How To Work On Grief In The Family In Psychotherapy?

How to work on grief in the family in psychotherapy

Grief is an experience as painful as it is complex, especially because many times, especially in cases of the death of loved ones, the way we experience it is linked to the family context.

So that… How is grief addressed in families through psychotherapeutic intervention? Let’s see it.

Intervention in cases of grief in the family

First I would take into account what type of family it is, the ages of its members and the moments in each person’s life in which they are experiencing grief. Taking this information into account is necessary to develop strategies on how to address the situation through psychological therapy.

It is also necessary see what kind of duel it is since although each grief is exceptionally difficult, they are particularly complicated depending on the circumstances, age of the deceased, bond and role in the family.

The steps to follow

The first step is be able to talk about what happened, the circumstances, that family members can put their emotions into words and that each person can express how they feel. If there was a possibility of dismissal in a previous processing or if, on the contrary, it was abrupt. If there was a wake, burial, if your family feels peace because of the way they were able to go through these rituals.

All of this seems very common, but during the COVID-19 crisis it was a great lack, and they are practices that in our society for many are fundamental for the processing of grief.

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Being able to move through that pain It is also key. Bring photos or items that have belonged to that person to the session. Being able to speak through memories of whatever arises about family practices. See if those practices can be transferable to someone in the family. If there is a will to continue that tradition as a legacy, or is it something that they prefer to die with the person.

On the other hand, it is essential reassess that person’s place in the family and become aware that they will no longer be. Help us accept and understand that we can remember it and remember those moments, which will always be in us. Connect with that person’s positive traits.

family mourning

It is also important letting sadness in so that family members can perceive that loss, make room for it. Read stories that help elaborate these feelings of loneliness, helplessness, heartbreak, and acceptance of anguish.

It is usually useful create a digital or printed photo album, like a book, with the most outstanding shared moments. Talk about them. Let everyone share how they remember it.

The challenge of overcoming loss as a family

Furthermore, it is important to achieve a family and individual project so that its members, from then on, can create new goals and practices that drive them to move forward and to strengthen your family ties.

Another recommended measure is to promote, in the case of mothers who lose a child, the link with Renacer or Luz del Cielo, which are institutions that work with mothers who have lost their children. This generates a greater feeling of belonging, acceptance, validation and better processing of grief as people who are going through the same situation.

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Furthermore, to turn the page, it is good to find a way to make donations of clothing, furniture, and personal items that the family members do not want to keep in the name of the deceased. In general It helps to release tension and anguish by giving back something of the lost person to others.

In general, another of the recommended strategies is to look for support practices that can strengthen the family. Whether social, religious, family, that allow you to feel protected and contained in the processing of grief.

The importance of taking care of physical and mental health

It is necessary to avoid, unless it becomes complicated, the recommendation of psychotropic drugs that only postpone the process of grieving. Furthermore, it is important prevent family members from engaging in excessive behavior to avoid processing grief, such as overwork, or manic or self-aggressive behaviors. Work on guilt and acceptance.

Strategies must also be promoted to seek to generate healthy practices. Griefs bring new beginnings, so it is good to promote pending projects or modify behaviors that were unfavorable. Generate family cohesion and appreciation of its members.