March 8, International Women’s Day

An international feminist strike is called for next March 8. On this occasion, a 24-hour strike has been proposed in more than 150 countries.

March 8, International Women's Day

Regardless of whether one considers oneself a “feminist” or not, or what each one considers that term defines, what does seem evident is the real inequality of rights and violence that still exist today. in our societies regarding women. Based on this logic, “feminism” is not just a “women’s thing.” For this reason, more and more men are joining the demands of these movements.

One thing is clear: today, March 7, 2018, the precarious situation at the work, social, and economic level in which many women find themselves immersed cannot be denied.

In order not to offend sensitivities by the use of the term feminist What I am going to do in this article, I am going to refer to the definition that the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Language makes of this term: “Principle of equal rights of women and men. Movement that fights for the effective realization of feminism in all areas“. Although perhaps the most correct thing would be to talk about “feminisms“, since currently there are many movements that carry out their struggle under this concept.

We have to go back to the annals of history to verify the precariousness of the resources and rights that have fallen on women. This situation was promoted by the market law, which has conditioned the prototypical Fordist family establishment, in which the woman was in charge of unpaid domestic tasks, and the man was in charge of financially supplying the family home. Thus, women’s unpaid work has constituted the essential basis for the development of capitalism as we know it today. Currently, the patriarchal family is being replaced by other types of family units (such as those represented by single-parent or homosexual families), but it is also necessary to highlight the situation of women, who leave their home and emigrate to other countries to fulfill their duties. care functions in a precariously paid manner.

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It is, therefore, very easy to observe the need for a radical and relevant change at a social and cultural level in the state of precariousness in which women find themselves, not only in developing countries, but also in Westernized ones, and regarding the measures to take into account. It is advisable to reform the laws and the power that protects them, as well as social policies, since they are the cause of the discrimination at a legal, juridical and social level to which many women are subjected. Policies and laws that, at certain times and places on the planet, could end oppression, achieve their total emancipation and the autonomy of women. It is us, women, who work in the informal market, the illegal market, the “b” market, the hidden one… When will there be a real implementation of new social policies in which women begin to play roles, and roles that only men occupy today?

It seems that something is starting to change, with movements like the “Me Too” or the “Time’s Up“. We are on the good way!