Low Self-Esteem In Opposition Students

Low Self-Esteem in Opposition Students

Self-esteem usually varies over time, since it is not static, it is subject to changes that are based on experiences, relationships, achievements, among others. When a person has healthy self-esteem, it means that they have a positive attitude towards themselves and are able to accept themselves as they are, with their virtues and imperfections.

But in addition, it influences and is influenced by day-to-day routines. And when something as important as overcoming oppositions or not is what is at stake when putting this routine into practice, it is essential to know how to emotionally manage our vision of the “I”. Therefore, in this article we will see how it is low self-esteem in competitive examination students and what it entails when preparing for these exams.

Understanding low self-esteem in opponents

Self-esteem consists of a person’s perception and evaluation of themselves; It is the subjective assessment of one’s own worth, competence, and value. It influences how a person views themselves, how they deal with life’s obstacles, and how they trust their abilities.

Low self-esteem in opposition students can significantly affect their performance and well-being during the process of studying for exams There are different ways in which low self-esteem can manifest itself; it does not occur in the same way in all people.

Those who have low self-esteem tend to be very critical of themselves. By having this excessive self-criticism, there can be a distorted perception that they will never be good and will not see significant progress in the process. A strategy to work on it would be to encourage the celebration of small goals that are achieved, in addition to recognizing efforts and not being hard on oneself in difficult moments.

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Regarding comparison with others, opponents with low self-esteem use it in a negative way with other candidates, which can lead to feelings of discouragement and demotivation. As a strategy you can avoid unrealistic comparisons, remember that everyone has their own goals and pace.

The fear of failing in the oppositions

On the other hand, this It is usually linked to the fear of failure since opponents fear not meeting expectations, thus generating anxiety and performance will be affected. To change the perception of failure into an opportunity to learn, obstacles must be recognized as part of the process and not all negative results indicate that one is not valid.

Students who have low self-esteem tend to constantly seek perfectionism although they are never satisfied with what they achieve. Changing the focus towards personal growth can reduce that perfectionism that generates some anxiety in addition to accepting that it is normal to make mistakes and learn from them.

In addition to being perfectionists, they seek external validation, that is, their self-esteem may depend on the approval of others in order to feel valued. Cultivating self-acceptance and working on creating a solid foundation of self-confidence is effective for good self-esteem.

Finally, also can be associated with a lack of understanding of strengths, weaknesses and values Reflect on your own skills and knowledge, as well as develop a clearer sense of identity and focus on individual strengths.

Self-esteem training is a process that requires efforts to change those patterns of behavior and thinking that negatively affect the individual. Working on it can be a progressive process and in some cases seeking support from a professional is the most advisable.

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Key components of self-esteem

Self-esteem has several key components that participate in one’s perception of oneself and the way in which the person relates both to the world and to oneself. Some important components:

These components are related to each other and working to strengthen them can be helpful in developing healthy self-esteem.

How is good self-esteem manifested?

Good self-esteem is manifested through behaviors, thoughts and attitudes that show a positive assessment of oneself.

When a person has good self-esteem, they show confidence in their abilities and are confident in facing the difficulties that life presents them. Normally it is accepted in a positive way and is not criticized for mistakes made.

On the other hand, resilience is a clear sign of good self-esteem, since it is the ability to recover from challenges without affecting it to a large extent. Healthy self-esteem allows you to establish healthy limits in relationships with friends, partners and family. They do not feel obligated to continually please others and do not depend on the approval of others to feel valid.

Likewise, when the ability to express one’s needs, thoughts and feelings is clear and respectful, it is a sign of good self-esteem. Also the ability to be empathetic with oneself even in difficult moments is key.

Finally, those who seek personal growth and development show that their self-esteem is good since they are continually trying to learn and improve in their lives. It should be noted that having optimal self-esteem is not synonymous with being perfect, but rather with being realistic and positive with oneself.

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