How To Stop Worrying About Everything? 6 Keys To Keep In Mind

What can we do to deal with constant worries? Why can we end up worrying about everything? Discover the main reasons and how to deal with it.

How to stop worrying about everything? 6 keys to keep in mind

Most people who worry too much they would like to worry less. But, the truth is, there are some ideas we have about worry that do not help us.

Why can we worry about everything?

Misconceptions about worry:

  • If you think about the worst, when it happens – if it happens – it will affect you less.
  • Not caring leads you to disaster.
  • You have to have the future absolutely controlled.

The consequence of these misconceptions is:

  • Putting yourself in the worst situation means needless suffering for something that may not happen, and if it does happen, we don’t know how we are going to react. Many times we overcome difficult things much better than we thought.
  • Not worrying does not mean not taking care of yourself, it means not dwelling on what has no solution, or giving what you have to solve the time it deserves. If you are relaxed you will be more efficient.
  • It is impossible to have everything under control. We have to know how to adapt to changes, to what comes to us. Accepting uncertainty is the healthiest way to think.

But sometimes one you don’t want to worry and the worry is there. Because we are afraid. Because we are obsessive. Stopping worrying excessively is sometimes difficult. Don’t criticize yourself if you don’t get it quickly. Or if you never quite get it.

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How to worry less?

Strategies that can help you worry less:

  1. When you are looking for solutions and you realize that something “You have already thought about it many times”, try not to repeat yourself. Realize that you are not going to find a better solution, nor are you going to tell yourself something different.
  2. When a thought hurts you, and it’s useless, try not to follow it. Focus on reality or occupy your mind with something that distracts you. Even if the thought comes back, if you don’t feed it it will fade away.
  3. Remember that you have already solved many problems, you have the ability and you will do it when necessary. Postpone worrying until then.
  4. Share your concerns with others. It’s not about repeating yourself over and over again, but it’s about feeling understood.
  5. Think that if what worries you so much arrives you will already have a bad time at that moment. What’s the point of having a bad time for longer?
  6. Try to live in the present It’s okay to take care of the future but without downplaying the present, which is all we really have.

How to worry less?

Some concerns have to do with other psychological problems, which must be taken care of to reduce worry. They require changing our way of understanding life or some aspects of our personality.

  • Concerns that have to do with relationships with others: If you are worried about issues that have to do with your relationship with others, such as fear of abandonment, fear of criticism, etc., you will have to solve that way of understanding life that hurts you. You will have to learn to be less dependent or vulnerable to the opinions of others. You should reduce the importance you give to what others think of you.
  • Concerns that have to do with achieving objectives: If your big worry is not getting what you want, it is possible that you have a self-esteem problem, or that you are too demanding of yourself. Or that you lack flexibility to adapt to what life is offering you. Accepting yourself will help you worry less.
  • Concerns that have to do with the inevitable: If what worries you is inevitable – for example: there are people who worry because their parents will die one day – you can only increase your tolerance for frustration, and train your mind not to dwell on events that are painful for everyone but with which, most of us, can live together.
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