How To Release Endorphins: 9 Strategies To Achieve It

How to release endorphins

Known as the hormones of well-being and pleasure, endorphins are neurotransmitters that can be triggered for multiple reasons. When our brain is flooded by these substances we are filled with euphoria, joy and satisfaction, which is why it is interesting to know how to get a shot of these hormones.

Playing sports, being grateful for life, eating well… There are several things that help us release endorphins. We will see these and many more below. Let’s see how to release endorphins naturally and consistently

Tips to release endorphins in your body

Endorphins are endogenous substances (their name means “endogenous morphines”), neurotransmitters known as pleasure hormones. Along with serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and opioid peptides are related to positive emotions such as well-being, euphoria, pleasure and happiness.

So, Endorphins activate brain areas that contribute to experiencing sensations of pleasure since they have a structure similar to opioids such as heroin, opium and morphine, but without their negative effects.

Endorphins have different functions and effects. It has been observed that They are involved in the regulation of physical pain, inhibiting its response, as well as emotional pain They are present during sexual relations, increasing desire, and it has been observed that they increase the immune system’s ability to fight microorganisms. Other lesser-known functions of endorphins are regulating appetite, breathing, and increasing feelings of sleep.

Be happy increases self-esteem, strengthens our immune system, reduces stress and it even combats aging, so we should do everything possible to increase the levels of hormones that bring us happiness. In the specific case of endorphins, we can talk about several activities that contribute to their release, which we see below:

1. Practice sports

The first on the list is the most popular and classic way to raise our endorphin levels: sport. The practice of all types of physical activity induces a pleasant feeling of pleasure.

Running, swimming, cycling, playing soccer. It doesn’t matter what sport you fancy, any is perfect to give us that wonderful shot of endorphins. Even walking turns out to be an effective activity to raise our endorphins and give us that pleasant feeling of pleasure associated with the most demanding sports.

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Tips to produce endorphins

It is not necessary for us to get tired or make excessive efforts to receive that shot of endorphins that we so crave as a reward. It is enough to do a sport twice a week to significantly increase our endorphin levels in the body.

If we are one of those who do not really like doing moderate-intense sports, our alternative is to walk a little every day, a minimum of 30 minutes although the ideal would be an hour and a half.

2. Take care of your diet

We are increasingly aware of the importance of having a good diet for our mental health We are what we eat, and if we do not eat everything our body needs to synthesize the hormones of well-being and happiness we will not be in a very good mood. Taking care of your diet is necessary to generate all the endorphins we need naturally.

As information, The sensations of pleasure that we feel when we eat are not only due to physical sensations, but are also neurochemical and our body increases such sensations thanks to the release of endorphins.

To ensure that our body has everything necessary to produce endorphins, below we will see the list of foods that contribute to their release.

2.1. Naturally sweet foods

Sweet foods can help release endorphins and make us happy. This may surprise more than one person, since sweets such as buns, cakes and candies have always had a reputation for causing feelings of fatigue, drowsiness or even sadness, which is true. The nuance is important: we are referring to naturally sweet foods, such as fruits.

Eat something that is naturally sweet, like an orange or a banana contributes to the release of the feel-good hormone, while ultra-processed, hyper-sugar and high-fat foods should be reduced or, better yet, eliminated from the diet.

2.2. Chocolate

Chocolate is a sweet food that helps us release endorphins, as long as it is “healthy” chocolate, that is, 70% or more, without too much added sugar. This food contains an endorphin called anandamide which contributes, like the rest of the substances in the same family, to making us feel happier and more satisfied.

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23. Foods with vitamin B and C

Foods rich in vitamins B and C help produce endorphins Among these foods we find cereals, pineapple, pepper, legumes, meat and fish, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes…

2.4. Spicy food

As surprising as it may seem, spicy foods help us feel well-being and be happy. The reason for this is that when we eat them Our body interprets spiciness as pain and, faced with this, seeks to inhibit its response and calm it down through the release of endorphins, which act as natural pain relievers.

3. Have sex

sex It is a pleasurable activity because, when it is practiced, endorphins and other hormones of happiness and well-being are released These substances are closely related to sensations of pleasure and having intercourse considerably increases the release of endorphins.

4. Give and receive affection

Caresses, hugs, kisses and other signs of affection help release endorphins For this reason, giving and receiving them generates pleasure, happiness and well-being for us. This fact is one of the physiological foundations behind bonding in couples, parent-child ties, and friendships.

5. Meditate and do yoga

Meditation, yoga and similar practices are activities that we always find on lists of what to do to be happier, and this was not going to be an exception. Meditating and practicing yoga makes us happier and more well-being for two reasons: the first is that it helps us combat anxiety, and the second is that it has been seen to increase the levels of endorphins in the body.

It has been shown that The human body releases these substances more easily when it is in a state of relaxation, just what yoga and meditation are intended to achieve. For this reason, it is advisable to introduce them into our daily lives, even if it is just to do 5 minutes of meditation.

6. Sleep well

Maintaining good sleep hygiene is essential to being happy Good sleep habits help produce endorphins properly. For this reason, you should try to sleep 8 hours a day, going to sleep around 10 p.m. and no later than midnight. Restful sleep increases positive attitudes and energy, necessary to face the day happy, rested and motivated.

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7. Connect with nature

As much as it costs us to recognize it, The human being is an animal closely linked to nature and we continue to depend on it Going for a walk in the countryside, sunbathing in the square or having a picnic in the forest are actions that greatly benefit our mental health, bringing us energy and well-being by enhancing the release of endorphins in the brain.

8. Be grateful

There are many things for which we should be grateful: having friends, a family, living in an area of ​​peace, being alive… We rarely realize how much we have and how little many have Gratitude helps us to relativize the bad that there is undoubtedly in our lives, while we value the very good that we also have, helping us to be calmer and have a more positive attitude towards life.

Being grateful is an action that releases endorphins. We can do it through the healthy habit of write down a list of things to be grateful for, like those mentioned above. Here we can a few examples:

  • Having a job
  • Being able to shower with hot water
  • Being able to eat chocolate
  • Have free time
  • Have brothers
  • To walk

9. Laugh

It is no secret that laughter has many health benefits and, in fact, gives its name to a type of treatment, the famous laughter therapy, which aims to promote the mental and emotional well-being of the person by letting out laughter.

As simple as it sounds, laughing contributes to the release of endorphins. Simple actions such as telling a joke, joking, and engaging in funny conversations with others watching a comedy movie and more help us be in a much better mood and be happier.

So if you thought you didn’t have a reason to laugh, now you do. Laugh when you can, the more the better, give yourself this joy. If you don’t feel happy at the moment, don’t worry, sooner or later your body will make sure you feel genuine happiness by giving you the good shot of endorphins you wanted.