Is A Person With BPD Dangerous?

Is a person with BPD dangerous?

A person with BPD Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) may experience intense emotions and impulsive behaviors, but is not dangerous. Often, a lack of knowledge causes us to imagine catastrophic and complex scenarios that are uncontrollable. Above all, BPD is a mental pathology that makes it difficult for those who suffer from it to regulate and control their emotions.

Importantly, stigma and misunderstandings about BPD can lead to misperceptions about the danger associated with this condition. To demystify these types of beliefs, it is necessary to have concrete and efficient data to help those who need it most. In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about whether a person with BPD is dangerous.

How dangerous is a person with BPD?

A person with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) not dangerous to others. However, due to the nature of the disorder, you may have behaviors that, in certain contexts, may be concerning. The influential factors in the dangerousness of people with BPD are:

  • Comorbidities: People with BPD may have other co-occurring disorders, such as substance use disorders, which may increase the risk of dangerous behaviors.
  • Trauma history: A history of trauma or abuse can influence the behaviors and reactions of a person with BPD, potentially increasing the risk of impulsive or self-destructive behaviors.
  • Access and quality of treatment: Access to appropriate treatments, such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), can significantly reduce risky behaviors and help people with BPD manage their emotions and impulsive behaviors more effectively. Likewise, it is essential to consider the seriousness of each case to evaluate the necessary strategies to address it.

Currently, many social sectors maintain that this clinical condition represents a danger to the lives of other people. However, this is not the case, because there is no clear intention to cause physical or emotional harm.

Why people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are not dangerous

People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are primarily not dangerous due to the nature of your disorder and to the way in which its symptoms generally manifest. Below, we show you the main reasons why a person with BPD is not dangerous:

  • Orientation towards oneself: People with BPD are often more prone to self-harm than harming others. Self-harm is a way to deal with emotional pain, but it is rarely directed at someone else.
  • emotional instability: They can be impulsive in some situations, such as spending a lot or having abrupt mood swings, but this rarely translates into violent behavior towards others.
  • Fear of abandonment: People with BPD have an extreme fear of abandonment and may act desperately to avoid it, but this usually does not involve endangering others.
  • Widespread wrong stigma: The misperception associated with BPD contributes to creating a stigma that is far from reality. It is necessary to understand this condition more precisely so that society has a better response to people who suffer from it.

If we take stock of the emotions, behaviors and thoughts of people with this diagnosis, we can see that they do not represent a danger to society if certain conditions are kept in order. Precisely, in this article we also resolve the question of whether BPDs are bad people.

Is a person with BPD dangerous? - Why people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are not dangerous

How to help a person with BPD when they experience anger episodes

Helping a person with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) during anger episodes may require understanding and patience to help them manage their emotions in a healthy way. Here are some suggestions on how to provide support:

  • Keep calm: It is important to maintain a state of calm and avoid reacting with anger or frustration. Empathy toward their feelings can help calm the situation. Once a pleasant and controlled environment can be produced, it will be possible to intervene.
  • Validate your emotions: Let them know that you understand that they are experiencing intense emotions and that their feelings are valid, even if you disagree with their behavior. Adopt a compassionate and empathetic attitude, as this will help alleviate crisis episodes. In this article you will see How to practice empathy in my life.
  • Avoid conflict: As much as possible, avoid getting into arguments or confrontations during the angry episode. This can exacerbate the situation and make it more difficult to calm down.
  • Recommend therapy: Going to a mental health professional is usually an efficient help to help you control anger. Through precise techniques and open dialogue, it is possible to progressively reduce episodes of anger.
  • Set clear boundaries: Even if the anger is persistent and long-lasting, it is intolerable to accept any type of abuse. For this reason, remind her not to be aggressive with her surroundings.
  • Encourages self-reflection: After the anger episode has passed, invite him to self-reflect on what triggered the anger and how he could better handle a similar situation in the future.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing House.
  • Mosquera, D. (2011). Borderline personality disorder. A conceptual approach to the DSM criteria. Digital Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, 1 (1), 1-26.

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