Krause Corpuscles: What They Are, Characteristics And Functions

Krause corpuscles

Krause corpuscles are specialized sensory structures which play a crucial role in the perception of cold. Discovered in the 19th century by Wilhelm Krause, these encapsulated receptors are found in the skin and mucous membranes, and are essential for detecting and responding to changes in temperature.

Despite their tiny size, Krause corpuscles have significant importance in thermal regulation and adaptation of the body to its environment. In recent decades, advances in imaging techniques and molecular biology have allowed scientists to deepen their understanding of these receptors, revealing details about their ultrastructure and mechanisms of action.

What are Krause corpuscles?

This article explores the history, structure, function, and recent scientific advances related to Krause corpuscles, as well as their medical and future applications, highlighting their relevance in modern science and medicine.

History and discovery

Krause corpuscles were discovered at the end of the 19th century by the German anatomist Wilhelm Krause. Krause, interested in the complexity of the nervous system, identified these corpuscles as specialized sensory structures in the skin and other mucosal areas. During his studies, he observed that these corpuscles were particularly abundant in cold-sensitive regions, such as the tongue and genitals, suggesting a relationship with thermal perception.

Initially, his discovery did not receive much attention in the scientific community. However, as microscopic technology advanced and new staining techniques were developed, other researchers were able to confirm and expand Krause’s findings. Krause corpuscles were classified as encapsulated receptors, a category that includes other important sensory structures such as Meissner corpuscles and Pacinian corpuscles.

Over time, it was understood that these corpuscles played a crucial role in the perception of cold, helping the body detect and respond to changes in environmental temperature. This discovery not only enriched knowledge about human sensory anatomy, but also opened new avenues for research in neurophysiology and the sensory adaptation of the human body to its environment.

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Structure and location

Krause corpuscles are tiny, specialized, encapsulated sensory structures located in various areas of the human body. Microscopically, these corpuscles have a spherical or ellipsoidal shape and are composed of a capsule of connective tissue that encloses a central mass of dendritic and nerve cells. The capsule serves to protect and isolate the delicate sensory cells within.

Each corpuscle contains nerve endings that branch within the capsule, forming an intricate structure that specializes in the detection of thermal stimuli. These endings are surrounded by a matrix of collagen cells and fibers, which provides structural support and aids in the transmission of nerve signals.. The specific arrangement of these cells and fibers allows a rapid and precise response to changes in temperature, especially cold.

Regarding their location, Krause’s corpuscles are found in the dermis of the skin and in the mucous membranes of various parts of the body. They are particularly abundant in areas such as the tongue, lips, conjunctiva of the eye and genitals, where sensitivity to cold is crucial. They are also found in smaller quantities on the fingertips and other areas of the skin that are frequently exposed to changes in temperature.

The distribution of Krause corpuscles is not uniform; They tend to concentrate in regions where the perception of cold plays an important role in the protection and adaptation of the organism. For example, on the tongue, these corpuscles allow us to detect the temperature of food and drinks, while on the genitals, they help protect sensitive areas of the body from extreme temperatures.

Function and mechanism of action

Krause’s corpuscles play a crucial role in the perception of cold, acting as thermal receptors specialized in detecting low temperatures. These corpuscles are designed to respond to specific thermal changes and transmit sensory signals to the central nervous system, allowing the body to adapt and react appropriately to its environment.

When the skin or mucous membranes come into contact with cold stimuli, Krause’s corpuscles are activated. Nerve endings within these corpuscles detect the decrease in temperature and generate action potentials. These electrical signals are transmitted through nerve fibers to the spinal cord and then to the brain, where they are interpreted as sensations of cold.

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The mechanism of action of Krause’s corpuscles is based on the interaction between sensory receptors and nerve cells. Changes in environmental temperature affect the physical properties of the cell membrane of the receptors, leading to an alteration in ionic permeability. This change triggers a series of biochemical events that result in the generation of a nerve impulse. Krause’s corpuscles They are especially sensitive to cold stimuliand its encapsulated structure helps filter other types of stimuli, allowing a specific and precise response to cold.

In addition to their role in thermal perception, Krause corpuscles also play a role in regulating body temperature. When detecting cold, these receptors send signals that can trigger physiological responses to conserve heat, such as vasoconstriction (reducing the diameter of blood vessels) in the affected areas. This response helps minimize heat loss and maintains the body’s homeostasis in cold environmental conditions.

Recent research and advances

In recent years, research on Krause corpuscles has advanced significantly thanks to improvements in imaging techniques and molecular biology. These studies have provided new insights into the structure and function of these sensory well as its role in the perception of cold and in various pathological conditions.

1. Electron microscopy

One of the most notable advances has been the use of high-resolution electron microscopy, which has allowed scientists to observe the ultrastructure of Krause corpuscles in unprecedented detail. These observations have revealed the complex organization of cells and fibers within corpuscles, providing crucial information about how these structures detect and transmit thermal signals.

2. Genetic research

Additionally, genetic research has identified specific proteins expressed in Krause’s corpuscles that are essential for their function. For example, Certain ion channels, such as TRP (transient receptor potential) channels, have been found to play a key role in thermal signal transduction. These channels are activated in response to low temperatures, triggering action potentials that are transmitted to the brain.

3. Study in pathologies

Another emerging field of research is the study of Krause corpuscles in pathological conditions. It has been observed that, in certain diseases, such as peripheral neuropathy and diabetes, the function of these corpuscles can be compromised, leading to an altered perception of cold and problems with thermal regulation. These findings are driving the development of new therapeutic strategies to protect and restore sensory function in these conditions.

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4. Bioengineering and nanotechnology

Additionally, bioengineering and nanotechnology are exploring ways to replicate the function of Krause corpuscles in artificial devices, which could open new avenues for the development of advanced thermal sensors and thermally sensitive prostheses.

Medical and future applications

Advanced knowledge about Krause corpuscles has important medical implications and opens new possibilities for future research. In this section, we will reflect on future areas of development and application of Krause corpuscles.

1. Treatments for peripheral neuropathies

One of the most promising areas is the development of treatments for peripheral neuropathies, conditions in which peripheral nerves, including sensory receptors such as Krause corpuscles, are damaged. Restoring or improving the function of these corpuscles could alleviate symptoms such as loss of sensitivity to cold and improve patients’ quality of life.

2. Research in bioengineering and nanotechnology

Furthermore, detailed understanding of the thermal transduction mechanisms of Krause corpuscles has boosted research in bioengineering and nanotechnology. Scientists are exploring the possibility of designing artificial thermal sensors that mimic the function of these corpuscles. These devices could have applications in advanced prosthetics, providing users with a more realistic sense of the thermal environment, which would be a major advance for people with prosthetic limbs.

3. Dermatology and cosmetology

Another potential field of application is dermatology and cosmetology. By better understanding how Krause corpuscles sense and respond to cold, topical products or therapies can be developed that improve skin health and thermal sensation, especially in extreme climates or for people with sensitive skin.

4. Aging research

In the area of ​​future research, studying how changes in the function of Krause’s corpuscles may be related to aging and chronic diseases. Understanding these relationships could lead to new interventions that mitigate the effects of aging on sensory perception.


Krause’s corpuscles are essential for the perception of cold and thermal regulation of the body. Recent research has deepened our knowledge about its structure and function, opening new possibilities in the treatment of neuropathies, the development of advanced prostheses and dermatological applications, underlining its importance in medical science and technology.