How To Use Flash Cards To Study?

How to use flash cards to study

Have you heard of flash cards? Also known as study cards or flashcards, these cards have become popular in recent years as a study method that, without being too complex, has proven to be one of the best systems for studying.

They can be done in many ways and with them we can study practically anything. However, no matter how simple they may seem, it requires a certain synthesis and reflection when preparing them so that their use is beneficial to us.

For this below Let’s see how to use flash cards to study in addition to reflecting on its many benefits.

What are study cards?

Flash cards, also called flashcards, study cards or teaching cards, are cards that contain key ideas related to a topic. On one side the concept to be studied is placed and on the other the response or development of it Flash cards are one of the most useful tools in studying, helping to synthesize the most important concepts when studying such as definitions, formulas, data or key dates.

According to educational psychologists and other professionals related to the world of didactics, these cards are one of the best learning and memorization methods because they allow you to acquire knowledge by memorizing their content through spaced review of the cards. Its consultation is quick, simple and, above all, very effective when you have to memorize a lot of content

At first glance, flash cards seem too simple to be of any use. However, the regular use made of it by students at school, institute and even university shows that they are very useful. They combine text with visual elements, which makes it easier to retain information In other words, they are one of the most productive methods when studying.

How to use flash cards to learn and memorize?

Learning to use flash cards to study is relatively simple, although there is a trick. The way to prepare them is easy, more than making a diagram, although it is necessary perform some process of reflection and synthesis to ensure that the meaningful information to be studied is introduced and that the cards do not become too burdensome to review We just have to write down the question or a key word on one side of the card and the answer on the other.

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We must make sure to easily distinguish which side we will put the question on and which side the answer will go on. On the face of the answer we will place words, drawings or symbols that are either the answer itself or that evoke it. That is, if the answer is very long and complex, what we can do is instead of putting it directly on the other side, put keywords or symbols that help us review it out loud.

It is advisable to make these cards immediately after having studied a topic Throughout the consultation, it is advisable to ask yourself questions, write them down on paper and also write down your answers, preferably reduced to the list of ideas needed to respond correctly. Once this is done, it will be time to capture those questions and answers on the flash cards, making use of our capacity for synthesis, combining it with imagination and creativity.

Once you make these flashcards, use them daily to review. The further in advance you are before the exam and the more times you review them throughout the day, the better. This is an advantage because if you have questions while you are reviewing them, you will have more room to ask the teacher any questions that may not have been clear to you while you were studying.

Added to this, Our memory stores better what we have been reviewing for longer in small sessions than what has been memorized all at once, since this second situation is more tiring. A daily review of between 5 and 10 minutes with flash cards ends up recording the information systematically in our brain, storing it in long-term memory.

So, once done, flash cards can be combined with the spaced repetition method a way of learning in which memorization and constant review of what has been learned are intertwined and acquire equal importance.

How to make them

If we prefer to make flash cards manually, we have many alternatives to make them. They can be made with cardboard, paper or post-its, in different formats, colors and shapes. Here our imagination and creativity unfold, and we must know how to use any tool or format that we know works best for us visually.

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The best way for studying with flash cards to work for us is if we have made them ourselves Of course we can use those of other classmates, but it is better that we have our set of cards at our disposal, made by us and, therefore, prepared in the way that best suits us to study.

In addition to this, when we do them we are also studying, making a mental effort to select the most important information and investing time that is, in reality, a review of the syllabus to be studied.

Also It is important to use several types of letters and different colors By doing so, the cards will be more eye-catching, breaking the monotony and being more visually attractive. Variety helps you memorize better. In addition, you can include drawings related to the concepts we are studying, an excellent way to make the process more fun while facilitating the task of memorization and keeping our attention awake. And you can add any element that makes it easier to remember the concept studied, such as mnemonic rules or acronyms.

Finally, The ideal is to use a single card for each concept to be studied and, when reviewing it, read it aloud. By listening to what we have written we will remember it better later.


Benefits of using flashcards

The benefits of using flash cards to study are many. There are so many that it is totally advisable to introduce it into our study routine. This method contributes to the following:

1. Active memory

Flash cards engage active recall. When we look at one of these cards and are thinking about what its answer is, What we are doing is engaging a mental faculty known as active remembering, trying to remember the concept from scratch. This active memory creates stronger neural connections. Since these cards are used repeatedly, because they are easy to use, they are the best way to review several times and, in turn, improve memory of the concept to be learned.

2. Use of metacognitive faculties

By turning the card to check how correct the answer was, the student performs a profound act of self-reflection, a faculty within what is called metacognition

This makes the student know their own abilities, such as how easy the first review is, if they have to pay more attention to a certain point that they have forgotten, or if they tend to make a lot of mistakes. Whatever it is, knowing it will make it easier for you to perfect the weaker skill and, consequently, study better.

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3. Improve confidence

Flashcards improve confidence based on repetition. The more he repeats, the more aware he is that he knows it by verifying it for himself that it is so. You have empirical proof of what your memory performance is and how you remember what you are studying, which generates better confidence, something essential for the exam since emotions also influence your academic performance.

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4. They allow you to study any subject

There is no academic subject that resists the use of flash cards Even more practical subjects such as mathematics, chemistry or physics can be studied using this technique by using, for example, formulas, physical concepts, symbols of chemical elements…

5. They allow you to study anywhere

Flash cards take up very little space, fitting in a pocket or keeping them in a bag, which allows us to take them anywhere and study them there And if we take into account that there are hundreds of applications that offer among their functionalities the creation of this type of cards in digital format, it is enough to have a computer, tablet or mobile phone on hand to be able to review them.

6. Ideal for sharing knowledge

Study cards are a great method of sharing knowledge. We can use them individually or with another person, making one ask the questions and verify the answers that the other gives Thus, it can be said that they favor team study and help each person be aware of what they need to know thanks to the fact that another person realizes it.

7. Doing them is reviewing

The simple act of preparing the cards helps to review the syllabus. When preparing it, it is not enough to put a word on one side and the written response on the other To do this, it is necessary to synthesize, choose the most important ideas, think about how to write them and choose a visual support to help deepen the learning. This entire process implies that the student makes an effort while handling the information, knowledge that will be recorded in one way or another in his or her memory.