How To Overcome Trauma With EMDR Therapy? 4 Benefits Of This Psychological Technique

How can the EMDR technique help us overcome trauma? How does EMDR therapy work? Discover what the EMDR psychological technique consists of and its benefits.

How to overcome trauma with EMDR

EMDR therapy is a psychological technique used mainly for the treatment of trauma. In fact, the main objective of the use of EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is to reduce the symptoms of trauma by influencing the way in which memories are stored in our brain. But how does EMDR therapy work for trauma? How can you overcoming trauma thanks to EMDR?

What is EMDR therapy?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) was discovered in 1987 by Francine Shapiro, a Californian psychologist, who while taking a walk in the forest, discovered by chance that the anxiety generated by her disturbing thoughts disappeared after moving her eyes to one side. to another to avoid the intense light in the eyes, this made him begin to test different variants of his discovery on his patients and he verified that they also noticed an improvement in their symptoms.

The psychological traumas They affect not only the cognitive aspects of the individual, but also the emotional, physical and interpersonal dimensions, so the reactions that an individual presents after a situation of this type can vary in a wide spectrum of excessive responses. The objective of the technique focuses on transforming the sensations, emotions and cognitive elements associated with these memories into an adaptive state. Active bilateral stimulation facilitates the connection between dysfunctionally stored information and the rest of the neural networks.

The EMDR-based therapy It refers to significant scientific evidence by improving the reality of patients: it significantly reduces the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression that are observed in patients who have experienced traumatic situations of different intensity.

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These traumatic situations are blocked in the form of unprocessed memories, which cause a significant impact on the individual’s life, restricting and substantially reducing both their quality of life and their possibilities of full development by negatively affecting their ability to manage stressful situations. or threatening, interpersonal relationships and, ultimately, the interaction between the person’s inner and outer world. Recent research demonstrates the effects of the technique in reinforcing positive behaviors in addictions, eating disorders, personality disorders and other pathologies.

How to overcome trauma with EMDR therapy?

As we have noted, the theory behind the EMDR therapy focuses on the fact that traumatic memories produce different changes in our brain. These changes prevent our mind from processing information correctly, which ends up causing anxiety, intrusive thoughts and stress. According to the EMDR technique, remembering traumatic events while making rapid eye movements allows our brain to process the memories correctly and cope with them. So, to overcome a trauma through EMDR, eight phases are followed together with a specialist psychologist:

  • Phase 1. Client history and treatment planning: The therapist will begin evaluating the patient’s case, including the ability to tolerate exposure to the trauma due to EMDR In this first session, the psychologist will formulate the treatment plan taking into account the person’s symptoms and the behaviors that must be modified.
  • Phase 2. Preparation: The second phase of the EMDR therapy It will consist of laying the foundations for the treatment. In this intervention, the therapist will educate the patient about the EMDR technique and teach them self-control techniques for memories related to the trauma.
  • Phase 3. Evaluation: During this phase, the therapist will try to identify the traumatic memories that the patient needs to address to overcome the trauma. Once identified, the patient must choose an image to represent each of the memories, analyzing the negative thoughts and sensations that accompany these memories. Then, a positive thought will be identified to replace the negative beliefs.
  • Phase 4. Desensitization: Desensitization involves reducing the anxiety and/or stress that a patient may experience when remembering the trauma, also taking into account physical sensations. The psychologist will facilitate desensitization by directing the client’s eye movements while focusing on the trauma.
  • Phase 5. Installation: One of the objectives of the EMDR therapy To overcome a trauma is to address these thoughts through positive ideas that the patient has identified during phase 3 of treatment. How to overcome trauma with EMDR
  • Phase 6. Body scan: The body scan is a EMDR technique meditative in which the patient focuses on their body to notice those physical sensations that are occurring. During this phase, the therapist will write down these physical sensations in order to process them.
  • Phase 7. Closure: At the end of each EMDR session, the therapist will stabilize the patient using specific self-management techniques. The psychologist specialized in treating trauma with EMDR will explain what the patient can expect from the different sessions. On the other hand, the patient will also be asked to keep a record of negative thoughts and sensations that may occur around the psychological trauma.
  • Phase 8. Reevaluation: The final phase of the EMDR therapy for trauma will involve a review of the effectiveness of the treatment so far. In this way, new objectives will be identified to overcome the trauma.
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The EMDR technique It has long been used to treat people with post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression, but has also been shown to have benefits for other psychological problems. You must remember that EMDR therapy should always be done with a mental health specialist.

Benefits of using EMDR therapy for trauma

There are many benefits associated with using the EMDR therapy to overcome trauma and the stress and/or anxiety that it may entail. Among the most notable advantages, the most common are the following:

  1. Transform your beliefs: Many people subconsciously have limiting beliefs that are based on past bad experiences or psychological trauma. Thanks to the EMDR technique We can confront these negative beliefs because it helps us understand that they are subjective interpretations of an event, focusing our attention on what makes us see the situation in a more valid and positive way.
  2. Trauma recovery: It is recommended the EMDR therapy to overcome traumas because there is much scientific research that indicates that it is a very effective technique for processing all types of traumas. Through bilateral stimulation, an EMDR technique, both sides of the brain are engaged to reprocess memories that can cause a lot of distress.
  3. Quick results: Through this method, you will not have to remember every detail of the traumatic memories. For this reason, among others, the EMDR therapy It usually shows earlier results than other types of therapies.
  4. You will learn to control stress: The EMDR sessions They are also effective in learning to manage the stress that we can experience daily and especially that related to the trauma that is affecting us.
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As we see, the EMDR therapy, performed by a specialist, can be very effective in helping us overcome trauma. If you believe that you are facing a memory that is affecting you in the present, this may be a technique that can help you cope with the anxiety associated with this traumatic experience.