How To Pass The Quarantine? 6 Psychological Aspects To Take Into Account

How to pass the quarantine

The situation of confinement at home that we are going through due to the virus pandemic is being difficult for many to cope with.

It is not just that the economy and the ability to earn money and save are being negatively affected; In addition, we must take into account the concern we feel for our loved ones or for ourselves, the change in habits that means going out much less, the feeling of having our freedoms very restricted, etc.

Fortunately, the mental health lessons that the science of Psychology brings us are still available, and these days they become more relevant than ever. Therefore, in this article you will find several tips on how to get through quarantine using simple psychological tricks

How to pass the quarantine in the face of the epidemic?

To better cope with this season of confinement at home during the virus pandemic, look at these key ideas and adapt them to your case.

1. Get used to disconnecting

We must not forget that, even if we do not notice it, some of the stimuli to which we are exposed on a daily basis may be contributing to the psychological problem that haunts us not only not going away, but gaining strength over time. weather. In the case of quarantine this is even more likely, because It’s easy for each of our days to look a lot like the previous one just leaving home.

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One of these sources of discomfort that may be affecting you if you feel especially bad during these days of confinement is limiting your exposure to the news and rumors circulating about the pandemic. Thus, You will be preventing you from spending the day always thinking about the same thing, keeping at bay obsessive thoughts or even the tendency towards hypochondria that can arise in situations like this. Read, watch movies, study, start projects, etc.

2. Learn relaxation techniques

As the quarantine caused by a pandemic can make us more vulnerable to anxiety and stress, it is important to learn at least some basic tools to enhance our state of calm. For it, There are a variety of relaxation exercises that you can learn from home such as the Body Scan or other Minfulness techniques, inspired by meditation.

3. Make sure you get sunlight

Exposing ourselves to sunlight is important in periods when we leave the house little It has been scientifically proven that this type of exposure helps us regulate emotions better and makes us less vulnerable to depressive symptoms.

4. Sleep well

Don’t let your day lack structure, because this can lead to little or bad sleep. This is important, because Having quality sleeping habits protects us in a very significant way against practically all psychological disorders and it also prevents our mental performance from declining, something important at times when we must adapt to new and complex situations (as is the case here).

So, set schedules and resolve to follow them in a disciplined manner to go to bed when it’s time.

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5. Strengthen ties with your loved ones

In this crisis situation, we must not forget that psychological well-being is not something that we experience individually, but also arises collectively. Therefore, try to strengthen your emotional ties with others, and take an interest in how they are. If you look after the well-being of your loved ones, you will also be looking after yours indirectly. Social distancing doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be there to help each other in the things that really matter.

6. Remember that you have the option of online psychotherapy

Sometimes, the situation generates such psychological discomfort that It is necessary to have professional support from psychotherapists Fortunately, in a pandemic quarantine context, there is still the possibility of using the online psychotherapy services that many psychologists offer.

This is not a semi-improvised method of psychotherapy that tries to compensate for not being able to go to the psychologist’s office due to the virus pandemic, but rather many professionals have been offering it for a long time and over the years it has become It has become an increasingly popular modality. Furthermore, the effectiveness of online therapy is the same as that of in-person therapy, only the medium through which patient and psychologist communicate changes: the video call.