How To Manage Anxiety Before A Trip?

How to manage anxiety before a trip?

Globalization has caused the habit of traveling to become not only more common, but also more accessible. Thus, travel has gone from being the privilege of a few to being the habitual practice of many people. Traveling is a stimulating experience that provides pleasant and unforgettable memories. But is it like that for everyone?

Although it may seem difficult to understand for people who enjoy traveling, The travel experience can be a real anxiety crisis for some. Getting on a plane (to which the phobia of flying can be added), entering unknown roads with the possibility of getting lost, facing tourist overcrowding… all of this can generate anxious symptoms that, instead of providing positive excitement, bring about the emergence of quite the opposite. The trip becomes, for these people, something complicated and unappealing.

How to manage anxiety before a trip?

The appearance of anxiety before embarking on a trip is much more common than you think. Furthermore, it is not something that affects “newbies”, but rather It can also occur among more experienced travelers. What lies behind anxious symptoms can vary significantly; As we have commented in the introduction, they may well be triggered by overcrowding, by the stress of traveling in unfamiliar places, or by a fairly common addition, the fear of flying (among many other factors).

Below, we tell you the reasons why traveling can become an anxious experience. In addition, we give you several tips that will be very useful when managing travel anxiety. If this is your case or that of someone close to you, keep reading.

What causes travel to cause anxiety?

As with any anxious reaction, the really important thing when it comes to understanding its cause is to analyze what is underlying it all. And it is that Traveling, beyond the positive stimulation it may provide, also entails separation from everyday life that can often be highly anxiety-inducing.

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Of course, each person is unique and the causes can differ widely; Therefore, it is important that you are aware of which ones influence your anxiety. If you need the help of a professional to discover it, do not hesitate to go. Even so, there are factors that have a generic nature and which we summarize below.

1. Venture beyond the comfort zone

This is undoubtedly one of the most present factors: venturing beyond the comfort zone, that is, our daily lives, the context where we feel safe. The human being in general is a routine being, who gains well-being and tranquility when he feels that he is in control of everything that happens (although this may be an unreal sensation, of course). Thus, venturing out of our daily lives and moving away from everyday habits can generate anxiety in many people.

2. Abandon our routine

Closely linked to the above, abandoning our daily lives (which is what gives us security) can be something really anxiety-provoking for many people. Separating yourself from “familiar” activities that are part of our vital structure can cause a significant emotional imbalance that can generate anxiety and stress.

3. The fear of what we don’t know

It is also something inherent to being human. In general, we feel a certain fear or respect when we encounter things or situations that we do not know. It is a human sensation related to adaptation and survival, which drives us to be cautious and vigilant. However, when this feeling is very powerful, it blocks us and can cause anxiety.

The “unknown” on a trip can take many forms: physical safety in places where we do not know the political and social situation, the language, what type of food we will eat and if it will suit us, etc.

4. The phobia of flying

This type of phobia only worsens the anxiety that many people may feel when facing a trip. In fact, Most of the anxious symptoms may come from it, if the person suffers from this fear.

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The phobia of flying usually appears well before taking the plane, as well as during the flight, especially if there is turbulence or any additional problem. This is a significant phobia that can make air travel truly stressful.

How to manage anxiety before a trip?

We have already seen how a trip can affect our emotional state, and not only from a positive perspective. But how to manage this anxiety? Below you will find some tips that will help you reduce anxiety about traveling. AND Remember that not all people are the same and that perhaps the best solution is to go to a professional so that I can design a treatment adapted to your needs.

Plan your trip calmly Uncertainty is one of the causes that can trigger anxiety when traveling, so it is recommended that you plan your trip in time and calmly. In this way, you will reduce the feeling of moving away from your comfort zone and, therefore, restlessness will be reduced.

Do your research about the country you are traveling to, take a look at accommodations and transportation. It can also help you to make an itinerary for each day and write down how you are going to get to each destination. The objective is to obtain as much information as possible, so that when you have to undertake the trip, you do so as safely as possible.

1. Establish routines

Disconnection from everyday life is the main cause of anxiety when traveling. This is why careful planning, as well as establishing daily routines during the trip, can help you.

It is very useful to set up a “travel calendar”, where you can outline what you intend to do or visit at each moment of the day. You can use resources such as geographic applications to locate yourself and know how much time you will spend traveling from one place to another. If you travel with careful planning, your sense of control will increase and there will be less room for uncertainty.

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2. Practice relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques and mindfulness are very useful when it comes to combating anxiety, especially during anxious “peaks” such as the prospect of a trip.

Meditation and diaphragmatic breathing are very common, and are intended to allow you a moment of calm and acceptance of anxiety. On the other hand, but closely related to this, mindfulness allows you to connect with the present through attention to your sensations and thoughts, but without passing judgment on them. On the Internet you can find applications in this sense that can be very useful to connect with the present moment during the trip.

3. Seek support

Without a doubt, the support of those around us is crucial for emotional well-being. Look for people with whom you can communicate openly about what you feel and who, above all, do not judge you. All of this will reinforce your self-esteem and your security and will be an incalculable help in facing your anxiety.

If you are going on the trip alone, you can still explain your anxiety to your support group. If, on the other hand, you travel with more people, it is important that you let them know what situations generate stress for you so that they are aware of when you need more support. With fluid and sincere communication, the trip will be much more pleasant for everyone.

Remember that you can do it. The fact that, despite fear and anxiety, you have made the decision to travel already shows a lot about your ability to cope with the situation. Anxiety is common and you are no less valid for experiencing it. Little by little, you will be able to manage it properly and you will be able to fully enjoy the experience of traveling.