Locchiophobia: Characteristics, Symptoms, Causes And Treatment


Pregnancy and the moment of childbirth in women are biological and natural processes. However, it is normal that they sometimes cause some respect or fear, especially at the time of childbirth. When this fear, however, becomes intense and disproportionate, we speak of a specific phobia: lochchiophobia

In this article we will learn what exactly this phobia consists of, what other fears it is related to, what two types exist and what repercussions it has. Finally, we will talk about its symptoms, causes and possible treatments.

Locchiophobia: what is it?

Etymologically, the word “locchiophobia” comes from the Greek term “tokos”, which means “birth”, and the term “phobos”, which means “fear”.

Locchiophobia, also called tokophobia, is a type of specific phobia that consists of the intense fear of giving birth or giving birth ; This phobia translates into a fear or anxiety associated with giving birth to a baby naturally, and is related to the fear of pain (especially in first-time mothers) and the fear of complications (especially in mothers who have previously had traumatic experiences during childbirth).

It is also related to the fear that the baby will suffer or be born with some malformation, although in locchiophobia the fear itself is especially directed at the “moment of giving birth.” On the other hand, locchiophobia can be accentuated at times close to childbirth.

To prevent or treat locchiophobia many times the birth is scheduled in advance and through a cesarean section

Let us remember that specific phobias are anxiety disorders (classified as such in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders)), and that therefore the symptoms are closely related to anxious symptoms, including nervousness, irritability, overexcitement, dizziness, etc

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Let’s see what the symptoms of locchiophobia consist of:

1. Intense fear of giving birth

The main symptom of locchiophobia, as in any specific phobia, consists of the existence of an irrational, intense, persistent and disproportionate fear (or anxiety) of giving birth which some women suffer from, whether pregnant or not (especially those who are not, who avoid becoming pregnant).

2. Fear of pregnancy

Sometimes lochchiophobia can also include the fear of carrying a baby, although it is mainly related to the moment of childbirth. The fear It often translates into nervousness, irritability, anguish, discomfort, fear etc.

This fear can cover both the gestation period and the period or moment of childbirth; The mother is afraid of the time to give birth, and especially afraid of suffering or feeling pain that she cannot bear.

3. Avoidance behaviors

On the other hand, the person with locchiophobia also presents avoidance behaviors, in this case of situations that remind them of the moment of childbirth (if they are already pregnant) or of situations, people or objects related to the possibility of becoming pregnant (such as see other pregnant women).

4. Altered functioning

The overall symptoms of lochchiophobia (especially intense fear) must last a minimum of 6 months to be diagnosed as such, and the daily functioning of the affected person must be significantly altered (due to the symptoms).

5. Other symptoms

Other symptoms associated with lochchiophobia are the appearance of nightmares, depressive symptoms, heightened anxiety, difficulties concentrating or thinking, nausea and even panic attacks. It is very important to prevent and treat these symptoms to prevent the baby (if it is already gestating) from also suffering.

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There are two types of locchiophobia: primary and secondary.

1. Primary

Primary lochchiophobia is that which first-time women suffer who have never given birth before.

Typically, these women, if they are not pregnant, want to have children, but the moment of childbirth frightens them so much that they delay the moment or simply do not try to get pregnant. If they are pregnant, they feel this fear throughout the pregnancy and especially in the last stages of it.

2. Secondary

The second type of locchiophobia is secondary. These are those women who are no longer first-timers, that is, who have already had children, and who had a traumatic experience during childbirth (due to complications, problems, etc.). This bad experience caused them a kind of trauma, in addition to possible painful symptoms, and that is why they fear going through the same thing again.

So, Generally these women are afraid of getting pregnant again and that is why they avoid it although locchiophobia can also arise in women who are pregnant again and have already had children (this second case being rarer).

Effects on quality of life

Generally, women who suffer from locchiophobia end up choosing the vital option of not having children (at least conceiving a child naturally).

This decision based on a limitation can affect your emotional and sentimental terrain (in relationships), if their partners want to have children and they don’t. It may also happen that these women resort to other alternatives, such as adoption, in order to avoid the pregnancy and/or childbirth process.


The causes of locchiophobia can be diverse. As we have already anticipated, one of the most common is a previous traumatic experience that occurred at the time of giving birth (in non-first-time mothers). This experience may have included complications for the baby or for the mother herself, malformations in the baby, unbearable pain at the time of birth, etc. This is the most common cause of secondary locchiophobia.

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However, locchiophobia can also arise from observing other mothers suffering during pregnancy or at the time of childbirth, after hearing traumatic stories from other women for example (vicarious learning).

It may also be related to myths and legends associated with the time of childbirth, which end up causing the person who suffers from the phobia to have erroneous or distorted beliefs about the time of giving birth.


The treatment of locchiophobia, in women who are already pregnant, consists of scheduling a cesarean delivery sufficiently in advance so that the woman feels calm and safe. However, Before doing so, you can also resort to psychological therapy through restructuring techniques, which allow the elimination of erroneous beliefs related to the moment of giving birth.

These techniques (along with cognitive therapy itself) will also allow the woman to learn to listen to her fears and understand where they come from and what they are based on.

The patient will end up replacing her dysfunctional thoughts with more positive and realistic ones Furthermore, it will be important to accompany the woman so that she can conceive the moment of childbirth as a natural process that, if it becomes complicated, she will be able to have medical professionals and the appropriate resources available to solve any possible problem.

As for possible pharmacological treatments, anxiolytics and/or antidepressants may be used (to help alleviate existing anxiety and possible comorbid depressive symptoms) as long as this does not affect the baby’s health, and exclusively under medical prescription from a professional.