If I Fall I Get Back Up, But, Giving Thanks For What Is Yet To Come

There are no failures, but paths that lead us to discover what lies ahead. I encourage you to look at the problem from a different perspective.

If I fall I get back up, but, giving thanks for what is yet to come

Life is full of bumps Some of us will be able to avoid them, but others will need to first develop some skills that will help us get up.

You are not the first to get lost in life, to cry, to despair for not knowing how to decide and find the correct route that allows you to be at peace and live in harmony.


Personal crises are not a coincidence What happens is that some people they receive them and listen and, others they try to ignore accumulating them in the backpack of their past damages. From time to time they open it, and they feel even more victims because of how badly life is treating them, without doing anything, without taking action to decide and change their nostalgic life direction.

The results when we do not implement new ways of acting in our lives will be the same. If you want to keep complaining, go ahead continue doing the same thing you do currently, but, if you want to achieve new results, it is time to start being aware that everything that happens to you is a possibility for your personal improvement and growth.

Life is full of brave who bet and take risks, but also cowards who throw in the towel at the first bump they encounter on the road

A coach It will accompany you, it will guide you along the way so that when the next time you fall, you will know how to get up, dry your tears and put a new smile on your face.

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It doesn’t matter what stone you find along the way: anxiety about something, low self-esteem, relationship problems, jealousy, relationship breakup, emotional dependence.The important thing will be how you face what you encounter in life.

It is essential to start taking the first step and get out of the rut:

  • Create spaces for personal reflection
  • personal self-knowledge
  • Start valuing and loving yourself
  • Do not deposit salvation in anyone but yourself
  • Change the belief that life treats you badly with another belief that life wants to see you growing personally.
  • Deciding is changing the direction of what makes you uncomfortable and unhappy.
  • Taking risks if you believe in yourself will lead you to discover other different landscapes in your life

Have a great day

Esther Rodriguez

Personal-Executive Coach

Malaga, Spain