Keys To Choosing A Good Coach

Keys to choosing a good coach

In this article you can find the keys necessary to find a good coach being clear about what you can expect from support in the context of coaching and what qualities you should find in this type of service.

But first of all, we must know what a coach is.

    What is a coach?

    The coach is a professional who is in charge of Help other people achieve the goals they have set, both personally and professionally it depends on the field you want to work in.

    Coaching is a very important methodology in human development to be able to advance in our daily lives. Many educational centers are beginning to teach this discipline to develop personal growth from childhood. During life we ​​go through different stages, in some we feel blocked, lost, we even don’t see the way out of certain situations; It is therefore necessary in those moments to ask for help from a professional, since sometimes we do not have the appropriate tools to be able to find the solution on our own.

      What does a coach do?

      Within the discipline of coaching there are several types, the choice will depend on the specialization of each of them.

      In many situations we are clear about what our objectives are to achieve and in others due to our own blockage we do not know; a coach It will help you identify what your goals are to achieve and will give you the necessary tools to achieve them

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      Example: I feel very short and I would like to feel taller because I have decided that way. If I tell you that you are 1.70 m tall and that in the country you live in it is a good average, therefore, you are supposed to believe that you are not. No matter how much you tell yourself 100 times a day that you are not short, you will continue to feel it. On the other hand, if I tell you to put on heels or stand on a stool you will automatically see how your height increases.

      Obviously, this example is still a basic parable, but it can be seen that if your objective is something specific, the coach’s job is give you the tools to achieve it, always without judging what you want That is to say, the exercise of doing something different is what will lead you to a different resolution, repetition will not make your reality change.

      Choose the right coach

        What is the coaching process like?

        Some understand that coaching is the mere act of asking open questions to the client; others understand it as mentoring or consulting classes. In my opinion this will depend on the techniques provided by each professional and the nature and characteristics of the client themselves. Having said that, There are certain principles that are found within the coaching process and these are the following.

        1. Say “No” to unilateralism

        The coach You should not force changes that the client is not prepared to make or chooses not to make Our job is to challenge our clients in a practical and free way so that they can achieve the goals they want to achieve for themselves.

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          2. Use explanations that revolve around people

          Anonymously, a coach can share other clients’ experiences, or their own, if it is believed that these provide added value to the current situation at hand; this can help unblock the client and strengthen the validity of their own experience

          3. Practical tasks between sessions

          In my case, I propose to carry out practical tasks outside the sessions which will later be carefully evaluated in the next session. The mere fact of consulting once or twice a month will not make your life change if tangible changes do not occur in the process, and you are going to make these yourself.

          4. Avoid codependency dynamics

          One of the biggest keys is do not create codependency with the client, since, as we have mentioned, the objective is to give you the tools so that you yourself can face those situations that worry you. Your life is yours and no one knows it better than you. That does not mean that the coach does not take active responsibility for the process, since we most certainly do.

            How to choose a professional coach?

            A good coach will never push you to work with him/her, he/she will simply answer the questions you need to start a process or additional information about the methodology used without any commitment.

            It is important that the coach has an academic qualification that certifies his or her professional development; Unfortunately, there is a lot of intrusion within the profession. You would never go to a doctor without his pertinent studies.

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            The sessions must be natural and fluid, The most important thing is the closeness and understanding between the coach and the client As a teacher I always say that there are no concepts that are difficult to understand but rather bad ways to explain. Something very difficult explained well can seem very simple, and something simple explained poorly can seem very difficult.

            Trust your instinct, Deciding to start a coaching process is something intimate and deep that must be based on mutual trust When you find the right coach you will know.