I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything: Tips To Regain Motivation

I don't feel like doing anything

On many occasions it is assumed that there is only one way to hit rock bottom psychologically: to feel deeply sad and suffer intensely. However, this is not so.

There is also another type of psychological wear and tear based not on excess but on absence. Specifically, the absence of energy and motivation. This feeling of emotional stagnation and lack of motivation is usually reflected in a very simple thought: “I don’t feel like doing anything”.

In this article we will see what the characteristics of this mental state are and what can be done to stop it.

I don’t feel like doing anything: the warning signs

The lack of desire to do anything is something totally different from laziness or tiredness. It is a psychological disposition through which the person feels that it makes no sense to set short or long-term goals or objectives.

Among the most common signs that something is not going well in those who do not feel like doing anything are the following:

The apathy

In the most extreme cases of this phenomenon, this is called avolition, and is one of the typical symptoms of depression. Apathy is the total absence of desire to live or to do any activity. On the other hand, avolition frequently appears together with anhedonia, the inability to experience pleasure, which feeds back, promoting an extremely sedentary life.

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In these cases, it is very important seek help from mental health professionals as soon as possible since the problem is serious enough to seriously erode the quality of life and even increase the chances of suicidal thoughts appearing.

Possible causes

There are different possible causes that can cause a lack of desire to do any activity. It is, as with practically any psychological phenomenon, multicausal and part of what causes it is biological, while the other part has to do with our experiences when relating to the outside world and to others.

What to do to regain motivation?

Anyone who feels identified with that idea of ​​”I don’t feel like doing anything” can follow these tips to improve and get out of this stage.

1. Make commitments

From the first moment a person decides to get down to work to get out of that state where they don’t feel like doing anything, that is already great progress, given the nature of the problem to be solved. However, that It will not be of much use if it is not translated into actions if it does not materialize.

Therefore, we must be clear from the first moment that what is coming consists of doing the exact opposite of what the body asks of us, given that in the first place the problem is that the body requires us to stay still and do nothing. The logic to follow from this moment is to force yourself to be involved in tasks.

2. Practice physical exercise

Physical exercise is probably one of the things you least want to do when experiencing apathy or a similar psychological phenomenon. However, a good part of the solution is to literally activate: indulge in tasks that are moderately physically demanding.

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This is a simple solution for good and bad: it is easy to understand what needs to be done, but having the strength to act on it and invest time in trying to do it is not pleasant.

Doing this helps to reach a minimum state of activation that will help us be able to feel excited about a greater number of projects and experiences so it is one of the most important tips when starting out.

3. Connect with others

Social relationships generate contexts in which it is easier to get in touch with new and exciting situations. Break the routine by expanding the circle of friends It is something almost spontaneous, which happens without having to make an effort.

The situation already provides these kinds of experiences in which other people They give us new philosophies of life, new perspectives and sources of motivation and that in general, give reasons to do something other than sleep or stay in bed.

4. Live a healthy life

Get just enough sleep; not too little, not too much. Also, do not stay in bed for hours if it is not to sleep, and eat healthy so you don’t run out of energy easily.

5. Divide your projects into shorter goals

Lack of motivation is a problem especially at the beginning; Once you have started doing something, it is more pleasurable to continue doing it, and it is more rewarding for the effort it requires.

That’s why, We must try to make it easier to start carrying out the activities, and dividing them into small tasks ordered sequentially is the most effective way to achieve this. This way, the prospect of getting into it doesn’t seem so tough.

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6. Go to therapy

Having the psychological help of a therapist is always a way to bet heavily on regaining motivation. Getting back into the mood to do something other than sleep often means seeing a psychologist.