Imagery In Therapy: What It Is And How It Is Used In Psychology


Guided imagery is a technique used in therapy and sports psychology mainly with the purpose of helping the subject control anxiety states; from treatment against phobias to improving the subject’s performance in some sporting discipline.

In this article we are going to see how this technique is applied in psychological interventions, as well as the most common cases where it is usually implemented. We will see a list with the steps to follow to be able to use the imagery appropriately.

What does imagery consist of?

Guided imagery consists of propose to the subject an imaginary scenario where they are able to overcome situations guided by the therapist this with the intention of ensuring that the individual acquires sufficient self-confidence for when they need to face a similar issue in their daily life.

This technique offers good results in the treatment of neurosis, especially in the issue of anxious states, as we have already mentioned before, thanks to the fact that it offers the subject the possibility of facing a complicated situation from a controlled and safe environment. .

The main idea is that after the guided imagery process the person gradually achieves the psychological resources necessary to cope with adversity that may be occurring in your life, regardless of the area.

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Thus, imagery makes it easier for the patient to learn to relate to certain situations in a functional way and without mismanagement of emotions playing against them. This is done thanks to the fact that it combines the use of imagination applied to the creation of fictitious but vivid situations on the one hand, and the possibility of controlling that imaginary environment so that it adapts to the “training plan”, on the other.

With psychological supervision, the person is exposed to imaginary scenarios that adjust to the level of difficulty they can face at any given moment.

When is its application convenient?

Now we will see some examples in which imagery is effective for treatment.

1. Anxiety states

Anxiety is characterized by a pattern of accelerated and catastrophic thinking in which the subject anticipates his failure before having begun to carry out the activity.

In these cases, the imagery consists of proposing to the subject imaginary situations in which he is exposed to some factors that trigger his anxiety, and guiding him until he is able to face the situation, being himself the one who finds the tools to manage them in a context. sure.

2. When looking to improve performance

Regardless of the area in which you seek to improve performance, imagery is an excellent technique to achieve this goal. In these cases, an imaginary scenario is generated relative to the area where improvement is desired, whether in the sporting, work, family, or personal aspect etc.

Once we have mentally located the subject where we want, we proceed to guide him through a series of situations in which will have to overcome certain obstacles that the specialist will generate throughout the visualization process.

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For example, if it is a footballer who has had a significant drop in performance, we seek to put him in key situations, where his competitive instincts emerge, such as taking a decisive penalty, among other situations typical of his sport.

3. When seeking to close cycles

Through this technique, the therapist can get the subject to close some negative cycles that keep him anchored to certain situations from the past and that do not allow adequate development in aspects of his daily life.

Breakups, loss of a job, departure of children, among other grieving processes, are frequent in treatments that use imagery. Usually, when people resist closing some cycles in their lives, it is because they avoid situations completely, even to the point of not consciously thinking about them.

To ensure that our patient manages to close cycles adequately, tact must be taken when bringing the visualization to the subject’s mind; Otherwise there could be some quite inconvenient resistance during the process.

Sometimes it will be necessary to get the person to imagine another person with whom they have had a strong argument, or even someone who is no longer alive, all with the aim of having an appropriate farewell to reach the desired closure of the cycle.

Steps to follow during the process

In the next few lines we will review the guidelines to follow when applying imagery.

1. Establishing rapport

This aspect is fundamental for the success of any therapeutic process, particularly when we apply guided imagery. It is key to getting the subject to trust us as therapists and allow us to give them the necessary guidance during the process.

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Rapport refers to the degree of trust that the therapist manages to establish with his patient; usually achieved during the first consultation sessions before beginning the application of any technique.

2. Have the real reason for the consultation

The real reason refers to the true reason why the subject attends the consultation. It is common that at first the reason you indicate is not the one that really affects you.

It is the therapist’s job to identify what the real reason is and work based on it. At the time of applying the imagery we must already know both the separate motive and the real motive of the case.

3. Previous interview

It is important to have conducted a prior interview with the subject that can provide significant information about their daily routines, in order to use that information during the guidance process.