Lewinsohn’s Depression Coping Course

Lewinsohn's Depression Coping Course

Among the various types of psychological problems that can exist, probably one of the best known is depression.

Not in vain, it is the most common mental health problem along with anxiety. It is a highly disabling condition in which the subject maintains a sad mood and/or a loss of the ability to feel pleasure where they previously found it, in addition to other problems such as extreme passivity, hopelessness, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, loss appetite and desire to do things and even suicidal thoughts.

In short, depression is a condition that generates great suffering for those who suffer from it and is highly limiting. However, fortunately depression can be treated with various types of therapeutic strategies. Along with Beck’s cognitive therapy, One of the best known and considered effective is the so-called Lewinsohn course for coping with depression which we are going to talk about in this article.

The Lewinsohn Depression Coping Course: What is it?

The Lewinsohn Depression Coping Course, also known as CAD, is one of the main and most effective treatment programs within depressive-type mood disorders and mainly for major depression (which it is aimed at).

CAD was designed by Peter Lewinsohn as a therapy to be carried out in a group, and in which the role of the professional becomes more of an instructor of the group in which different areas linked to the suffering of depression are worked on and trained. . It has various versions, dedicated to different sectors of the population, in many of which it has proven its effectiveness.

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It is a psychoeducational program based essentially on behavior (although it also works on cognitive elements), with a very clear and defined structure and consisting of a total of a dozen sessions, in addition to another two for support and follow-up after the intervention itself. These last two sessions would take place after one month and six months.

Main components

During the twelve main sessions of which this program consists, various aspects relevant to the treatment and prevention of major depression are worked on, as we have mentioned. Specifically, we can find four major components.

1. Scheduling pleasant activities

One of the first aspects to work on and one of the most basic and essential is the implementation of a schedule of pleasant activities. The aim is to generate with the subject a series of strategies, guidelines and activities that help increase the proportion of positive and pleasant experiences and reduce the frequency of aversive ones. The aim is for the person to be able to link their emotions with their actions and to change the latter in such a way that little by little they can modify the former.

In this sense, it is not only about literally programming activities that the subject can find positive and generate pleasure or at least a decrease in anhedonia or discomfort (something that is also sought), but It is also intended to train aspects such as positive and assertive communication, time management and relaxation

2. Social skills training

Another aspect covered in the CAD is interaction and social skills. In this sense, work will be done to facilitate communication and promote the learning of various strategies, guidelines and skills that allow fluid interpersonal interaction. In this sense, group application can be of great help, since it facilitates the use of role plays and modeling of different skills

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Aspects such as the defense of one’s rights, thoughts and positions in an assertive manner, the expression of doubts, needs and opposition and various types of interaction with one or more people are worked on, generally in increasing order of difficulty. This makes it easier to both reduce the discomfort that interactions can generate in those people with difficulties for them, as well as the expression and work on their own personal discomfort typical of depression.

3. Modification of cognitions

Despite being a psychoeducational and mainly behavioral program, the truth is that Lewinsohn’s depression coping course also incorporates cognitive elements Specifically and in a similar way to Aaron Beck’s cognitive therapy, the third of the fundamental aspects to be treated involves the modification of cognitions and cognitive restructuring.

This phase is characterized by working on the patients’ beliefs and thoughts, trying to locate the main cognitive biases present in the thinking of the person with depression. We work first to identify what the subject’s thoughts are, pose them as hypotheses and try to search for possible thoughts and interpretations, to later generate behavioral experiments in which the subject can test his or her beliefs in a controlled manner.

4. Orientation and vital plans

The last of the main components of Lewinsohn’s course for coping with depression involves reviewing the patient’s main basic values, their life orientation and the most significant goals and plans for the subject. It is about analyzing each of these aspects and how they come together in the subject’s life, how they affect him and to what extent he is directed to them.

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The presence of intermediate steps in achieving one’s own objectives can also be observed as well as the difficulties that may arise.

5. Clinical utility

The Lewinsohn course for coping with depression is a program whose main indication is, as its name indicates, the treatment of major depression and other disorders that occur with depressive episodes.

It is a program that has been proven effective through various studies, and as we have said, it is considered of great relevance when applying treatment to depression in populations of specific sectors. It is effective in adults, children and the elderly, but has been shown to be especially relevant in treating depression in adolescents. In this specific sector, it is considered one of the most important psychological treatments for the treatment of depression in adolescents. It is also effective in adults, children and the elderly. Although it was designed to be implemented in a group setting, it is also effective in individual therapy.

Although it is focused on the treatment of depression, it is also useful not only when the disorder is already present but also in its prevention. In addition to the subject themselves and especially in the case of adolescents and children, the separate application to parents has also been found to be useful.