Is Schizophrenia Hereditary?

Is schizophrenia hereditary?

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that in many cases can be hereditary, as long as a series of precise conditions are met within the family. Although it is true that genetic predisposition can considerably increase the chances of the disease developing, environmental variables also come into play here that affect its development or interruption.

Therefore, the lifestyle adopted in these cases will influence the behaviors, emotions and thoughts that a human being with schizophrenia may have. Likewise, resorting to specialized treatments can reduce the intensity of the symptoms of this clinical condition. In this PsychologyFor article, we will tell you if schizophrenia is hereditary.

Can I inherit or acquired schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia can be inherited if there is a genetic basis which increases the chances of it developing. Despite these considerations, a series of neurological conditions must be met to develop the symptoms of this disorder. In other words, although there are certain neural connections that are present in a condition of schizophrenia, this does not mean that they manifest themselves in behaviors, emotions and thoughts.

For this reason, it is possible to mention that, although there are altered neuronal components, a human being can live their entire life without having developed it. According to research carried out, it has been shown that the presence of a recessive gene can be decisive to inherit this mental disorder.

In this article you will find more information about the Types of Schizophrenia and its characteristics.

How schizophrenia is inherited

Schizophrenia is inherited from the transmission of genes between the parents and the person who has said diagnosis. Here the types of genes that are manifested and those that remain invisible come into play. In other words, there may be people who carry the disease, but do not have symptomatic manifestations that correspond to the necessary clinical criteria.

This happens when recessive genes are transmitted within inheritance between human beings. On the other hand, it has been confirmed that people whose parents have genetic alterations are more likely to develop the disease. In relation to this, you can also read the article Is anxiety hereditary?

Is schizophrenia hereditary? - How schizophrenia is inherited

What are the chances of inheriting schizophrenia?

The chances of inheriting schizophrenia They are around 80% in general cases, as long as there is a combination of genes that alters the neuronal conditions of a person. However, the high probability of suffering from this condition does not mean that a person will develop the characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia. For this to happen, it is essential that environmental variables are brought into play that favor the appearance of the problem.

In the case of twins who share the entire genetic material, the probability drops to 48%. The rate of development decreases to 17% in twins.

Can hereditary schizophrenia be prevented?

Hereditary schizophrenia can be prevented if appropriate measures are taken to counteract the effects of this clinical condition. To account for this, we will distinguish some fundamental points:

Specialized treatments

First of all, the psychological therapy It is a key device for developing tools aimed at facing situations of stress and/or anxiety in a more enjoyable way. Each psychological therapy must be adapted to the needs of each individual, taking into account aspects such as genetic background, pre-existing diseases, family history, age, sex, environmental variables…

On the other hand, the supply of antipsychotic medications It must be taken into account when approaching a patient with schizophrenia in order to achieve a decrease in the intensity of the symptoms presented. However, the supervision of a mental health professional must be present in each treatment carried out.

Favorable environmental variables

Hereditary schizophrenia can be prevented by having a favorable environment for the person. This consists of the presence of good family treatment during the childhood period, accompanied by the aforementioned treatments.

On the other hand, it is important to have information on the consumption of toxic substances, since it has been shown that their consumption has a direct relationship with the signs of schizophrenia. In this sense, the avoidance of drugs and the reduction of stress are essential points for the person’s approach.

Is schizophrenia hereditary? - Can hereditary schizophrenia be prevented?

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Is schizophrenia hereditary? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Pacheco, A., Raventós, H. (2004). Genetics of schizophrenia: advances in the study of candidate genes. Journal of Tropical Biology, 52 (3), 34-44.

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