‘I Think I’m Ugly’: 5 Ways To Stop Feeling That Way

Do you continually tell yourself ‘I’m ugly’ or ‘I’m ugly’? The physical appearance can lower self-esteem and generate social problems. Discover how to stop feeling ugly and learn to like yourself.

Why do I look ugly?

Have you ever wondered if you are handsome or ugly? If you do it frequently, it is likely that your self-esteem is damaged and that has repercussions and causes you problems relating to others.

Why do I think I am ‘ugly’?

We know that self-esteem is not only produced by the physical appearance; Intellectual factors, self-confidence, social network, work and life achievements also provide self-esteem. However, the physical area is tremendously important and can condition all the others, since it is our letter of introduction, the facade of our house and it is the first thing you see.

Surely you have ever met someone who is not very physically attractive but nevertheless has a great power of seduction and a special charisma with others. Those social skills and that confidence that he exudes help the physical part go unnoticed and be just as attractive as someone who is physically well endowed. What is your trick? Although his physical appearance does not suit him, he enjoys good self-esteem and his shortcomings do not affect the rest of the areas of his life. This is proof that physique is not the only thing that matters in determining whether someone is ugly or handsome. Therefore, you can get to know if you really perceive yourself as ugly if you follow the following attitude.

  • You give too much importance to the physique: Probably when you perceive or tell yourself ‘I’m ugly‘ either ‘I’m ugly It is basically a sign that you give more importance to the physique than it really has. Although our physique is an important area, there are many other things that are also important and perhaps you are giving too much weight to a factor that cannot be changed, while other aspects of the person that can be enhanced and improved to be more attractive and feel more attractive you are not taking them into account. If you feel attractive (in the general term of the word, that is, not just physically) you will feel good about yourself and that will make you give off an aura that others perceive and value.
  • You are very self-demanding: The first thing to question is whether perhaps we are being too critical of ourselves. Are you very self-demanding? If it’s not perfect it’s not worth it? If the answers are yes, maybe you are not so “ugly” and you simply have flaws like everyone else.
  • You see too many defects: Having a big nose or a round face or bulging eyes does not make you ‘ugly’ either ‘ugly’ We have to assess whether all of us are more or less fine and perhaps we are giving too much importance to a specific defect. In this way, even though others may not perceive you as having so many defects, by focusing on them you end up making yourself perceive yourself as ‘ugly’ and others see it reflected in your attitude.
  • very low self-esteem: Sometimes giving so much importance to a defect causes all self-esteem to go down the drain and thus disorders such as anorexia, vigorexia or body dysmorphic disorder, among others, can appear. We more or less know something about anorexia and vigorexia, but body dysmorphic disorder is not as well known. It is the distortion in the perception of a defect making it more important than it really is. For example, there are women who have breast surgery several times because they are never happy with the size they have. Or the clearest example is Michael Jackson. The singer was never happy with his physique and underwent surgery again and again, making his appearance worse and worse. In the same way that an anorexic girl sees herself as fat in the mirror even though she is not, in body dysmorphic disorder the person becomes obsessed with something about her physique and sees it as worse than it really is.
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How to stop feeling ugly?

How does low self-esteem affect your attractiveness?

Social relationships can be affected by these self-esteem problems, since you probably feel constantly judged by your physique (because you are the first one to do it) and that can lead you to different situations:

  • You try to go unnoticed: Thus, you may avoid one-on-one situations, perhaps you prefer to meet in a group rather than with one person because you go more unnoticed, or you avoid situations in which you expose yourself too much, such as dancing or singing or going to the beach.
  • You talk less than normal: Most likely, you also feel undesirable as a person and that makes you self-conscious and interact less, that is, you talk less or turn to alcohol or drugs to lose your inhibitions and lose your fear of speaking. Without being shy, you behave as if you were.
  • You isolate yourself or relate only virtually: Your low self-esteem can lead you to stop meeting people for fear of having them see you or your flaws. You prefer to be locked up at home or do activities that are not social or in which you cannot be seen (virtual activities) rather than real activities.
  • You try to modify your physique: Many people resort to cosmetic operations to feel better about themselves and therefore stop having these problems when interacting with others.

In many cases, people who perceive themselves as ugly suffer from low self-esteem. For this reason, it is essential that you work on your own perception of reality and try to value yourself. If you think this is your case, you can always count on a mental health professional.

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How to learn to stop feeling ugly?

What can you do to stop feeling ugly?

To stop being ugly or rather, to eliminate thoughts by saying ‘I’m ugly’ or ‘I’m ugly’ You don’t need to change your appearance. In many cases, attitude does much more than a person’s appearance. For this precise reason, we recommend that you stop feeling this way and implement the following psychological tips in your life.

  1. Accept yourself as you are: The solution to all these problems is to make constructive (not destructive) self-criticism and accept reality. Accepting reality means not only focusing on your flaws but also being able to see your virtues. So, analyze every day in front of the mirror everything you like about yourself physically. Dwell on it for a while and don’t pay attention to what you don’t like about yourself, simply accept that it is there and is part of you. There are many cases in which in reality you are not ugly but on the contrary you are seeing defects where there are none.
  2. Increase your self-esteem: Once this exercise is done, it is important to evaluate all the other areas of your life. Make a list of all the virtues you have at an intellectual level, personality, life achievements, values, etc. Enhance your virtues and work so that your social area is not affected. Give each area the percentage it deserves and don’t give as much to the physical. This will make you relate more naturally and improve your social area. In many cases to stop telling you ‘I am very ugly’ or ‘I am very ugly’ yourself, it will be vital to try to work on your self-esteem and your self-perception.
  3. Stop focusing on your flaws: There are many cases in which to conquer a girl or a boy you do not have to be the most beautiful person in the world. The reality is that individuals who focus on their defects only enhance them more and harm themselves even more. In this way, to try to leave these defects behind you must visualize your virtues and try to enhance them whatever they may be.
  4. Practice a positive attitude: Let go of the negative thoughts that keep telling you thatI’m ugly’ or ‘I’m ugly’ In many cases, attitude is the key to being able to please others and especially yourself. Therefore, instead of focusing on the negative, put it on the positive of everything around you.
  5. Stop giving importance to others: People who place more importance on what is said about them than on what they really are tend to feel very negative about themselves. For this reason, it will be essential to try to leave behind what people think of you and value yourself for who you really are.
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It’s important to live your life based on who you want to be on the inside, not on the outside. Beauty is perishable while the soul lasts over time. As the phrase goes: ““Don’t judge a book by its cover.”. Don’t do the same to yourself.