How To Make Up With Someone After Arguing: 7 Useful Tips

How to reconcile with someone after arguing

No relationship, friendship or work relationship is free from arguments It is inevitable that there are differences between two people, even if they are very in love or emotionally linked to each other. However, in natural conditions, after the storm comes calm.

In this article we are going to see how make up after arguing with someone close to your environment, so that there is no risk of the friendship or relationship ending on bad terms due to anger and frustration. However, it should be kept in mind that it is always best to try to prevent anger from spoiling the dynamics of communication.

7 ways to reconcile after an argument

In the following lines we are going to review a list of practical tips to know how to reconcile after arguing with someone, without the personal or professional relationship being deteriorated indefinitely In all of them the philosophy of facing conflict from a constructive attitude is expressed.

1. Objectively evaluate the relationship

Making a conscious evaluation of your friendship, work or relationship will allow you to reach the important conclusion of whether it is really worth investing your resources in seeking a possible reconciliation. Sometimes it is better to let ourselves stay away from certain people in our lives and letting time pass is the best in pragmatic terms.

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It will not always be necessary to seek reconciliation with all the people with whom we have discussions; For this reason, it is advisable to reflect on the causes that have led to the emergence of this conflict and whether maintaining the other person’s friendship is truly enriching or, on the contrary, only generates constant stress.

2. Visualize reconciliation

After you have come to the conclusion that it is worth reconciling with the other person, you can turn to visualization. This technique will help you prepare the ideal scenario in your mind; when you are able to imagine the reconciliation process successfully, you are training to put into practice everything you imagine

Visualization is a very effective way to prepare ourselves to face delicate situations, reconciliation being one of them (as misunderstandings or incorrect use of words can cause hostility to resurface).

It is a good idea to review in your mind how you should begin this reconciliation process; after doing it It will be easier to talk to the other person to try to resolve differences

3. Manage your expectations well

The next point refers to making good management of the possible scenarios that may develop, referring to the process of reconciliation with the other person. There is no way to control what the other feels, or the way the other sees the facts.

The ideal would be to take into account that We can only control our thoughts and actions, not what the other person does or interprets, and we must be ready to accept any response the other person may offer us. Having too high expectations will only serve to bring us closer to frustration.

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4. Master the ego

Many times it happens that people stay away more out of pride than anything else It could happen that our ego becomes a barrier when trying to seek reconciliation with the other person; We must be able to recognize this circumstance and control it.

If we are able to put aside our pride for a few moments and manage to approach the other person in a more empathetic way, perhaps we can come to a much deeper understanding of the causes that led her to take certain attitudes and it will be easier to reconcile.

5. Express your desire openly

It is important that you let them know in a transparent and open way. Avoid incensing and tedious detours which only make the environment more uncomfortable.

When you get the opportunity to have a conversation with the other person, you should show calmness, and after greeting, make it very clear what your intentions are With this you will ensure that the other person is also on the same page as you.

6. Prevent emotionality from playing against you

At the time of having the conversation with the other person, they could come to your mind thoughts of anger or past grudges It is necessary that we be able to control this situation so that it does not affect our reconciliation process.

Once we are talking to the other person, there will be no turning back, and It is not worth complicating the situation because of past feelings Try to focus on the here and now, leave the past behind.

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7. Practice active listening

Knowing how to listen is essential to know how to reconcile with someone. It is not enough to simply express our point of view and our feelings if we are not able to actively listen to what the other person has to tell us about it.

Avoid being the only one who speaks at that moment Make sure that the other person also has the opportunity to express their thoughts and do not interrupt them while they are expressing their feelings. We must be able to listen assertively to each other’s words so that new misunderstandings are not generated.