How To Recognize A Psychotic? The 9 First Signs Of Psychosis

Psychosis does not only consist of suffering from delusions and hallucinations. So, how can we recognize a psychotic? Discover the first symptoms of psychosis and how to identify them.

Keys to recognize psychosis

Psychosis is often described as the feeling of losing touch with reality. In this way, this condition usually affects a person’s mind and perception of reality. When someone experiences psychotic breaks it can be very difficult for them to know what is real and what is not. So,How can we recognize a psychotic? What can we do to help someone who suffers from delusions and hallucinations?

How to know if someone suffers from psychosis and its symptoms?

The psychosis It is usually a symptom of a mental health condition such as bipolar disorder, depression or schizophrenia. It usually develops over time and can worsen as people have more psychotic breaks. Although it is not always easy to identify the first warning signs of psychosis, the reality is that there are some signs that can help us recognize a psychotic and ask for help before these symptoms worsen.

Keys to knowing how to recognize a psychotic

Most people think that a psychotic usually suffers from delusions and hallucinations that are related to very bizarre ideas, for example, that they hear voices that incite them to commit bizarre actions or that they are convinced that some spy agency is recording their conversations.

These types of psychotic symptoms usually occur when the psychosis is very extreme. Therefore, there is a wide series of psychotic symptoms that usually indicate the first signs of this type of behavior or thoughts. In this way we can recognize a psychotic although these symptoms are not enough to establish a diagnosis:

  1. Depressed mood: The psychosis Not only does it involve delusions and hallucinations, in many cases these states are usually related to a state of extreme sadness or even depression. A psychotic person usually feels depressed and suffers from delusional beliefs, distrust and even very pessimistic ideas.
  2. Anxiety: Another of the first psychotic symptoms It is usually anxiety, which can take the form of social phobia or restlessness. In many cases, people who begin to experience psychotic breaks often suffer from distrust and paranoia towards others.
  3. Irritability: Anger problems can also be one of the first symptoms of psychosis Furthermore, these feelings can help us recognize a psychotic, since they can be based on a feeling of grandiosity or superiority over others.
  4. Sleep problems: A person who suffers from the first psychosis symptoms You may experience certain sleep problems. For example, he sleeps very little and suffers from sleep disorders as well as frequent nighttime awakenings.
  5. Hypochondria: A hypochondriac person is one who has a very deep and unfounded worry about having or developing a serious illness. People who suffer from the first psychotic breaks They can have these types of symptoms.
  6. Paranoia: Although paranoia is usually one of the most recognizable psychotic symptoms, when a person begins to suffer from psychosis these traits are usually very subtle. Thus, one of the ways to know how to recognize a psychotic It is by observing some subtle paranoias such as thinking that people hate them even though there is no evidence that does not support these suspicions. Distrust of close friends and family for no reason is usually one of the first forms that paranoia takes. The first symptoms of psychosis
  7. Racing thoughts: Another way to know how to recognize a psychotic It is precisely by observing their way of speaking. People with psychotic symptoms often suffer from hypomania, which translates into speaking very quickly and thinking too quickly.
  8. Routine need: People who suffer from first psychotic symptoms They often have a strong need to lead a repetitive or simplified lifestyle. In fact, they may find commitments or leaving their comfort zone to be a stressor that makes their lives difficult.
  9. Flat emotions: People who begin to suffer from psychosis You may experience a lack of empathy towards others, something that may also involve behaving in a narcissistic manner. Furthermore, the inability to feel emotions can also cause people to feel a lack of motivation even anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure).
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In most cases, although psychotic symptoms may seem subtle, they usually affect the daily lives of those who suffer from it. Psychosis is one of the symptoms that may indicate that we are facing a mental disorder. Recognizing it in time can help a lot. At the first signs of psychotic symptoms, especially if these interfere with the life of the person experiencing them, it is vital to consult with a professional psychologist. Our way of perceiving reality is more affected by our interior than we usually think.