How To Motivate Yourself To Exercise? 7 Tips To Achieve It

Do you find it difficult to start exercising? Do you have little motivation to play sports? Discover the reasons why you don’t achieve it and how to make it become a habit.

How to motivate yourself to exercise

Being active and exercising regularly allows us to enjoy better physical and mental health. We are all aware of the benefits behind moving daily, yet there are many people who feel little motivation to do sports or exercise For some people, starting an exercise routine or simply stopping being so sedentary can become a real challenge. So, how to find the motivation to play sports?

Why is it so difficult for me to have motivation to do sports?

There are a number of reasons why it costs you more exercise or do a sports routine at home Among the most common, we highlight the following:

  • It means leaving our comfort zone: For some people, an exercise program is something they have never had to do before. Above all, adding a new activity to your schedule can be difficult if you are too busy. This is because leaving our comfort zone usually requires more energy (both mental and physical) to achieve our goal. As a result, this goal may end up being one of the reasons for lack of motivation to exercise
  • You don’t give it importance: Many people believe that exercising is not so necessary. The reality is that behind this belief is usually the mistaken idea of ​​considering that exercise provides more physical benefits than mental ones. start a Exercise routine It will benefit you in many more ways than you can only see externally. For example, you will be less likely to get sick, you will be more able to face mental challenges and get out of your comfort zone, and above all, it will help you improve your level of daily stress and anxiety.
  • You have a mental health problem: The lack of motivation to exercise It can also be a sign that there is a problem in our mental health. Especially if you lack energy, feel constantly tired, or perceive sport as something that has no meaning for you. These thoughts and attitudes can be part of a disorder. In these cases, it is vital that you try to make an effort to start playing sports and we even recommend that you go to a professional psychologist if it is causing havoc in your daily life.
  • The consequences of not doing sports are not immediate: Many of the consequences of not doing sports are not usually perceived during youth or adulthood. Many people can feel good without having a Exercise routine In this case, you should know that there are many negative consequences of leading a sedentary life, even if you are young and think you are not suffering from them.
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Reasons to exercise

How to motivate yourself to exercise?

It is normal that at first, if you come from a slow or sedentary life, you have difficulties taking the first step or keep motivated To do exercise. Thus, we recommend that you do the following to start moving:

  1. Accept exercise as a necessity: If you want to feel good inside and out, incorporate exercise in your routine It must be a priority. So, instead of seeing exercise as an option, commit to making it a daily habit, like making your bed or brushing your teeth. This doesn’t mean dedicating an entire hour to it or spending money on a gym. By simply following a 10 or 20 minute routine at home, you can reap all its benefits.
  2. Find your goal: Finding meaning in your workouts can help you find the motivation to do sports For example, a good reason to play sports (apart from improving physically) would be to reduce stress or have more energy. Having a reason to exercise will give you more motivation to build this habit.
  3. Enjoy it: You won’t achieve anything if you force yourself to perform an exercise or sport with which you do not feel comfortable or do not enjoy. Not everyone should go to a gym to exercise. The best way to start an exercise routine or find the motivation to play sports is precisely by doing an activity that you like or enjoy. For example, you can opt for team sports, sign up for dance classes, or go for a run in nature. Each person must find their way out of a sedentary life. Motivation to do sports
  4. Incorporate exercise into your daily life: Instead of making a sudden change and starting an hour of exercise a day, it is better to try to gradually incorporate these activities into your life. A good way to do this is to simply take walks two or three times a week or follow 10 or 20 minute routines of some workouts that you can find on the internet.
  5. Don’t do it alone: Yes, it’s quite a challenge for you. start exercising, it might be a good idea to find a person who also wants to incorporate this habit into their life or who has been doing it for a while. In this way, you will be much more motivated due to the commitment you have created together.
  6. Change your thinking around exercise: It is likely that when you think about exercise you tend to believe that you should do it. We recommend that instead of thinking about the ‘I must’ you try to focus it with the ‘I want’. Research shows many differences between ‘should’ and ‘want’, since you are focusing on something you do because of what they say and not because of what you really want.
  7. Accept that it won’t always be perfect: Believe motivation to exercise will be constant or that you will always achieve what you set out to do in a training day is a complete mistake. This type of perfectionist thinking can cause you to end up losing motivation. Therefore, it is important to focus on doing everything you can, despite the result.
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Start doing sports or exercise It is something that we should all consider if we are sedentary or do not move in our daily lives. The reason is that exercise is essential if we want to have good mental and physical health. Therefore, it is vital that you find the motivation to play sports.