How To Speak In Public? 10 Public Speaking Techniques To Overcome This Fear

Are you afraid of exposing yourself to others? The fear of speaking in public can be an obstacle to achieving success. Discover the best techniques for speaking in public and overcoming this fear.

How to speak in public?

He Scared of speaking in public or the “scenic panic“When faced with a situation of exposure to others, it is very common. Most people find it embarrassing to be judged, especially if there is an evaluation at stake. Learning to speak in front of others is fighting precisely against the fear of being judged. But the important thing is to defend the messages we want to share.

Why are we afraid to speak in public?

Speaking in public is often related to facing the opinion that others generate towards us. But learn certain Public speaking techniques It is vital since the speech is usually closely linked to the person who says it. That is, on many occasions people tend to value the words or arguments in the way they were said and not the message behind it. For this reason, learning public speaking can improve the lives of those who face this type of situation. But why does the fear of speaking in public arise?

  • Predisposition to anxiety

According to various psychological research, there are people who experience greater anxiety in different situations. This is because these individuals usually experience a greater degree of anxiety in other situations that involve certain fears.

  • Thoughts

Sometimes people’s beliefs about themselves can end up making people unable to speak well in public Fear arises from overestimation of the situation we must face. In this way, these people tend not to know how to speak in public since they do not trust their own abilities in front of others, sometimes due to low self-esteem or personal insecurities.

  • Skills

People are not born with knowledge of any subject. Although it seems that there are people who know all the Public speaking techniques Sometimes this is due to the security and self-esteem that they have. Despite this, you cannot expect to have the same abilities as others naturally. Therefore, you may not be predisposed to know how to speak in public but you can learn public speaking techniques to achieve these social skills.

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Sometimes I can’t speak appropriately in front of an audience It can point out some shortcomings or problems within us. In this way, sometimes consulting with a psychologist can be the most effective solution to combat anxiety about public speaking.

Public speaking techniques

How to speak in public?

There are a series of public speaking techniques or tricks for speaking in public that can help us achieve this great skill in front of others. Don’t rush the saying ‘imagine the public naked’ since this is not only not recommended but can actually be quite unpleasant. According to psychologists, we can use these strategies to master the art of public speaking.

1. Face your fears

Fears will not go away even by knowing more about a topic or by preparing yourself more for these situations. One of the public speaking exercises It is precisely facing precisely an audience. You can do it in a much more gradual way, trying to access small situations that put you in the position of trying to give an opinion in front of others. Remember that no one is judging you and if they do, what difference does it make? The important thing is to try to promote your self-esteem through your own opinion and not that of others.

2. Don’t feed your nervousness

Thinking too much about a situation such as public speaking It is counterproductive. Feeding the negative thoughts that may arise in the face of this challenge will make you feel more anxious in this situation. One of the keys to speaking in public is to downplay the importance you are giving it. Leave your expectations behind and focus on enjoying your presentation to the public.

3. Let go of perfectionism

On many occasions we tend to imagine the perfect situation when we are going to speak in public. Apart from being able to act in certain ways to know how to express yourself better, you cannot change everything about yourself to be your best version. Perfectionism not only limits you and makes you feel frustrated, but sometimes it can be your worst enemy. Try to be natural and accept that we all have our flaws. In fact one of the ways of speaking Those who reach others the most are precisely those people who tend to show themselves as they are and not their idealized image of themselves.

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4. Your self-esteem does not depend on your performance

People who tend to have low self-esteem tend to place too much importance on speak well in public The idea that their performance in this situation gives them more or less value is only in their head. Therefore, it is vital that we learn that public speaking and its meaning is a skill that we can all learn. Failing is just one way to master the techniques to speak in public without nerves.

5. Don’t follow a script

Sometimes to try to speak correctly in front of others we create a script with which we want to follow our entire speech. Although this is a sure way to ensure that you speak appropriately in front of others, you will not be able to learn how to speak confidently in front of an audience. You must interact with others to transmit your information in the best way. Therefore, even though the script is one of the safer public speaking techniques is not the most appropriate to develop this capacity.

6. Preparation matters

Prepare before an exhibition or a situation where you must public speaking It is a great way to dazzle on a stage. To know how to present yourself in public or how to speak better in these situations, it is essential to visualize precisely these acts. Being at home and making your speech in front of the mirror can undoubtedly be an ideal way to achieve this goal.

7. Use eye contact

When you look into the eyes of others you make your message much more personal. In addition to learning to express yourself or being able to speak with your diaphragm, one of the most useful tips for develop your public speaking techniques It is precisely looking into the eyes of your audience. This way you make viewers feel important and want to listen to you more carefully.

8. Use storytelling

Storytelling is one of the Public speaking techniques that will engage the most in your speech. It means using the power of real stories to convey your message. These public speaking tricks will not only make you feel more confident in facing your fears, but viewers will become absorbed in the story.

9. Create a critical discourse

A good public presentation always has the purpose of transmitting a message that will help others improve their lives. Whatever you have to say, make every sentence you say mean something. One of the public speaking tricks or to know how to express yourself better is precisely to believe in your own message. When you offer value to others you have more confidence in your speech and in your presence.

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10. Use a sense of humor

If you feel that your nerves are eating at you or that you cannot express yourself well when you are in these situations, one of the keys to speaking in public without fear It will be precisely using your sense of humor. Bring out the fun side of these occasions where your nerves betray you. This will make you feel better about yourself and you will surely bring more than a smile to your audience.

On many occasions the fear of speaking in public It indicates a lack of confidence in yourself. Therefore, even though you use each of the public speaking tricks that we have mentioned, you will not be able to completely face these situations successfully. The key may be to consult with a professional psychologist.

How to overcome the fear of speaking in public?

Treatment of fear of public speaking

He psychological treatment for fear of public speaking and learning to express yourself in front of others focuses mainly on dealing with your insecurity and high self-demand. Accepting that you may not be good at everything in life is the key to holding public meetings more successfully and without so much anxiety. Therefore, the bar must be lowered and accept no one is perfect.

At the same time, we work on the fear of the image that is given to people and on one’s own self-esteem. Normally before the fear of speaking in public The most present feelings are inferiority or the fear of being judged negatively. Treatment involves acceptance of weaknesses and the awareness that you cannot be perfect. This fear of being judged is also worked on, since always, no matter what one does, one will be judged positively or negatively.

The important issue lies in the judgment that one makes and not so much in what others make. Thus, the point is to be satisfied with what you do, regardless of what others may think. Do what you do people are going to judge you The best thing is that you choose what you do based on your criteria and not what others say.