How To Overcome The Dependent Bond In Relationships?

How to overcome the dependent bond in relationships

Have you ever crossed all your limits in order to keep someone? Did you do things you would never have imagined? Did you leave everything aside, friends, work, recreational activities, in order to maintain a relationship?

If your answer to these questions is yes, you may be an emotionally dependent person

Emotional dependence is a type of behavioral addiction that consists of a series of behaviors that are addictive and that occur within the framework of a relationship.

Although this behavior can occur in any link, When it occurs within a romantic relationship, it can end up leaving a lot of havoc

The characteristics of the dependent bond

Next I will describe the main characteristics of a dependent link ; This will serve as a guide to discover if you are in a relationship marked by emotional dependence.

Emotional dependence

Up to this point I have defined what we are talking about when we talk about emotional dependence and I have given the main characteristics of dependent people.

Now the good news is that emotional dependence does not settle once and for all but it can be overcome.

But… How can we overcome it?

There are different things we can do to overcome it for example:


Finally, clarify that emotional dependence usually develops over time, that is, it does not happen from one day to the next. Therefore, overcoming it will not be a short process, nor an easy process; On the contrary, we will have to dare to go through fears and expose ourselves to situations that will be motivating for us, which is why It is very important that we have the support of family and friends, and if necessary, resort to professional help

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