How To Set Limits For Teenagers In The Summer

How to set limits for teenagers in the summer

Summer is a period of rest that is usually viewed with great enthusiasm by teenagers, among other things because it means experiencing qualitative changes in the routines they carry out: trips, seeing friends who are away for the rest of the year, parties that only They take place during the weeks of tourist activity, etc.

During this vacation period, the teenager has a large number of free hours to do any activity he wants and also to meet friends his age in different places in the city, but this It must be accompanied by a readjustment of strategies to apply limits and rules, created always with your interests in mind It is part of the most beneficial and responsible parenting models.

Setting rules in summer when raising our adolescent children

These are some general tips on how to apply rules and set limits as a parenting strategy for teenagers during the holiday period.

1. Keep a schedule

During summer vacations, it is common for teenage children to spend the first weeks watching TV, playing video games or resting for long hours without attending to any other daily obligations.

Although it is necessary for the adolescent to have time to rest after the academic year, it is also It is necessary that they maintain a fixed schedule once the first days of rest without a schedule have ended

This new summer schedule should allow the teenager to go to bed and get up later, but always having a time limit that our child must respect, as well as ensuring that other productive daily activities are carried out, in addition to watching TV or playing video games.

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We must set specific times to return home depending on the age of the teenager and make it clear that these must be met, but we must also explain the reason for this.

2. Entrust household chores in which they can participate

One of the tasks that must continue to be maintained during the summer is household chores, always in a consensual manner with the adolescent Involving young people in these activities usually has the effect of making them more involved in the proper functioning of domestic dynamics.

Setting limits for teenagers in the summer

This means that no task should be imposed by force, but rather we must negotiate those tasks that the child wishes to carry out voluntarily to continue collaborating with the proper functioning of the house and life together.

3. Enforce the rules of coexistence consistently

Even though it is summer, it is necessary to enforce the rules of coexistence that govern the family environment during the rest of the year, in order to maintain order, discipline and an effective education model in our home.

Some of the basic rules of coexistence that must govern in our house are, in addition to completing household chores, having family meals, attending family events and completing scheduled family activities.

It is also of great importance always maintain consistency in the rules or sanctions that we apply to children, not falling into contradictions that could confuse our child and always acting as authority figures.

This means that if we have already said “no” to a request from the adolescent, we remain firm in our refusal and make it understood that our decision must be respected above all else.

4. Set an example

Whenever we apply any rule or behavioral guideline we must make sure that we are the first to comply with it, unless it doesn’t make sense for adults to follow her (for example, by placing restrictions on setting times to get home). In the latter case, the reason for this age distinction must be made very clear. And one way to educate children is through imitation and acting as behavioral models for them.

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5. Avoid excessive sedentary lifestyle

During the first days of vacation, it is normal for teenagers to dedicate themselves to resting and gaining strength after the school year.

This break consists of spending several hours on the couch watching television or playing video games for long days, something that may be acceptable for a few days, but should not become a constant throughout the summer because it damages your physical and mental well-being. and, furthermore, it can cause young people to become isolated and feel alienated from the rest of the family.

In order to avoid excessive sedentary lifestyle and the appearance of intra-family friction we can schedule outdoor activities as a family or encourage our teenager to spend a few hours doing sports of all kinds, whether with their siblings, alone or with other friends.

Although adolescents need time to socialize with friends and peers of the same age, psychology professionals recommend that during the summer they schedule activities to do together as a family.

Spend time as a family, playing or doing joint activities It is also very beneficial for the adolescent, since it promotes the establishment of emotional ties with their parents or siblings and favors family coexistence in general.

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6. Impose proportional punishments

Like the rest of the year, the punishments imposed on our child must always be proportional and based on a positive parenting model, that is, without shouting or violence and always promoting communication between parents and children.

If, for example, our child has had poor academic results, the punishment will depend on whether it was due to lack of study or If it is the result of some internal problem that you may have both in your abilities and in your emotional health

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That is why whenever something goes wrong, communication should always take precedence and we should try to know at all times what is happening to our child, if there is a problem or if he or she needs help of some kind.

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7. Educate in healthy and positive lifestyle habits

The summer holidays are usually a festive period in which teenagers get together to dance and have fun in various nightlife environments, which also involves the consumption of alcohol and other substances harmful to the body.

Instead of prohibiting children from going out with their friends, parents should talk openly about the dangers of going out at night in the summer (preferably, giving examples and without falling into too abstract explanations), especially for young people, and make it clear that you trust your child to be responsible enough to not put his or her life in danger

Some of the dangers that you can talk about with a teenage daughter or son are drug and alcohol use, or late-night fights.

8. Not prioritizing academic and study tasks

It is sometimes recommended that teenagers have homework, but remember that Vacations are for disconnecting and for everyone to use their autonomy to pursue hobbies Filling the schedule with academic obligations will be seen as an arbitrary imposition and an unfair “trap”, something that can encourage a rebellious attitude towards all rules in general.

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