Is It Difficult To Find Patients As A Psychologist?

Is it difficult to find patients as a psychologist?

As a general rule, the profile of the psychotherapist is, essentially, vocational: it is made up of people who are very clear that they want to help those who are going through a bad time, or who have a great personal interest in understanding the particularities of the human mind and most important psychosocial processes.

This fact, which has its advantages and positive aspects, is also associated with some problems that many recent graduates in Psychology go through. The jump from the world of studies to the world of work is usually complex for them. And even those who already have a Master’s and Postgraduate degree, frequently encounter situations in which it is clear that they lack knowledge and other resources to be able to sustainably live off of what they generate by caring for patients.

So, it’s time to ask: Is it difficult to find patients during the first months or years of dedicating yourself to psychotherapy? Or, on the contrary, is it just difficult to “get the ball rolling” during the first few days? Let’s see it in this article, in which we will also review some tips to attract people to your psychologist’s office.

Is it very difficult to get patients as a psychologist?

Answering this question involves taking into account several nuances, most of which are included in two main categories: on the one hand, training and professional specialization; and on the other, persuasion and the ability to gain visibility among potential clients or patients.

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Regarding training, it should be taken into account that the university degree in Psychology, in most countries, is presented as a context in which to learn about the science of human behavior; It is not a business school or a place to receive training about the details and ins and outs of day-to-day life as a psychologist. It is understood that this basic training addresses the major general topics that Psychology deals with in broad strokes, so that from there students can choose and select their areas of interest on which they can focus their development as professionals once they are already there. graduates.

With regard to persuasion and visibility, we must not lose sight of the fact that To be a good psychologist it is not enough to do it well ; We must also make it known that we know how to do it well. If our professional performance does not become known beyond the four walls of the psychology office, the clinic or the psychotherapy consultation, our professional career will end sooner rather than later due to the lack of patients, and we should not give up. Of course, relying on the “word of mouth” of those who are served by us will be enough to maintain a sufficient flow of income. In addition to helping those who seek our help in therapy sessions as much as possible, there is more that needs to be done. Let’s delve into it in the next section.

7 key ideas to fill your psychology consultation

These are several keys that you should keep in mind so as not to stagnate in your attempts to have patients if you dedicate yourself to psychotherapy.

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1. The beginnings are complicated, but the Internet can help you

Psychologists who have been dedicating themselves to their profession for decades do not have to dedicate as much time to actively seeking opportunities to make themselves known, given that having built an image and a history of appearances on websites and in the media, they have a passive flow of patients who come to them.

But If you are starting out, it will be essential for you to dedicate part of your weekly work hours to making yourself known. Nowadays, this requires having a presence on the Internet, and offering a professional image in the design of your page, in the photographs visible to your potential patients or clients, etc. No effort should be spared in offering accessibility to the most relevant information about who we are and how we work.

2. Training is key, also to get clients and patients

Nowadays there is a wide range of Master’s degrees, postgraduate degrees and even short courses aimed at psychologists and this has its reason.

And part of the usefulness of these training programs goes beyond giving you theoretical and practical knowledge to intervene in certain problems and satisfy certain needs that must be addressed from Psychology; In addition to this, today many people rule out the possibility of going to the consultation of a psychologist who has had little training, and look for more complete or specialized profiles.

3. Collaborating with the media will help you

We have seen before that it is essential to have a presence on the Internet. However, your marketing plan doesn’t have to be limited to the digital world. To your website and social media profiles you should add appearances at least in the local press, on the radio or television in your municipality, etc. Especially since a part of the population uses the Internet little, something to keep in mind especially if you specialize in therapy for adults or the elderly.

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4. Make sure you are communicating to your potential patients

Take care of the language register you use, and do not forget that you are communicating not for other psychologists or for people who may be impressed by the use of technicalities, but for potential patients; people who do not necessarily have a university education in behavioral sciences and who, not knowing you, have no special interest in reading everything you write if what you are communicating is not something that arouses their interest.

5. Find your exact professional niche thanks to the Internet

Finally, remember that thanks to the consolidation of online therapy and online training, you have it easier than ever to contact patients who live far away, as well as with masters and postgraduate courses specialized in your area of ​​specialization that do not have to be taught in person in your city. This flexibility is something you should take advantage of, especially since the rest of the psychologists are also doing it and would take a great advantage if you fall behind.

Do you want to train in the practice of psychotherapy?

If you are considering continuing to develop your professional profile as a psychologist, you will be interested the Master in Integrative Psychotherapy offered by Instituto Mensalus.

This training program lasts one school year and is available in person, online and mixed mode, and its main feature is that it allows you to learn from psychotherapists with consolidated professional careers in the world of mental health and who dedicate most of his time caring for patients at the Mensalus Institute itself; In addition, students will be able to observe and participate in psychotherapy sessions with real patients. For more information about the Master, visit the Mensalus page.