Hypnotherapy: What It Consists Of And What Are Its Benefits

Clinical hypnosis, also known as hypnotherapyis a powerful and effective tool to improve people’s health and well-being.

Although some individuals are apprehensive about considering hypnotherapy as a psychological treatment, usually due to misconceptions they may have seen on television or in movies, many studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in addressing a multitude of problems. problematic.

How hypnotherapy works

As a psychological therapy, hypnosis is called “clinical hypnosis,” and it allows the patient to experience a feeling of deep relaxation, while your attention is focused inward (your emotions and internal sensations) and towards the appropriate suggestions made by the therapist, which help you make positive changes.

Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis It is not a state of deep sleep in which the person loses will, control and consciousness, but is characterized by inducing the patient into a condition called trance, in which he is actually in an enhanced state of consciousness, concentrating totally on what the therapist is telling him. It is about the patient letting himself go, because if he does not let himself go there is no hypnosis.

Trance is used as an emotional disinhibitorand suggestion is used to cause changes in the cognitive, physiological, emotional and behavioral processes of the patient, who will allow himself to be influenced by hypnotic suggestions to the limit he considers appropriate. If the patient wants, he can finish the process at any time. The role of the therapist is simply that of facilitator of the experience.

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Benefits of clinical hypnosis

Hypnosis It is a very useful therapeutic method and there are many scientific tests that have demonstrated this, but obviously you have to know how to distinguish between clinical hypnosis and the version of hypnosis offered by cinema or television. The numerous research carried out indicates that this method can produce a real and powerful effect on the body and mind.

In summary, hypnotherapy:

What is hypnotherapy used for?

Hypnotherapy can be applied to many psychological, emotional and physical disorders. It is used to relieve chronic pain, acute repetitive pain, pain from psychosomatic problems (e.g., headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, cancer pain, etc.), in preparation for childbirth, and to reduce the need for pain relievers.

In psychotherapy, has been shown to be effective in the treatment of mood disorders (including depression) and for different anxiety disorders: panic attacks, specific phobia and social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). etc

Furthermore, hypnotherapy It is especially indicated to reduce stress and overcome addictions such as smoking and alcoholism, sleep disorders, sexual problems and eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia). Children are often easy to hypnotize and hypnotherapy can help with nocturnal enuresis and chronic asthma.

Hypnotherapy is one of the safest, fastest and most effective forms of treatment for most psychological and emotional problems. It promotes an attitude of independence and empowerment in dealing with problems and can also accelerate the healing process of many physiological problems.

Where to find psychologists specialized in hypnosis

Now, hypnosis is a psychotherapeutic tool and therefore It should not be used in isolation, but integrated into psychotherapy. If you are interested in benefiting from this treatment, you need to be clear that not everyone who has studied this technique is qualified to treat psychological problems.

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In order to offer clinical hypnosis with the maximum guarantees It is necessary that hypnotherapists be, in addition to experts in hypnosis, health professionals specialized in psychological therapy. One of the clinics that is at the forefront in terms of this form of therapy is the El Prado Psychologists Psychology Center in Madrid, which has some of the best psychologists specialized in hypnosis.

El Prado Psicologías is a psychology clinic that is authorized as a Health Center by the Community of Madrid. It has a team of hypnotherapists with extensive training and experience in clinical hypnosis, who apply this technique to treat different problems. Prado Psychologists can offer you solutions and can help you overcome the difficulties you are going through, so that you can regain emotional balance and live a full and satisfying life.

Other effective therapeutic methods

Although it is common for us to associate psychological therapy with a serious problemthere are many people who go to the psychologist for the most varied reasons: improving social skills, learning to know themselves better, maximizing personal development or improving communication with their partner… This clinic does not exclude any psychotherapeutic model, since its objective is to better adapt to the needs of each patient and thus be able to carry out an individualized psychological treatment.

Its intervention method stands out for offering brief treatments, and as a reference center, it is at the forefront of psychology, applying the latest advances in research and incorporating brain change tools into psychotherapy, such as brain integration techniques ( ICT) or mindfulness.