Magic Pill For Happiness: Serotonin

Magic pill for happiness: serotonin

To begin this article, I would like to introduce an approximation of what I consider happiness to be, understanding it as that physical, mental and emotional state, where hope, motivation, and joy often predominate. Where a state prevails where life feels and looks more beautiful, in which you experience internal gratitude for your present, accompanied by greater openness and mental flexibility in the face of adversity.

What is happiness?

We talk about “happiness”, understanding it as a permanent state, as a way of being and being in the world and not just a momentary “peak” of joy

This way of being and being is not an impossible reality, much less unattainable… it is enough to align, encourage or even incorporate a series of knowledge, which will then allow you to develop certain habits which guarantee you a seat on this train, called happiness.

Now, to begin this journey, it is first necessary to get into the topic, and for that we must describe the famous promoter of this state, who is hidden behind the curtains, since, without her, none of this would be possible: serotonin

This is a neurotransmitter (biomolecule that allows neurotransmission, that is, the transmission of information from one neuron to another neuron, to a muscle cell or to a gland, through the synapse that separates them) which It is synthesized from the transformation of the amino acid tryptophan It is found in plants and animals, intervening in many physiological processes. When its levels increase in the neural circuits, it generates feelings of well-being, relaxation, satisfaction and increases concentration and self-esteem, in a stable and continuous manner.

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We understand, in conclusion, that happiness is secreted, spread through the information transmitted by this biomolecule. In turn, it has its origin in the amino acid “tryptophan”.

And… What is tryptophan?

Tryptophan is an amino acid necessary for normal growth in babies and for the production and maintenance of the body’s proteins, muscles, enzymes, and neurotransmitters. It is an essential amino acid (When proteins are digested or broken down, the result is amino acids). This means that the body cannot produce it, so it must be obtained from food.

If they are obtained in food… What foods contain tryptophan? It is present in proteins of animal origin, therefore, the main sources are eggs and milk, followed by fish, meat, seeds, spinach, oily fish, dark chocolate, banana, legumes, avocado, and whole grains.

And what does serotonin have to do with food?

It is also said that the intestine is the second brain in the body, since it contains more than 100 million neurons. It is known as the Enteric Nervous System, in which everything that enters it will have a direct impact on the brain (physical, mental and emotional regulator) and our mood. In turn, the microbiota (a set of bacteria that live in the intestine) is a fundamental factor since it also produces neurotransmitters related to mood and the improvement of anxiety.

We understand then that this entire microscopic process which takes place inside us requires specific foods which contribute to the production of serotonin (happiness), which, to the extent that a balanced diet integrating these products is ingested, is possible. that the mood improves and balances.

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What would happen if I don’t have access to any of these foods? If I don’t consume them, is there any other alternative to reach the state of “happiness”?

Of course yes, and below, I will tell you about the intelligence of our body, which is so wise that, in addition to knowing how to react to said amino acid, it is also responsible for producing this hormone, through carrying out various activities, with the aim of finding yourself faced with this state in various ways, being that, knowing this, there is no excuse for your inaccessibility to said state.

What are the activities that help the secretion of serotonin?

We conclude that, to the extent that these activities become more frequent, along with the incorporation of said foods and you find yourself in a conscious state that absolutely everything you consume at the food or activity level It will have an impact on your mood Since everything is interrelated, it is possible that you can choose better what you incorporate, even knowing that if at any time you are not in your best state, you can resort to this article so, through the small tips expressed, you can refer and act starting from the following question:

Is this going to make me happier/does this increase my serotonin?

I hope this article has been useful to you! For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.