes essential to learn to discern What actions, external and internal, in our daily lives promote our calm? that we prioritize the most important among these and, finally, that we maintain a constant fight against all those things that push us towards states opposite to our tranquility.

Be flexible

In order to achieve everything we have discussed so far and have a peaceful life, it is necessary for us to be flexible people. Flexibility means adaptation to the natural fluctuations of life. Life is constant movement and rigidity and stagnation keep us from living in contact with the real rhythm of life. If we look at calm people, we will see that they have that capacity for flexibility and adaptation to change. Having flexibility is essential to taking life easy.

It is worth differentiating, however, between flexibility and adaptation to the movements that occur naturally in life and in our internal rhythms from acceptance and submission to changes imposed externally but that go against our physical, mental and spiritual health. To do this, it will be very important to work on discernment that will allow us to recognize at every moment what situation we are in.

Have a healthy diet

Our body is a system sensitive to its internal functioning and these are highly conditioned by the type of diet we have. A healthy diet based on the consumption of antioxidant foods will provide us with the necessary nutrients for our body to regulate itself effectively. Thus, our physical, psychological and emotional health You will remain in a balanced state of calm and tranquility.

Foods that are not very nutritious, acidic, toxic, etc. They will disturb our inner balance and our body will begin to show symptoms of unhealthiness through physical illnesses, psychological syndromes and general malaise. It is important to practice self-care and take care of our health to be able to have a peaceful life and live in peace and well-being.

Practice regular and moderate exercise

Like diet, another aspect that contributes decisively to our bio-psycho-emotional health and, therefore, to our mental peace of mind is exercise. The practice of a gentle or moderate activity on a continuous and regular basis together with the practice of deep and conscious breathing will strengthen our body by providing us with, among other hormones, endorphins (hormone of happiness), which will keep us in states of joy, calm and sobriety.

Regular and moderate physical exercise is beneficial to remove nerves, stay calm and relax for sleep.

Reconnect with nature

Our origin is totally linked to nature. Again, it is worth mentioning that technological and social advances, although they have brought us great advances, knowledge and comforts, it is also true that they have distanced us from our biological origin and connection with nature In its whole. This is how, currently, some people act with behaviors that are not very respectful of nature: we throw garbage in natural areas, we set forests on fire due to mental imbalances or for profit, we mistreat animals or hunt them as a leisure activity, etc. Reconnecting with nature is another of the fundamental aspects that will restore peace to our spirit, allowing us to live peacefully and happily.

In this article you will find a list of ecological and economic activities to do in nature.

Deliver our potential to the world

Most of us spend our lives working endless days in jobs that empty us in exchange for an amount of money that allows us to “pay” for external things that compensate for our inner emptiness and offer us apparent calm and well-being. However, we could live in a much fuller, calmer and more relaxed way if we gave ourselves the opportunity to investigate our inner potential and capabilities and, from there, plan our life projects. Delivering as a service to the world everything we carry inside with an open heart is one of the best ways to feel satisfied and have a full life calm and calm.

Simplify life

To live more peacefully and with fewer worries, it is useful to adopt a simpler lifestyle and simplified. Lead a minimalist and conscious lifestyle, away from consumerism and automation.

Our discomfort (dissatisfaction, overwhelm, fatigue, nerves, chronic stress…) is often caused by the intention to pursue ideals that represent success. It is worth rethinking the meaning of life, clarifying our objectives and our values ​​to determine our path. If you want to live a calmer life, start stopping wasting your time and energy on superfluous things. Do you really need that much?

Live in the present

Finally, to live calmly, calm your nerves and be more relaxed, it is necessary to live in the here and now. Become aware of our thoughts and train our attention Focusing on what is truly important will allow us to live connected to the present, leading a more conscious, calm, true and happy life.

To achieve this, we suggest practicing mindfulness through simple exercises that you can incorporate into your daily life.

The continued and patient practice of these techniques and habits, together with the abandonment of toxic behaviors and thoughts, will allow us to adopt a method of life that is respectful of our internal rhythms, the needs of others and nature. It is not an easy job but, therefore, we invite you to persist despite the doubts, obstacles and difficulties since only in this way can we recover our inner tranquility, live in peace and in a cordial manner with others.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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