How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs To Succeed As An Entrepreneur

How to overcome limiting beliefs to succeed as an entrepreneur

We have all experienced self-doubt and felt the pangs of limiting beliefs.

It is something innate in entrepreneurs and although it is true that it can happen more constantly at the beginning of the venture (often causing frustration and stagnation), the truth is that it happens all the time.

    Facing limiting beliefs when undertaking

    A big mistake that I see in entrepreneurs is that they launch into entrepreneurship without understanding that the mindset, the mentality, is what is going to lead them to be successful… Or not.

    It is important to understand that Fear and limiting beliefs and entrepreneurship go hand in hand Simply because our mind will always search for the known and move away from the unknown. And entrepreneurs are, or should be, creative.

    We are constantly creating new things and new projects, so we are constantly fighting with our mind’s natural tendency to protect ourselves from change. Because interprets it as a waste of energy and a threat

    That’s all. So simple and complicated at the same time. But once you understand it, once you know that it’s not just you, and that the million-year-old system of your mind works like this, that’s where your freedom to choose begins.

    I am going to share with you some tips so that you can collaborate with your mind and work on confidence, overcome limiting beliefs to create confidence and thus be successful in your entrepreneurship. In your life project.

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    1. Reconnect with your being and your purpose

    Starting a business can be like a leap into the void, but it is one of the best teachings for your personal development

    You are unique. And although at first you believe that you are not enough, when you begin to connect with your life story, with your values ​​and with the legacy you want to leave in the world, you become a magnet. A magnet that will attract many people and repel many others. And this is fine. You are qualifying your customers without spending a cent on advertising!

    Know how to undertake

    Entrepreneurship is beautiful, and most people undertake it to have financial and time freedom, but it is also true that it is hard. Let’s not fool ourselves. That’s why, It is very important to have this motivation to start and to overcome the moments in which you will have turbulence

    When you think about the people you can help or think about how a coach or mentor has helped you and you have had that turning point, you draw energy from where you don’t have it. There is your magnet and your unique magic.

      2. To convey confidence you have to work on your own confidence

      When things aren’t going as well as we want, we usually think about external things I don’t have a personal brand, I don’t have an email list, I don’t have enough content or the perfect products… Does this sound familiar to you?

      I want to tell you something. It may be true, but what really stops you is your mindset. Your mentality.

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      When we procrastinate we always do it for a deeper reason. It may be due to motivation as I mentioned in the previous point, or due to fears. By the lack of confidence And you start throwing balls out. But the truth is that what needs to be worked on is within.

      Normally, what paralyzes you is your mentality. And it is very easy to stay in the loop of fears, impostor syndrome, limiting beliefs… And it is easy to say it, but more difficult to do it. So how can you overcome limiting beliefs? Focusing on facts and data, and not on your feelings and imagination.

      Do you know that human beings are the only living beings that are capable of staying in the past all their lives and inventing a future? Well that. Focus on the here and now and the facts

        3. You have to build your life project and your entrepreneurship on solid foundations

        With the leaders and entrepreneurs I accompany, I use the 4-step process of my Alchymia method, related to the 4 elements of Alchymia. Because the formula for success is to have a good combination of the elements in your formula. Is the form of undertake fully

        The fire will give you your passion; Air, inspiration; the Earth, the action; and Water, balance.

        4. Reverse engineering

        Dream big and act small is my motto based on my method of ProducTUVIDA Extraordinaria. Once you have established your vision, you have to reverse engineer it to collaborate with your mind and make it easy for yourself.

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        Then work on your goals within 90 days A quarter is long enough to give you time to achieve results and short enough to keep you motivated.

        Once you have it, align your quarterly goals with your monthly goals, your weekly goals, and your daily goals. So your daily habits will support your weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual goals and all these goals will help you fulfill your dreams. Leave your legacy.

        5. Fun

        Your creativity arises when you are relaxed and having fun Get used to having moments of fun and disconnecting, because when the dark clouds disappear from our minds is when we see the blue sky.

        Furthermore, when we don’t have fun we forget the main reason why we start, which is to be happy and have quality of life.

        If you are a leader hungry to continue growing, wanting to continue expanding your mindset, boosting your business to impact the world in balance and plenitude, write to me and I will explain to you about The Club and the Alchymia Mentorships. Thank you for reading the article, and remember that we are just a WhatsApp away.