Let’s Celebrate The Day Of Love, Whether You Have A Partner Or Not.

Valentine’s Day reminds us how lucky or unlucky we can be just by having or not having a partner. Discover how to live the day of love whether or not you have someone by your side.

How to celebrate the day of love?

The day of Valentine’s Day It is a day desired and hated in equal parts by the population. Many people feel happy and graceful that day since they have a partner and know that it will be a special day, but others feel unhappy and cursed simply for not having a partner and not being like that.”nothing to celebrate“.

Why celebrate Valentine’s Day, whether you have a partner or not?

It is true that having a partner is something that makes you feel fulfilled, complete and increases your self-esteem. We are social beings and our natural tendency since we are primates is to pair up so as not to be alone and thus generate our own family. Furthermore, feeling that someone has fallen in love with you in itself increases self-esteem. You have been chosen from the entire crowd, you are special and the other person is special to you. You can experience what romantic love is and it always feels good. You may already know what it feels like and this is one of the reasons to have a happy Valentines Day

What happens is that many times society puts too much pressure on this issue, and hence the frustration on Valentine’s Day or what is known as Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day That day if you don’t have a partner you feel like a weirdo. If you go down the street you see all the shops decorated with big hearts, cakes that remember love and couples proclaiming their joy, hugging, kissing and discovering a gift. If you don’t have a partner it’s as if you were nobody that day. You feel jealous, worthless and frustrated for not having “love“, as if there was only one type of love.

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On other occasions what happens is that someone who has a partner also gets frustrated because they have to think of something special for him or her. Valentine’s Day or Valentine’s Day, you must surprise and demonstrate your love through a special act (as if only the act of love were valid that day). Or on the contrary, she feels bad because he or she has tried harder than the other person and doubts appear, “Doesn’t he love me enough? Before he gave me more elaborate gifts, before he surprised me, with what I have done and he/she only gives me a rose“.

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

What can I do to feel good on Valentine’s Day or Valentine’s Day?

Whether or not you have a partner, on Valentine’s Day, that is, the 14th of February, you can be happy too. The reason is that there are many ways to experience love and therefore the day of love is not only for lovers but also to celebrate other ways of experiencing this feeling. In order to be happy on Valentine’s Day, you can do the following.

1. Don’t give it so much importance

The most important thing of all is not to give so much importance to a date. That day you are no less than another day, whether you have a partner or not. The important thing about February 14th It is not about whether or not you have a partner, but about whether you feel love in your daily life.

2. Don’t have expectations

If you consider that your partner has not surprised you enough or has not worked hard enough, lower your expectations, perhaps you are asking for too much. Value what he does every day and the reasons why you are together. Avoid quantifying love based on a gift or a surprise. Love is made every day and through small things. Focus on that. Expectations are one of the reasons why people often argue at Valentine’s Day on the day of love.

3. It is a reminder

Think that Valentine’s Day It is simply a reminder of love, if you do not have a partner, enjoy the love that other people give you (even if it is not love as a couple). Value who you have by your side, your family, your friends, and above all who you are. If you don’t have a partner, on the day of love you can meet with friends and/or family, toast to friendship, to the unconditional love that family provides, to love in general and enjoy the people around you.

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4. Think about what to improve inside or outside the couple

Although it would be foolish to say that we do not want to couple, not everything is positive when we have a relationship and when we do not have a partner and we want to have one, we tend to idealize. Think about the relationships you have had and how negative they were. Remember if when you had a partner Valentine’s day It was so special and you gave it as much importance as you do now. Probably when you were in a relationship you didn’t value it as much and didn’t give it as much importance. Why now?

On the contrary, if you are within a relationship on valentine’s day try to make that day a reminder of what you must improve in order to live love in your daily life.

How to celebrate Valentine's Day?

5. Overcome your fears

If you have never had a partner, you surely feel that desire or “worm“. It’s normal. But Do not blame yourself too much for it. It is important that you value things a little more objectively. I highly doubt that it is your fault alone that you have never had a partner. Have you tried? Have you taken a risk? Have you fought for someone? If you haven’t, overcome your shame or fears and dare to show that you want to bet on someone. If you’ve done it and it didn’t turn out well, that person loses it! It was clearly not for you. Not everything is your fault, maybe he is cowardly, irresponsible or childish. Try to iron out your flaws But don’t beat yourself up for having them, everyone has them and there are people with a partner. So why are you going to be the exception?

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Furthermore, within a relationship, Valentine’s Day is also a good time to overcome these fears and face what we fear within the relationship. Take the step you’ve always wanted, Valentine’s day it’s always a good time.

6. Avoid drama

Avoid dramatizing with phrases like: “I’ll never be happy“, “I will never have a partner“, “So how are they going to love me?“. Remember that for someone to love you, you first have to love yourself. Value your resources, your way of being and the positive things you have. Love as a couple is not the most important nor the only thing that exists in life Write down your virtues and enhance them. Recreate yourself in the positive things you have and who you are today.

This advice is also applicable if you have the possibility of experiencing one of the Valentine’s Day love stories Drama these days will only make you see the negative parts of your relationship in an unobjective way.

7. Pay yourself a tribute

Finally, if you do not have a partner for Valentine’s day Think that it would be much worse if you were with someone who does not fulfill you just because you are not alone. Enjoy the solitude and the pleasure of doing what you want at any given moment. Whether you have a partner or not, this day of love can also be for you. Dedicate the day to yourself, pay yourself a tribute. Think of something you love and give yourself that reward. Celebrate your self-love! Enjoy yourself and how much fun you can have with yourself. Make that day special, you don’t need someone to do it.

You don’t need a specific day, what’s it like? Valentine’s day, to live love. In these moments, remembering that love is important for our lives is very positive, but we should not only keep in mind on that date. Having love for both yourself and others is vital to being happy. If you think that it has been a long time since you have experienced this feeling for yourself or those around you, perhaps you should consult with a professional psychologist. Live love from within!