How To Move Forward After A Psychotic Break

How to move forward after a psychotic break

After going through a psychotic break, it is important to seek medical and psychological treatment, follow the recommendations of the health professional, surround yourself with social support and work on self-care strategies to control the symptoms and consequences of the psychotic break, in addition to preventing future outbreaks. .

Currently, many people suffer from psychotic breaks that require specific care to avoid further deterioration. However, there are times when they cannot be anticipated and their effects can be extremely harmful. For this reason, it is necessary to have accurate and conclusive data to help people experiencing psychotic breaks. In this PsychologyFor article, we explain how to move forward after a psychotic break.

Carry out psychological and pharmacological therapy

When faced with the appearance of serious symptoms that trigger a psychotic crisis, it is essential perform psychological and pharmacological therapy On the one hand, psychological therapy helps control thoughts, emotions and behaviors by implementing strategies according to the needs of each patient. Furthermore, in this space moments of complexity are identified and addressed precisely.

In addition, it is also important to combine therapy with taking medication to reduce the intensity of the symptoms and consequences of the psychotic break. In this sense, antipsychotic medications provide stability and affect the neuronal processing that occurs in the Central Nervous System.

How to move forward after a psychotic break - Perform psychological and pharmacological therapy

Create routines

A psychotic break usually disrupts the order that could have been achieved in various areas of life. Therefore, after having started the treatments mentioned above, it is essential develop routines that can be sustained over time to regain consistency and lost habits.

Even so, it should be noted that recovery times may be longer depending on the severity of the clinical condition. For this reason, it is necessary to have patience and calm in every situation.

Maintain a healthy diet

While it is true that food is not the main reason that triggers a psychotic break, it is pertinent to emphasize them. exist various foods that can alter the central nervous system and place it in states of constant alert.

As a consequence, in the long run they can produce episodes of anxiety or stress in the life of a person who has gone through complex times. For this reason, it is important to eat a healthy diet that improves your physical and mental health.

How to get through a psychotic break - Maintain a healthy diet

Practice physical activity

Body movements are one of the main focuses that must be attended to after going through an episode of psychotic crisis. In this sense, practice some physical activity It allows the person to discharge accumulated tensions and release hormones linked to happiness.

However, in these cases it is important to choose a physical activity that is pleasurable for the person and does not represent an obligation.

Have a healthy social environment

The people around us influence our thoughts, emotions and daily behaviors. This becomes especially important in the moments after the advent of a psychotic break.

On these occasions, it is necessary to emotional support of family and friends to promote a better state of mind in the recovery process. Although there may be days that are more complex than others, the support from the social environment Helps improve communication skills and raise self-esteem.

How to move forward after a psychotic break - Have a healthy social environment

Set short-term goals

Beyond the fact that many people have projects that last many years, these types of situations require that the person be able to think about short-term objectives. The long goals could trigger high levels of anxiety, stress, anguish and anger that produce complex situations.

When a person suffers a psychotic break, the notion of time and space usually disappears. However, set short term goals It helps to channel the symptoms of the condition and rethink ways of being in life. If you want to know more about this topic, in the following article we explain how to act in the event of a psychotic break.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to move forward after a psychotic break we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Morlet-Barjau, A., Ortiz-Maldonado, E., Moscoso-López, M. (2008). Management of the Psychotic Patient in the Emergency Department of a General Hospital. Health Magazine in Tabasco, 14 (3), 792-806.
  • Vispe Astola, A., Hernández González, M., Ruiz-Flores Bistuer, M., García Valdecasas Campelo, J. (2015). From acute psychosis to the first psychotic episode: towards chronicity. Journal of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry, 35 (128), 731-748.

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