How To Make Friends? 10 Psychological Keys To Finding Friendship

Do you feel alone? Do you think friends don’t exist? Making friends is one of the keys to finding happiness in our lives. Discover the keys to know how to get friends.

Keys to making new friends

Make friends It is very important but frequently this type of relationship is not valued as it deserves. It is one of the first things that many people put aside when they start a relationship or when they are going through a bad time emotionally.

Other people do not make an effort to nurture the relationship simply because they think it will remain alone and they are burdened with disappointment when they could be enjoying that friendship. That is why it is very important to know how to make friends and learn to value these types of links.

Why make new friends?

Friendship is that relationship that one chooses, it is not imposed from the ground like the family, and that has its virtues and its defects. Although the family bond has the added bonus of unconditionality, the relationship with those people who have the same blood as you is not always good, and you have to put up with some toxic attitudes because it is family.

To the make friends The same thing does not happen, you choose who is by your side and who is not, and friends also choose whether they want to be with you or not, so you have to make an effort to give and receive so that the relationship is maintained.

Although sometimes we don’t give it much importance, meeting friends or making new friends can even act as an antidepressant or a stress reliever. It is very important to keep this pillar of life healthy and dedicate time to our intimate friends Having true friends by our side is one of the keys to having a life full of more than memorable moments.

Benefits of making friends

Making friends or knowing how to make friends is one of the secrets that go hand in hand to achieving a long and happy life. For this reason, when someone expresses that ‘I don’t have real friends’, it is necessary to work on it and start looking for new links for our lives. The reason for this is all the benefits that interacting with others brings us. According to psychologists, looking for friends helps us in the following.

  • Less loneliness and social isolation: Both loneliness and social isolation due to Do not have any friends It can affect our physical and mental well-being. For this reason, making friends allows us to put aside our inner world for a few moments and surround ourselves with other influences that can help us in many ways to evolve towards our best version. Good friendships will be what will help you combat that feeling of loneliness.
  • Stress reduction: Currently our standard of living is full of a large dose of stress that conditions us in many ways. Making new friends or having more friends can reduce our stress. Besides stay with friends It will be an ideal way to relax and put aside the worries that constantly invade our minds.
  • Emotional Support: Meet friends It will make us increase our sources of emotional support. In many ways, without friends we are helpless when we have to face certain problems. For this reason, you should make an effort to preserve both the old and new friendships in your life. The support you give each other will be the key to facing the adversities of life.
  • Personal development: To the Do not have any friends It is more difficult to motivate ourselves to try to achieve what we want in our lives. So much so that by making new friends this can be one of the reasons why you will start again those dreams that you have put aside. Through good friendships, people are filled with energy to achieve what we want so much.
  • Sense of belonging: At some point in our lives, we all seek to feel part of something bigger. Furthermore, to find meaning and value in our lives we need to give something to others. For this reason, it is essential make friends or keep close friends since they give you the courage to make a much better environment for everyone.
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Why don't we have friends?

Why do I have a hard time making new friends?

When a person can’t make friends or doesn’t know what to do to get real friends, there may be a psychological problem behind it. In these cases, it is essential to consult with a professional psychologist to address it. Mainly when someone is friendless It may be because of the following.

  • Lack of selfesteem: When that pillar fails, and we consider that we are friendless, self-esteem drops very intensely. One can have colleagues and not stay at home, but the most common thing is get depressed and stop doing activities. We must not lose sight of the fact that we are social beings. We need to relate, we are mammals and like good mammals we live in a herd. Everyone requires contact with others, talking, letting off steam, telling each other confidences, laughing with someone, etc. When we don’t and don’t even have the intention of making new friends, we feel empty and incomplete.
  • Emotional dependence: Sometimes there are people who replace the friendship with love, but then they become dependent on the relationship, since if it fails, they will be left alone. That is a very risky bet, since the feeling of loneliness is something that can sink us.
  • Introversion: Get new friendships It can sometimes be difficult for those who have an introverted personality. People who are introverts should try to open up a little more and get out of their comfort zone to avoid isolation. Even so, today there are certain pages to make friends or websites to make friends with which it is more accessible to try to establish this link with people.
  • Social anxiety: Sometimes people don’t know how to make new friends because they have certain psychological limitations. One of them is suffering from social anxiety. This fear of what others will say or of being judged by others can be one of the reasons why someone may feel be left without friends
  • Asperger syndrome: For people who suffer from this syndrome, Make friends It’s almost a real challenge. The reason for this is that they have many difficulties in understanding others through their empathy.
  • Lack of time: Another consequence of our pace of life is precisely the lack of time due to having to perform too many tasks. This is one of the most persistent reasons today why people do not they manage to make friends or keep them
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How to make new friends?

How to make new friends?

The most difficult thing is not to make friends, but to keep them. However, some things must be taken into account to get friends and maintain them over time:

  1. Be yourself: One of the most effective ways to look for friends It is being a completely transparent person. There are people who try to please everyone and that cannot be. That makes people distance themselves because they are not “clear water“. Be yourself and whoever has to be your friend will be.
  2. Spend time on them: Friendship is not made alone. If you don’t meet people, friendships won’t be forged. It is necessary, at least at the beginning, to dedicate time to gain trust, for the conversations to intensify and make them more intimate to generate a bond.
  3. Intimate with them: If you always talk about trivial conversations, friendship will not be forged. You have to try to go deeper, talk about yourself and don’t be afraid. Trusting friends is vital for friendship to be forged. Otherwise they will be simple colleagues.
  4. Help and let yourself be helped: It is essential to be there in the good times but also in the bad in the same way that when you need help you ask for it and accept it. If you only help but do not let yourself be helped, you will not feel that the relationship is on the same level.
  5. Work on your empathy: Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and listen. Conversations have to be balanced. If you are a person who talks a lot and the other person cannot express themselves, they will end up hating meeting up. If, on the other hand, you are short on words, perhaps he or she will get bored. Open yourself and balance the scales. Empathy is one of the keys to knowing how to have true and reliable friends
  6. Learn to argue: Discussions and constructive criticism forge a good friendship If you disagree, talk about it. If you have argued, then try to fix it. That will keep the relationship going. Sometimes relationships are lost because of not talking about problems or because of misunderstandings that could be resolved in an intense talk.
  7. Improve your social skills: Maybe what is preventing you make friends new is precisely your limitations before others. To do this, it will be essential to try to improve the way you relate to people and change the habits that are distancing you from others. Searching for new friends and trying to get out of your comfort zone will help you improve in various aspects. The key is to try to dare to face your fears.
  8. Find people with similar interests: Signing up for an activity that you have always wanted to do, such as a sport or an artistic workshop, is another of the essential steps you have to take to achieve new friends These types of places are where you will find people who are more like you because the vast majority will share your love for that specific hobby.
  9. Overcome the fear of rejection: Another of the most persistent brakes that people encounter making new friends It is precisely the fear they have of rejection. To be able to overcome it, you just have to think that the great geniuses in history reached the top by failing many times. It is for this reason that you should not fear failure, but rather learn from it.
  10. Challenge your negative thoughts: On many occasions, people who do not know how to make new friends or that they have few friends is because their mind is largely dominated by a pattern of negative thoughts. In this way, making friends is a challenge since they will constantly think that others are having negative attitudes towards them. Furthermore, people are not interested in those who go with negativity ahead of them.
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How to make friends?

How to make friends from scratch?

Sometimes is difficult to make new friends in a new city or simply without knowing a group of good friends who can help you meet more people. Therefore, if this is your case and you want to find groups to make friends in a new environment, you can try the following:

  • Find friends through your hobbies: If you want to change friends or just want to know how to make friends from scratch In a new environment, one of the methods to establish a bond with a person is to start going to classes for a hobby that you have always wanted to do. Whether it’s dancing, playing a sport or music classes, hobbies are the perfect excuse to meet new friends.
  • Use pages to meet new people: There are pages on the Internet that allow you meet new people to make new friends. For example, meetup is an app that allows you to get in touch with groups of people with the same interests. Friender is also an app that will help you find people with hobbies or thoughts similar to yours.
  • Use social networks to make friends: Social media is not only about showing ourselves to others, but it can also be used as a tool to make friends
  • Take the first step: If you are new to a place and want to make friends, it is important to take the first step.

Enjoying friendship and leaning on it when necessary is the basis for enjoying a full life. Don’t miss any opportunity to find new friends that help you be happier.