How To Manage Fame In This Time

Fame is always ephemeral, it lasts as long as it has to last. How to manage it in the age of technology is important.

How to manage fame in this time

What, in itself, is fame? A recognition for something that has been done in life. But how to manage it efficiently for our daily lives is the most important part of knowing how to live as a well-known character.

From the moment any of us goes from the anonymity of the masses to being known and recognized by others, who were never previously present in our daily lives, this radical change has an instant impact and influence on us. That feeling of going from “Mr. Nobody” to “Mr. Something” is difficult to see if you do not have solid foundations regarding personality. Amaia herself, winner of OperaciĆ³n Triunfo 2017, has just said that she needed to consult a psychologist to deal with the brutal change that her time in the TVE contest entailed.

We can fall into the trap of rewarding the character we create of ourselves and, at that very moment, forget who we were and how we became that person who, now, receives so many signs of admiration.

I put you in a situation: it is not the same to climb a staircase slowly, step by step, feeling the fatigue that each step produces, as it is to climb the elevator without having known the suffering of each step.

You can be famous for multiple reasons, each of them recognized and accepted, I want to make it clear, but they will have real value.

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How you managed it is the key: how you will be remembered after a lifetime, what sacrifices you had to go through to grow and reach that position and, most importantly, how you did it.

The struggle that Martin Luther King had to live to be remembered for his mark on the history of his time and the passage of time is not the same as that experienced by, with all respects, any television contestant today. .

Fame will give the famous person power over their followers, but what kind of power can be “healthy”? His opinions will be followed by social networks, by his fans, etc., what should the famous person do with that power?

Manage who she is, know the sacrifices made to achieve success, the experiences of her life that can even help others: everything she is, always starting from who she or he is in essence. The public persona should never be more relevant than the real person.

In fact, we should never fall into the trap of “believing” ourselves to be famous, but rather we should focus on what is most relevant: why and how we achieve it.

Fame turns a person into a mass leader. How to manage it should focus on how you really are in your life, so as not to lose who you are when the lights go off at that moment.

Photo: @amaia