Hypomania: What It Is, Symptoms, And Relationship With Bipolarity


Hypomania is a mood characterized by excitement or euphoria that occurs in a milder manner than in mania. In other words, this is the moderate case of the latter; which does not usually seriously affect the person’s functionality.

Starting by explaining what “mania” is, In this article we will see how hypomania is defined and under what circumstances it can occur.

What is hypomania?

The word mania comes from ancient Greek; It means “frenzy” or “exalted, furious state.” We use it both in colloquial and specialized language to refer to different situations related to the latter. For example, to talk about a fixed concern about something; a strange custom; an aversion that one person feels toward another; or also to talk about a clinical criterion of psychopathology characterized by a state of exaltation.

On the other hand, the prefix “hypo”, which derives from the Greek “hypo”, means “below”. In this sense, and in the context of psychopathology, hypomania is defined as a state of exaltation which is characterized by a decreased need for sleep, a high level of energy, acceleration of metabolism, hyperactivity and/or irritability and increased psychomotor activity.

The difference between “mania” and “hypomania” (and the reason why the prefix “hypo” is added) is that the second does not significantly impact the person’s functionality and, furthermore, does not include psychotic symptoms. In this sense, hypomania can also be defined as a type of mania but less extreme

Main diagnostic criteria

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in its fifth version (DSM-V) includes “increased energy or goal-oriented activity with respect to what is usual for the subject” as a clinical criterion to detect hypomania.

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For its part, the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization also includes increased energy as a diagnostic criterion. The latter along with mood elevation

Likewise, if a person has presented manifestations of hypomania, but not enough to diagnose it, or not with the necessary duration to consider it as a disorder; It may be a “hypomanic episode.”

The above falls under the “Other Specific Bipolar Disorders and Related Conditions” category of the DSM-V.

hypomanic episode

A hypomanic episode is not in itself a clinical category or disorder, but one of the manifestations of others. Specifically, it occurs in the condition known as bipolar disorder type II.

The hypomanic episode is characterized by a mood that usually is not severe enough to cause the person clinically significant discomfort (that which prevents you from effectively carrying out your daily activities and responsibilities). For example, the hypomanic episode does not prevent the person from working; In any case, the opposite happens: the person does not need to take time off.

Likewise, it is an episode that does not require hospitalization and does not present symptoms of psychosis. The above (clinically significant discomfort, need for hospitalization or psychotic symptoms) are characteristics of a manic episode, and usually occur in bipolar type I disorder. Hypomanic episodes can also occur in cyclothymia or cyclothymic disorder.


Generally the hypomanic episode lasts all day and for at least 4 days In the latter, a mood different from that of usual depression can be distinguished and includes some symptoms of mania.

The above may even be functional or adaptive for some people, since the increase in energy also increases creativity, security and self-confidence. In other people, hypomania It may manifest itself more as irritability and easily distracted

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The main symptoms of the hypomanic episode are the following:

For diagnosis and treatment, it must be ruled out that the above symptoms are caused by the effects of a substance (such as drugs or medications), or by a general medical condition (for example hyperthyroidism). In many cases, people who have hypomanic episodes are diagnosed with bipolar disorder type II an issue that requires a more specific approach.

On other occasions it can occur as an effect of taking antidepressants, in this case it also requires a specific approach and control, which does not require a diagnosis of bipolarity.