Integrated Psychopath: Psychological Characteristics And Traits

Integrated psychopath: psychological characteristics and traits

The integrated psychopath is a human being with manipulative and narcissistic traits who has the ability to hide his personality to avoid being discovered. He can harm those around him when he uses their abilities to gain benefits without regard to the harm he causes to achieve them.

The lack of connection with other people’s emotions and remorse makes people with this personality difficult to deal with. They often show manipulative, deceptive and antisocial behavior, but they know how to integrate into society and go unnoticed. In this PsychologyFor article, we explain what the Integrated psychopath: psychological characteristics and traits.

What is an integrated psychopath?

The term “integrated psychopath” describes someone with the characteristics of a psychopath but who is also able to integrate well into society and go unnoticed. Individuals with this personality type do not seek to stand out and know how to avoid being discovered.

From a clinical point of view, according to the DSM-V(1)This pathology can be located within the antisocial narcissistic personality disorder. Next, we will describe the diagnostic criteria of this clinical picture:

  • Contempt for other people through attitudes.
  • Victim blaming.
  • Lack of interest in other people’s feelings.
  • Aggressive behaviors.
  • Lack of repentance after having committed an injury.
  • Impulsive acts.
  • Deception towards the immediate environment for personal benefit.
  • Pride.
  • Feelings of greatness.

Characteristics of an integrated psychopath

The characteristics that allow integrated psychopaths to be detected are the following:

  • Misleading: They can be very good at hiding their true intentions and tricking people to get what they want.
  • Charming – They can be very charming and persuasive, allowing them to get what they want from others.
  • Lack of empathy: Despite being charming and likable on the surface, they may lack empathy and the ability to care for others.
  • Impulsive behavior: They may have difficulty controlling their impulses, which can lead them to commit reckless or dangerous acts.
  • Manipulator: They can manipulate people to get what they want, and they can be very good at making others feel guilty or ashamed. In this article you will find more information about the emotional manipulator profile: what it is, traits and how to recognize it.
  • Engage in criminal activities and dismiss from the law. Do not take responsibility for the actions committed.

Integrated psychopath: psychological characteristics and traits - Characteristics of an integrated psychopath

Psychological traits of an integrated psychopath

The condition of integrated psychopath is characterized by certain psychological traits. Find out how to spot a built-in psychopath below:

  • Inability to establish sincere interpersonal relationships.
  • Lack of comprehension For other people.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Falsehood.
  • Handling emotional.
  • Selfishness constant.
  • Permanent victimization.
  • Lack of shame, modesty and guilt.

It is important to remember that these traits are not exclusive to integrated psychopaths and can be observed in other people as well.

How to treat a built-in psychopath

If you learn how to treat an integrated psychopath, don’t miss these recommendations:

  • Demonstrate security: A built-in psychopath has the overwhelming need to dominate the people around him. To prevent him from carrying out this maneuver with you, he demonstrates confidence in the decisions you make.
  • Control your emotions: Maintaining a state of tranquility is essential to cope with the behaviors of an integrated psychopath. It should be noted that these types of people are experts in making their victims feel guilty, but you have to stay calm. In this article, we show you effective emotional control techniques.
  • Distrust his story: Integrated psychopaths often make up stories to reinforce their feeling of greatness and get what they want. Dismantling their story is essential for them to desist from their actions. It is important to clarify that it is not about convincing them to change their perspective, since they do not usually rethink their actions.
  • Avoid confrontations: People with this personality tend to generate conflicts and do not give in to their convictions. If he generates any confrontation, it is best not to humor him.
  • Focus attention on actions: The words and actions of an integrated psychopath often contradict each other. To avoid a bad moment, it is advisable to focus attention on those gestural and behavioral manifestations to better understand what their intentions are.
  • Set conditions: Establish consistent boundaries and agreements to prevent him from imposing or manipulating you. It is preferable that you adopt a cold attitude and do not give in to their accusations.

Integrated psychopath: psychological characteristics and traits - How to treat an integrated psychopath

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Integrated psychopath: psychological characteristics and traits we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.

  1. American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (5th edition). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing.


  • Pozuelo Romero, JM (2013). Integrated/subclinical psychopaths in relationships: Profile, psychological abuse and risk factors. Papers of the Psychologist Magazine, 34 (1), 32-48.

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