Is The Law Of Attraction Real?

Is the Law of Attraction real?

Mahatma Gandhi already said it: “Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive, because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive, because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values. Keep your values ​​positive, because your values ​​become your destiny.

Principles that link thought and results

The well-known Law of Attraction, very popularized by books like the secrethas some scientific evidence that I list below.

1. Collateral thinking

Understand the meaning of collateral thinking (positive thoughts/perceptions and manifestations or negative thoughts/perceptions and manifestations), like attracts like. When we have positive thoughts, we feel good and we transmit it, unlike when we have negative thoughts. These thoughts have a direct impact on our way of acting, interacting, perceiving and receiving.

Furthermore, among other studies, the research conducted by Wetzel showed that we feel more attracted to people with similar opinions, we feel more related to these people.

2. Change your mood, you have the power to do it

A large part of the Law of Attraction is learning to be an open and happy person and interact with others from this attitude, attracting generosity, kindness, and success, being a reflection of the behavior we observe.

In other words, when someone exudes positivity, this same response is reflected in the observer’s brain. This can produce feedback, which is easily replicated. On the other hand, studies on the amygdala (the emotional center of the brain) show that If we are afraid or anxious we stimulate feelings of fear and anxiety in others.

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Another additional statement belonging to the Law of Attraction theory states that negative thinking can hinder or prevent success, love, well-being, and human connection. Act as if you have already achieved your goal, the positive, in a realistic and measurable way. The mere fact of thinking about positive things will make you feel better and from here you will relate better to them, translating into better results.

3. Limiting beliefs

Follow this process through four steps

Geneticists show that limiting beliefs are partly inherited, but thanks to epigenetics we know that they can be unlearned and new beliefs learned.

You should not settle or feel guilty about your limiting beliefs, try to identify them and from here do not make them yours, modify them.

4. The Pygmalion effect

From the self-fulfilling prophecy, the Pygmalion effect If we believe that we are going to fail or succeed in some activity or performance, it is very possible that our behavior will change so that this ends up happening, since the belief conditions our responses and our way of interpreting reality. In the words of Stephen R. Covey, “Treat a person as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a person as he can be and could be and he will become what he can and could be.”

When you pronounce the statement “I can’t” or “I don’t want” you will have that result, you must add the word “” yet” and replace “no” with “yes” to your vocabulary.


A professor at the University of Exeter published an article on constructive and repetitive thinking, revealing that people who continually tell themselves that they can achieve a goal are more likely to achieve a positive result.

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Of course, there is a learning curve that is closely related to these principles. Remember, although perfection does not exist, practice almost leads to perfection. The more you practice, the better results you will obtain, from the security that this learning gives you.

If your actions are accompanied by positive thoughts, feelings and thoughts, these will help you obtain these expected results, or at least it will facilitate and give you security in the process to achieve constructive results.

After all this, I invite you to put these principles into practice, and check through thoughts, words, behaviors, habits and values ​​the power you have to achieve or “attract” your goals, as Gandhi said; “because your values ​​become your destiny.”

And remember: “You are the creator of your mind.”