I Have A Lot Of Stress And I Don’t Know How To Handle It

I have a lot of stress and I don't know how to handle it

Stress is commonly known as something external to us; We usually say “I have a lot of stress” or “work stresses me out” for example.

Stress is an adaptive response of the body to events or situations that require physical, cognitive or mental effort. That is why stress in itself is useful, it gives us the strength and energy to deal with these types of situations: it accelerates heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tone, among other effects that activate us.

Thus, stress is not something negative in itself, although it is commonly believed that way. The problem comes when that stress is maintained over time.

Two categories of stress

Some authors speak of two types of stress, differentiating stress as a motivator for change and the stress that generates a health problem:

Positive stress or eustress

In this case the person interacts with the stressor and is able to adapt appropriately. The response is usually brief, mild and under the assumption that it is controllable.

This type of stress arises frequently in our lives and is necessary for the adaptation and development of the organism.

Negative stress or distress

Here the demands of the environment or the person’s perception of these are excessive and exceed the person’s capacity for resistance as well as adaptation to the environment, which generates negative consequences for our body both physically and psychologically.

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What is it that stresses me out?

We call things or situations that cause us stress a stressor. It can be something physical, such as an accident, or psychological, such as an expectation, or social, such as a family conflict.

If we consider that stress is something external, then the same things should stress us all with the same magnitude and this is usually not the case. Each person is stressed by different things and with different intensity, because this has to do with our coping strategies for each situation and the way in which we evaluate the environment, among other factors.

Effects of stress on health

Besides, It is not only negative stimuli that generate anxiety but they can also be positive circumstances or situations, such as a promotion at work, or building your own home.

What makes you perceive something as stressful?

There are various qualities of events that make them perceived as more stressful, mainly the following.

1. Change or novelty of the situation

Here we can include, for example, a change in work or place of residence; are situations that require the person to adapt is perceived as stressful when an assessment is made that one does not have the appropriate resources or may not have them for the change.

2. Make it unpredictable

It happens when we know something is going to happen but we don’t know when; this It usually occurs in diseases in which we do not know the course they will take such as autoimmune diseases that emerge in outbreaks, but without a specific continuity.

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3. Uncertainty

It is a variable that is present to a greater or lesser extent in our daily lives. It depends largely on the person’s ability to tolerate that uncertainty although there are cases, such as problems at work, or the course of a serious illness, that can generate higher levels of stress.

4. Uncontrollability of the situation

When we interpret circumstances as aversive and in which we cannot do anything, they are perceived as threatening and very stressful, since nothing can be done to change it. An experience like this can be, For example, the death of a close family member.

What elements cushion stress?

These are the main aspects that They help us counteract the wear and tear caused by stress.

  • Social support.
  • Healthy habits such as sleep hygiene, balanced exercise and a healthy eating routine.
  • Personal variables such as flexibility, resilience and self-esteem.
  • Stress coping style and the appreciation of having resources to deal with it.
  • Biological predisposition.

How does stress affect us?

Prolonged periods of stress can affect both physically and psychologically highlighting among others the following problems:

  • Wear and tear of the immune system.
  • Cervical pain.
  • Hair loss.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Greater irritability.
  • Skin problems.
  • Failures in memory and attention.
  • Apathy and depression.

If you think that you may be going through a negative moment or situation and it is causing consequences on a physical and/or psychological level, or you perceive that a family member has a problem related to stress, you can contact the Blanca Esther Psychology Center we will be happy to help you.