How To Treat A Narcissist

How to Treat a Narcissist - What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder According to Psychology?

Dealing with a narcissist is often very difficult because this person can be very self-centered and manipulative. Her mind prevents her from seeing beyond him/herself. It is very possible that sooner or later you will come across one of them and the important thing is to realize it. And you may be wondering, what is narcissistic personality disorder? and How to treat a narcissistic person? If you continue reading this PsychologyFor article, you will get all the answers.

What is narcissistic personality disorder according to psychology?

We cannot say that someone is narcissistic because they are too careful with their image or because they have traits of grandiosity. He narcissistic personality disorder It is characterized by having a generalized pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy.

The DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)(1) consider that this It is manifested by five (or more) of the following facts:

  • You have feelings of grandeur and arrogance (for example: you exaggerate your achievements and talents).
  • He is absorbed in fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty or ideal love.
  • You believe that you are “special” and unique, and that only other people can understand or relate to you.
  • He lacks empathy, that is, he is unable to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of other people.
  • He has an excessive need for admiration.
  • Takes advantage of others for his own purposes.
  • He often envies others or believes that they are envious of him.
  • Shows arrogant, superior behavior or attitudes.

Thoughts such as: “Others should meet my needs”, “Only people as brilliant as me understand me”, “Others should recognize how special I am” may appear in your head.

How to Treat a Narcissist - What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder According to Psychology?

How to treat a narcissistic person

Below, we show you the tips you should keep in mind when dealing with a narcissistic person:

  • The first thing to keep in mind is that a narcissistic attitude can be caused by great insecurity and low self-esteem. These people, as a defense mechanism, develop a feeling of superiority to avoid fragility. Therefore, a narcissistic person is very dependent on the opinions of others and wants constant admiration and approval. However, You should only give praise if it is deserved and if it is real because otherwise you will be feeding their attitude of greatness and superiority.
  • Your happiness depends, in large part, on the expression of appreciation that the people around you express to you. If you need to pass on a review, Do it gently and sincerely It is important that the person understands that he/she is not being questioned, but rather his/her actions. If you speak tactfully, she will be more willing to listen to you.
  • It is important that Don’t let yourself be manipulated The person will want you to think like them and tell them what they want to hear. A narcissistic person believes that he does nothing wrong, which means that he needs to blame someone for his failures, and that someone can be you. If you end up feeling guilty, anxious or manipulated and these types of emotions are not common for you, then be alert. If you allow yourself to be manipulated, his attitude will be reinforced. You must set limits.
  • On the other hand, they also like to belittle the acts and achievements of others in order to feel more superior. try don’t take their criticism seriously reminding yourself that he is doing it for his own good, not to attack you. If it’s a person you really love, let them see how it makes you feel that they disqualify you. For example: “I feel like you want me to support you constantly without receiving the same in return.” Use specific examples and speak in the first person, without attacking.
  • A narcissistic person is capable of understanding other people’s emotions and, therefore, is capable of having a loving relationship. However, it is very difficult for him to empathize, since he always sees what is most important to him, above all else. They also tend to be seductive, especially if they get something in return. On the other hand, they appear distant and maintain an impression of self-sufficiency, so it can be very difficult to have a healthy relationship with them, since these attitudes can make you suffer a lot.

How to treat a narcissist - How to treat a narcissistic person

How to help a narcissistic person

What a person with a narcissistic attitude needs is to believe more in themselves, but truly. If you get feel healthy self-love, you will no longer have the need to make your ego bigger to feel good. It is actually very easy to say but much more difficult to put it into practice.

The process of change for someone who has a personality disorder is complicated and requires help from a professional The best time to perform a professional intervention is after a major life change or something has happened that has damaged your ego.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. Diagnosis, M., & Mental Disorders, E. (1995). DSM-IV. American Psychiatric Association.

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