Love, Know, Advance, Trust And Have Fun

Love, know, advance, trust and have fun

For develop bomb-proof self-esteem, it is essential that you understand the simplicity of the process that must be carried out in order to experience it. I do not work with so-called positive thinking, not because I do not live from its direct influence, but because of the number of errors that come with misunderstanding the concept of “positive thinking.”

My approach is based on what I call realistic thinking, from which, once you truly think, see and perceive everything in the most real way possible, the feeling that accompanies you, the result of that integration, is ineffable. You will have increasingly greater states of peace and you will connect with variable feelings of happiness, increasingly solid and intense.

    The ability to love

    One of the pillars that support the strongest self-esteem is to love If you could experience with a single snap of your fingers the feeling of love in all its magnitude, with its tiny nuances, the gigantic word “self-esteem” would be a mere speck of dust compared to the feeling of fulfillment and fulfillment you would feel.

    Focus every day, focus on learning what love is and how you can experience it with all its different variables, since it is undoubtedly one of the fundamental centers for your self-esteem to multiply quickly.

      The need to know our circumstances

      On the other hand, you must know the information about the terrain through which you are traveling, as well as the information about the vehicle you are driving, it is a condition to be able to go from where you are to where you want to go in the best conditions. Understanding and approaching this metaphor, the reality is that you are moving in the terrain of “Life”, with a vehicle that is “Your Body” about which you know hardly anything, and this can often lead you to have problems, since you may want to go to one place, but your vehicle moves to another, probably causing certain obstacles that you cannot overcome

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      Knowing everything about yourself and the map you are moving on becomes basic and a priority so that, as a result of this knowledge, the steps you take become increasingly solid, and in this way you can go to Villa Autoestima as soon as possible. and from there establish your habitual residence to be able to travel around the rest of the world, always from that state of great value. And as you know, we developed this in the complete series of 7 books Open your eyes.

      The role of trust

      On the other hand, no type of route or expedition of a certain level was produced from the feeling of insecurity, mistrust, doubt or uncertainty: trust is fundamental in your human experience When you become aware that there is no greater journey than the one that is taken from the moment we are born until we die, you understand the vital importance of trusting in order to develop it, reaching the highest levels in terms of experience and fulfillment. If you want to have a relationship in which there is mutual trust, you must first make sure that there is a large amount of it in you and thus be able to contribute it to the relationship.

      If both members of the couple feel confident in themselves and in the path they are traveling together, the relationship will face and overcome obstacles, challenges and difficulties in a much simpler way, and instead of weakening them, it will strengthen and unite them.

      Self-confidence encompasses, in the same way as love, an understanding that is beyond something superficial and a new abstract concept associated with a certain internal behavior with people when overcoming situations. This fruit has very deep roots in yourself, in your unconscious, and is associated and reinforced by your physiological patterns of language and behavior, enhancing and limiting itself based on knowledge and your own experiences.

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      Furthermore, it is linked to how your mind works and how much you have trained it, since depending on how you exercise it each day, the progress and expansion will become greater and greater. The best thing is that for this to happen you are the one who has the power and you must exercise it by doing the work, so cheer up!

      Improving personal relationships

      What makes relationships, both work, family and love, very difficult is the projection that your own mind makes about everything that happens, including what you also do. That seriousness makes you live as if your life were a dramatic movie in which the happy moments are very few and, on the contrary, there are constantly painful moments. You are responsible for what you experience and what comes out of you. You have all the power, and for you to be able to exercise it requires learning, in the same way that when you are prepared to speak German, you previously had to study and practice the language. Take advantage of every moment you can to enjoy, create happy moments and have fun.

      Advancement in life shows us that what we are doing is benefiting us and providing some kind of value to ourselves and others, whether in the form of relationships, economically, or health and energy. This advancement is brought to us by movement, life, and when you stagnate what arises are, without a doubt, limiting states.


      Having the ability, above all, to decide to take action and, therefore, move forward overcoming fear nourishes us with the feeling of courage and courage that great people have who, not that they do not feel it, but even when they feel it, they act. understand that you are the only director of the movie that is your life and therefore it is up to you to create scenes based on anger, sadness and frustration or joy, love and strength. Take every moment you live and give it a spark of humor and affection, this will be how, regardless of what is happening, you will have fun and share moments of closeness based on laughter.

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