Intervening On Anxiety Problems From Online Psychology

Intervening on anxiety problems from online psychology

Are you very afraid of getting sick? Or fear of leaving your house, talking to people and socializing? Do you have a lot of worries and negative thoughts?

Perhaps you are experiencing a state of pathological anxiety, with/without panic attacks, or perhaps you suffer from generalized anxiety disorder… To treat it, you need to consult with a specialist.

Possibly you identified with some of these points, or with the following characteristics and personality traits: incessant catastrophic thoughts, low self-esteem, insecurities, stereotyped and rigid thoughts, excessive fears, panic symptoms, feeling of loss of control, feeling of continually getting sick, need for recognition and search for perfectionism… These are some of the symptoms suffered by people who suffer from pathological anxiety.

Online therapy for anxiety?

There are several treatments that can help you overcome anxiety problems, but what generates the most results when dealing with these alterations is treatment from Cognitive Psychology and Mindfulness meditation.

For years I have been using a methodology created by me, which has had very successful results for all those who apply these techniques. It is known that to learn to manage this problem it is necessary to delve into psychoeducation, to know how to manage once and for all the emotional intensity that overwhelms you. The techniques go beyond free association and pure catharsis, but rather aim to self-management and self-knowledge for emotional balance.

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My experience in the clinic has shown me that the most useful thing is the combination of individual sessions (in which I focus on each person’s problems and guide them in the implementation of said cognitive resources) with the “Online Anxiety Workshop.” and emotional management”, where participants can reflect and understand what is happening to them, finding simple but highly effective coping strategies.

It is also possible that patients who already have psychological treatment can complement it with this specific methodology for anxiety, which is essential to overcome it. If this is your case, I suggest that you start today with the “Online Anxiety and Emotional Management Workshop”, which you can do in the comfort of your home, at the time and at the time that best suits you, and see all the times as you need until you incorporate these new concepts. Internal analysis and application of what you will learn is essential for deep and real change.

7 Points necessary to frame the framing of distance cognitive psychotherapy sessions

Psychotherapy is changing and adapting to the current demands of people who need support anywhere in the world. and that they do not find specialists in this problem where they live. That is why for years I have been providing online care via video call (with the same effectiveness as in-person care) since I trust that what I want to transmit transcends the screen completely. People who apply what we work on see their mood improve noticeably from the first two weeks.

To take advantage of these sessions, it is important to keep the following in mind.

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How to make the “Online Anxiety and Emotional Management Workshop” a completely effective method

Fundamental ideas to keep in mind:

In this workshop you will find all the most effective tools from Cognitive Psychology and Mindfulness Meditation.. The benefits that you will acquire are many, such as enjoying the moment and living fully without having negative and exhausting thoughts, improving your quality of life and the way you deal with your relationships, and developing professionally and personally as much as you want, without having to suffer or suffer unnecessarily. They are ready-made classes, very complete with short and concise videos, so you can incorporate all the psychoeducation you need, and meditations to reduce stress. There are no schedules, you access as many times as you want, completely online.

If you want more information you can write to me at +549 3413128208 or in my profile. If you want more information about the workshop, go to this page.