Is A Bipolar Person Aware Of Their Actions?

Is a bipolar person aware of their actions?

Bipolarity is a diagnosis that is established in people with very changing behaviors in short periods of time. Although it is true that each person is unique, there is a pattern of behavior that is repeated in cases of bipolarity. But do the people who suffer from it have the notion of what they do and what the consequences of their actions are?

If you want to understand how the mind of a bipolar person works and why they would do something without knowing it, we recommend you read this PsychologyFor article, in which we will provide you with information about whether a bipolar person is aware of his actions and the consequences that not being aware of what you do can have.

Are people with bipolar disorder aware of their actions?

According to the DSM-V(1), bipolar disorder is classified within affective disorders. One of the conditions to establish an accurate diagnosis of this type is to identify the diagnostic criteria of this condition, both in the manic phase and in the depressive phase. We see them below:

  • manic phase: increased self-esteem, flight of ideas, decreased need for sleep, ease of distraction, impulsivity and lack of limits.
  • depressive phase: total lack of interest, weight loss or gain, sleep disturbances, fatigue, lack of concentration to think and recurrent catastrophic thoughts.

So, is a bipolar person aware of their actions? The truth is that individuals with bipolar disorder They are not aware of their actions, since, in both the manic and depressive phases, they manifest involuntary behaviors of which they are not aware. In this article you will find more information on how to know if a person is bipolar.

Even though the individual manifests some of the symptoms mentioned above, it is important that the diagnosis be made by a professional of mental health that evaluated each case in a personalized way.

How the mind of a bipolar person works

In order to better understand the fact that someone bipolar is not aware of their actions, it is necessary to analyze how the mind of a person diagnosed with this disorder works. In fact, it is necessary to take into account the biological factor, since they establish neural connections that intervene in thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

What goes through the mind of a person with bipolarity? Next, we will see which parts of the brain are altered by bipolar disorder:

  • Cerebral cortex: suffers alterations during manic episodes. To be more specific, this area of ​​the brain usually shortens in these phases of bipolar disorder. Hence the symptoms of impulsivity and lack of control over emotions manifest.
  • Ventricles of the brain: Compared to people who do not have this clinical picture, bipolarity produces an enlargement of the ventricles of the brain. Among the many functions it carries out, the cerebral ventricular system maintains emotional stability, so if it is altered, it can cause a destabilization of one’s own emotions.

Is a bipolar person aware of their actions? - How the mind of a bipolar person works

Adverse effects of having bipolarity and not being aware of what you do

As we have seen, people with bipolar disorder are not aware of their actions, which can cause serious consequences that affect both oneself and the social environment. What is a bipolar person capable of doing? Next, discover what the adverse effects of having bipolarity and not being aware of what you do are:

  • Social instability: Emotional disturbances deteriorate the closest social ties. A bipolar person oscillates between the depressive phase, with symptoms such as lack of constant communication, apathy, isolation and disinterest, and the manic phase, in which they may experience episodes of anger, difficulty listening, lack of reflection and lack of empathy.
  • Unfinished projects: In both the manic and depressive phases, it is common for the person to leave unresolved projects in areas such as work, student, family, etc.
  • Put life at risk: the inability to reflect on what the complications of carrying out certain actions could be, can put the person’s life at risk.
  • Physical or psychological aggression against third parties: In some circumstances, the impulsivity produced by bipolarity can cause physical and psychological damage to people in the closest environment. Lack of awareness causes bipolar people to not realize the consequences of their actions.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Is a bipolar person aware of their actions? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.

  1. American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (5th edition). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing.


  • Martínez Hernández, O., Montalván Martínez, O., Betancourt Izquierdo, Y. (2019). Bipolar disorder. Clinical and epidemiological considerations. Electronic Medical Journal, 41 (2), 467-482.
  • Tarragón, M., Miquel, M. (2011). Bipolar Disorder: A disorder of circadian regulation? Journal of Neurobiology, 2 (4), 1-15.

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