Lasting Relationships: 10 Ways To Be Successful In Love

One of the great motivations of human beings is to be successful in love and spend a life full of joy with the person we love. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, because courtships and marriages can break up at any time for many reasons, and long-term relationships are not especially common

Divorces are frequent today and, in fact, Spain is one of the leading countries in terms of this phenomenon, with a divorce rate of 61%, according to Business Insider. Results that indicate the complexity of maintaining a healthy and lasting relationship. That is why science seems to have been interested in discovering the keys that keep a couple from breaking up. In this article you will find ten reasons to have a long-term partner.

How to be happy with your partner

As statistics indicate, relationships are not easy Each component of this has its own vision of the world, its concerns, its tastes and has lived its experiences. This often causes the members of the couple to disagree and enter into conflict, something normal considering that each of the lovers has their needs. The problem is not the conflicts themselves, but how we face and solve them.

Surely you have heard many times that the key to stability in love is found in communication. In reality, communication is essential when it comes to interpreting other people’s actions and giving our opinion. In addition to good communication, other social skills are needed for a couple to function: negotiation skills, empathy, active listening, tolerance, etc.

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    The reasons why a relationship lasts

    Surely you have ever asked yourself, “what makes a couple last despite the bad times or the bumps that may come across in the path of the relationship?”

    This is exactly what Mark Manson, journalist and editor of the magazine, asked. Quartzthat Before getting married, he conducted a survey of 1,500 people about the keys to a successful relationship Below you can find the results and conclusions of their survey:

    1. Respect or leave the relationship

    When we share life with another person, there needs to be respect. It is logical that both members do not always agree, but for the relationship to work, they must be willing to respect each other.

    This includes respecting the ways of thinking and opinions of others and, furthermore, there needs to be an expression of that respect, for example, eye contact that demonstrates sincerity. Nobody wants to be with someone who does not respect them, because it causes discomfort and affects self-esteem.

    2. Talk about everything (also the bad)

    As already mentioned, communication is one of the most important factors for a relationship to work.

    Communicating efficiently refers to say what you think assertively, actively listen to what the other person wants to say (not only with their verbal language, but also non-verbal) and their needs and not avoid those topics that can be complicated. Unpleasant topics must also be touched upon (with trust and respect) and should not be avoided because sooner or later they will reappear.

    3. Realism above all

    Having realistic expectations is necessary for a relationship to work. It is normal that at the beginning, in the phase of falling in love, our perception of life is magnificent, but as we get used to the relationship, some problems may appear that need to be worked on to solve.

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    A relationship is a constant negotiation in which we must do our part, therefore, it is not only attraction that a couple lives and maintains. Being aware that ups and downs can appear is the first step to being able to solve problems when they arise.

    4. The importance of choosing a partner

    It may happen that some people fill the void they feel with another person, when they feel panicked alone, afraid of uncertainty and due to the existence of social pressure that forces us to have a partner.

    This happens more often than you think, because friends and family can make us feel like failures for being single. Being with someone for fear of being alone It is a big mistake, and it shows great emotional weakness and a great fear of finding oneself. One must love oneself to be able to love others. Dependent people make a relationship become asymmetrical, that is, a toxic relationship.

    5. Being in a relationship does not mean losing your own space

    Each person has their interests and motivations, which are essential for their own personal development and happiness.

    be with someone It doesn’t mean we have to give up our own identity In fact, doing this makes you overly obsessed with the relationship. The life project as a couple must be combined with one’s own life project.

    6. Be by the couple’s side in times of change

    When a relationship is healthy, the couple enjoys the triumphs of either member. That is why each one must share things in common but must have their own life (professionals, friendships, etc.). When one of them makes achievements in her life or has difficult times, both must support each other and be united

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    7. Reconciling attitude towards conflicts

    Conflicts are common in relationships and arguments can arise for different reasons. Long-term couples are no exception and they also fight. Now, what causes couples to stay together It is the ability to resolve conflicts and an attitude that seeks dialogue and union instead of separation.

    8. Satisfying intimate relationships

    Having good intimate relationships is another of the keys to why the relationship lasts. Those couples who pay attention to this point, trying to ensure that this situation does not become monotonous, are the ones who enjoy the greatest stability.

    Keep the flame of passion alive It is very important in the stability of courtship and marriage. You can learn more about the benefits of being good in bed at this link.

    9. Little things make couples happy

    We may have high expectations about what our partner should be. In reality, what matters are the little things and daily details that you share with the person you love. Those words, those moments, those gestures… will create a deep connection and, therefore, greater union.

    10. Know how to forgive

    Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes, even us. Our partner can also make mistakes and, therefore, for the couple to last, it is necessary to know how to forgive. We may get into an argument and the other person admits that they are partly to blame. When this happens, wounds must be closed and examine the reasons why it is worth staying together